Block of the Month Quilts 16th May 2018

Written by AHQ

16 May 2018

Thank you to all who contribute blocks using the Block of the Month Tutorial
The Coffs Harbour Sewing Team love making quilts for 
our deployed Aussie Heroes using the blocks.  Every quilt is personalised
to meet the requests of the Recipient.
I hope you can find some of your blocks in the following pictures.

If you would like to make the current Block of the Month, please click here for
the Tutorial and all you’ll need to know to get started.

 Made and quilted by Jennifer W
 Designed by Sandy C 
Top made by Nola B 
Quilted by Lynne V
 Top and quilting by Jennifer W
Design & Artwork by Sandy 
Top made by Lynne V 
Quilted by Mary M
Artwork by Sandy C 
Top by Jo H 
Quilted by Mary M
 Design & artwork by Sandy C
Top by Jennifer W 
Quilted by Mary M
Artwork by Sandy C 
Top & Quilting by Lynne V
Design by Sandy C 
Top by Cheryl D 
Quilted Mary M
Design and artwork by Sandy C 
Top by Marj H 
Quilted by Lynne V.
I hope you enjoyed looking at these great quilts.
The Thank You letters we receive from the Recipients, tell us how 
much they love their quilts and how much it means to them
to receive their gifts from  “total strangers” at home, who are 
honouring them and thinking of them.
Until next time,

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