Weekly Dispatches 7 July 17

Written by AHQ

7 July 2017

G’day all!

I don’t know about you but I have had a busy week.  I gave presentations on Aussie Heroes to two different Probus Clubs this week, first to Hornsby Women’s Probus Club and then to the Emu Plains.  Both were very interested in what we do and very appreciative audiences.

Before anything else tonight I would like to share an email that I received late last night from the Ship’s Warrant Officer from HMAS Choules as I think you will all enjoy it and as he asked me to share his thanks with all that sew for us.

Dear Jan-Maree,

I know many of the members of the Ship’s Company of HMAS Chouleshave sent an email of thanks to you and to members of your Team for the wonderful Laundry Bags. I also know our Commanding Officer, CMDR Dave Graham, has thanked you on behalf of the Choules Ship’s Company for the generosity of you and your Team. I would also like to add my thanks to the growing list.

On behalf of the Ship’s Company of HMAS Choules I would like to sincerely thank you and your team for supporting our efforts as part of the Queensland Assist 17. The hand-made Laundry Bags were incredibly well received. The generosity of you and your team at Aussie Hero Quilts has deeply touched our crew and put smiles on many of our faces.
The Laundry Bags were laid out on the tables in the Junior Sailors Café and the Ship’s Company filed through and got to choose the one they wanted. They went like hot cakes, it was great to see the joy on the faces of the Crew as they argued over the Bag they wanted. It’s all good, everyone got one and rest assured they are being put to good use.

So… thank you Jan-Maree for your commitment in supporting us, the members of the ADF wherever we serve. If you could please pass on our thanks to your team for the wonderful work they do, it is truly remarkable. Finally, please accept my personal thanks to you for the fantastic work you are doing for us, it is appreciated.

Thanks again and Regards

What a wonderful way to end another busy week. 
Now it is time for this week’s Show and Tell.  

Well done to everyone, some great quilts and laundry bags heading off. 
So far for 2017 we have sent off 1736 laundry bags 
which brings us to a total of 14793 since we started…


We have also sent 998 quilts 
bringing our total since we started to over 7,639 quilts

Sue O’D

Susan P

Talking Threads 


Tracie S 



Anne H 

Bev U 

BOMs put together by Maree W 

Caroline L  (back and front)

 Chris E 
Clarissa, quilted by Bridget

Debbie N 

Di T 
Elizabeth G 

Heather B 

With thanks to our signature hound, Sandy, for the signature patch 
Jackie J

Jean C 

Jenny S 

Jo H 

Jo H NSW with embroideries by Pennie and Jenny W

Joy C 

Katie L and quilted by Lisa N 

Lisa L  

Louise and the Dolphin Quilters 
Maree J 

Marg W

Melina M 

Melissa L

Mystery Quilt blocks put together and completed by Bridget 

More Mystery Quilt blocks put together by Lynn and quilted by Covers Of Love. 

Pam L


Robbie F 

Robyn W 

Rosemary H 
Ruth S 

Su J 

Sue N 

That is it for this weekend. Till next time… 
Keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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