That is just under three weeks till we can start posting! I am excited – how about you!
This is the latest quilt ready to go and it was made by Maria – this will be her fifth quilt and there are three more on the way!!!
I just love these little trains! Too cute!
I have just ordered some Aussie Hero stickers to put on the boxes when they are sent so that the Chaplains can more easily identify them as coming from us. I would like to get send a few to everyone who is planning on sending a quilt or a laundry bag so that you can put them on your boxes. If you are planning to send something could you please email me with your address and the number of boxes you think you will be sending and I will put some stickers in the mail to you.
Some great news is that my lovely local quilt shop – Country Pickin’s at the Corner – will soon be displaying an Aussie Hero Quilt and will be encouraging people to get involved! This is such a generous store – they have always been supportive of my quilt group and now they are terrific with Aussie Heroes. If you are in Sydney you should check them out – they are the best. They are holding a Quilt Retreat on the last weekend of July. It will be in Katoomba and let me tell you – I went last year (check it out) and I had a blast – anyone want to join me this year? But back to my original point – it is pretty good of them to display and AHQ quilt. I am pretty excited about that.
Till next time……..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Hi Jan-Maree, I should have at least 6 boxes to send in March, looking forward to the stickers.