One of our Friends had a lovely surprise today.  Caroline received a lovely email this morning from a female soldier currently serving in Egypt.  She has received one of Caroline’s quilts and she also mentioned that one other of the contingent of twenty five over there has received one as well.  Apparently they are the envy of everyone (don’t worry – I am making inquiries to see if we can send more!)
If we do get the go ahead to send more this is one of the quilts that might go – this lovely was made by Sue S and it is now in the holding pattern that is the Quilts in Waiting File.  As soon as I get another request for a quilt I will tell Sue where to fire it off to.    I love these patterns with the triangles – I love the lines you get!  
It would be great if you finish a quilt if you could send me a picture to put in the Quilts in Waiting File too.  Why store them till Christmas if we can send them off earlier?
Now, the BOM!  

What does everyone think of it?  Do you like it?  Are the instructions in the tutorial step by step enough for you all?  Let me know if there are any problems or if you need any help.  I am hoping to make some more this weekend.  I have a bunch cut out – mostly red as that just happened to be the scraps I was cutting at the time but any colours are good.

And just before I go – a sneak peak at a project that I have been working on today – this will test you to see if you have been paying attention.  The lettering doesn’t stand out enough yet but once I have stitched around it it will be better.  It is almost camouflaged isn’t it?
Till next time………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!