Weekly Dispatches 2 Sep 16

Written by AHQ

2 September 2016

Hi all.  Another week has flown by and by the looks of it some of you have been really busy.  A bumper crop headed off this week! Well done all.

Enjoy the show.

So far for 2016 we have sent off 2054 laundry bags 

which brings us to a total of  9874 since we started…


We have also sent 921 quilts 

bringing our total since we started to over 6202 quilts.
Alison McL

Alison W

Anne H

Bev F

Bev M

Bev U


Carol W

Cath H

Deb W


Fran T

Geoff B

Heather B

Helen C (F)

Jacqui D

Jan M, quilted by Abbies Long Arm Quilting and bound by Lenore.

Jan T


Janis K


Jen S

Jenny P with an embroidery by Cheri and quilted by Kym

Jo H  (Qld)


Judith C

Kate K

Katie L


Leanne, using BOMs.



Leanne and mostly BOMs!

Leanne L

Leanne W

Lisa S

Lynda A and the MUC Pilgrim Patchworkers

Lynn with Mystery Quilt Blocks and quilted by Covers of love

Lynn quilted by Lorraine

Margaret A

Matt D



Rita C



Sue N

Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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