Mystery Quilts… the puzzle solved…..

Written by AHQ

8 September 2016

The Mystery Group list was formed to meet the need to let people who, for one reason or another, can’t make full quilts or Laundry Bags or just want to make the odd block as a break between other projects.  

Jan-Maree and I choose a deployed person from the request list and we decide on the block to be used, often a simple star block,  and then determine the colours and any particular requirements.  For example dogs, surfing, music, princesses, sports teams etc.  Some of the requests have been quite interesting, actually, like this signature block request.

This fellow specifically asked for all quilts blocks to be signed with the maker’s name.   What an easy option for a Mystery Quilt.

The star block seems to be the most popular block we use

If your name is on the Mystery Block List you would then receive an email from me explaining the number of quilt blocks required to complete a top, a link to the block making tutorial and a date that I would need the blocks to be posted to me. This is usually about three weeks ahead.

 You, if you want to be part of this particular one, you would send me an email reply stating how many you would like to make. Once I have promises of the required number of blocks I will send out a blanket email closing off that quilt request.  It goes without saying, I hope, that if life gets in the way and you cannot do your nominated block/s please  just let me know and I would then be able to contact someone else to fill in for us. (I want to try to set up a small group of ladies who will also do quick blocks if someone has to drop out.) This timing means that the schedule of completion times can be met.

I can’t give a timeline, or an indication of how many times I will call for blocks as that rather depends on the volume of requests and also my workload but we do get to do a few.

It really is a great way to get involved.  I love it and I do hope after reading this, you are happy to have your name put on the Mailing List for this group.  Also I hope everyone understands that, for a variety of reasons, thank you’s from the troops are not always forthcoming BUT the ones that do really touch the heart and I will pass on any that I get to see to the ladies who contributed to the quilt.

I hope you like this idea and that I will soon have you on my List.

Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask. 

Just to finish off… here are a few more completed Mystery Quilts….

This is perhaps my favourite called our “Moo, Oink, Neigh” quilt! Loveit!

Til next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Nanna Ray

    What a lovely idea to get involved with. Nanna Ray

  2. Sue SA

    Great idea, right up my ally now that work and other volunteer commitments are preventing me to committing to a whole quilt. Please ad me to the list, Sue A.


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