Weekly Dispatches 8th Feb 2019

Written by AHQ

8 February 2019


Hi to all who are part of the Aussie Hero Family,

Could you all please spare a thought for those Aussie Battlers that are either dried out to a crisp in outback QLD or under water in Townsville or trying to avoid the fires in Tassie and Victoria.
They just do not seem to be able to get a break from the relentless weather conditions. 
To those serving who come from QLD, we hope your families are safe and well.  To the defence personnel who are assisting in Townsville we thank you for your service.  


This year so far we have sent off 116 quilts and that has brought our total since we started and more than 10,251 quilts.
We have also sent off 293 laundry bags,
bringing our total since we started to over 20,441 laundry bags.
Anna C

Anna C

Bev and Geoff C

Bev C

Bev and Geoff C

Bev M

Bev M

Bev M

Bev M








Carol L

Carol L

Carolyn M

Carolyn M

Cath M

Cath M

Cath M

Cath M

Chris E

Chris E

Chris E

Chris E

Christine C


Hilary T

Hilary T

Hilary T

Hilary T

Jenny N

Jo M

Jo M

Jo M

Jo R

Ro R

Jo R

Joan H

Kate K

Kate K

Kate K

Kate K

Kate K

Kate K

Kathy W

Kathy W

Kerry B quilted by Alison

Leanne McD

Leanne McD

Liz J

Lyn K


Melissa L

Melissa L

Michelle S



Rita C

Rita C

Sue B


Wendy V from Clyde Street Quilters
Well you clever ladies and gentlemen, you have done it again.
Another fantastic haul!
I find myself emailing photos of your sewing off to my friends to impress them.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
See you round like a rissole!

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  1. cahirasnana

    What a beautiful collection of Quilts and Laundry Bags.


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