Smoke Alarm Update

Written by AHQ

3 September 2016

As you know by now, my family home was destroyed by fire on the long weekend in June. Sorry if I sound like a bit of a crusader but I do not want any other family to go through what my family has.   We had working smoke alarms.  THEY DID NOT GO OFF!

Now in Queensland the kind or smoke alarms we had have been banned!   You can read about it here

If you have not already please consider checking your smoke alarms.  The sort to buy is the PHOTO-ELECTRIC sort. 

Also if your smoke alarms are more than ten years old they are past their use by date REPLACE THEM.

Stay safe people.  


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  1. Maria

    Yes JM very important message, thanks.. We had an electrical check our smoke alarms and all good…

  2. Sue Niven

    Thanks for sharing the info. xxx

  3. kiwikid

    Just got new electrial ones here too.


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