Sydney Veteran’s Lodge

Written by AHQ

29 July 2017

This morning I took some time to head out to the Sydney Veterans Lodge with some of the members of my RSL Sub-Branch  (pictured) to meet the team.  I may have baked up a few goodies to take with me. 

Headed up by Fred (second from the left), they have been working hard since November last year, putting their time and effort into establishing a facility to assist modern veterans with the struggles of mental health, homelessness and the prevention of suicide. 

Every Saturday about a dozen fellows get together to further their cause by getting their hands dirty and continuing the renovation.

Their work came to my attention when I read an article in a local paper which was shared on Facebook.  Interviewed in the article was one of our recipients and I tracked him down and contacted him to ask more about the project. 

You have to admire how hard they have worked and how much they have done with limited resources. If you are a Sydney-sider you could get behind them and give them a hand.  They have their major fund raiser coming up on the 9th of September – you can check out the details here  and you can find their website here
If you are a tradie, or good with their hands, I am sure they would love to hear from you. At the very least, how about liking and sharing their page in case someone you know can help. 

Till next time…… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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