Weekly Dispatches – 1st Oct 2021

Written by AHQ

1 October 2021

  Happy Friday!!!

No matter what is going on in the world, we just keep on going, bringing joy and a splash of colour (and love) to those who serve us so well. 

These quilts and laundry bags represent so much more than the practical items that they are.

Please enjoy!!!


This year so far we have sent off 998 quilts 

and that has brought our total since we started to 13803

We have also sent off 2548 laundry bags, bringing our total since we started to over 32242 laundry bags.


Anne H

Jo-Anne H – 5 Laundry Bags

Judy D – 6 Laundry Bags

Laura C

Lesley B

Amy K

Amy K

April W

Bev F

Bev F

Cath H

Lorraine H

Lyn C

Noelene W

Toni F
Sally R

Shirley D

Shirley D
Angela T Emb Pam L

Bridget R – badges by Clarissa

Bridget R

Bridget R

Ellen N – 3 Laundry Bags

Jan-Maree B- 7 Laundry Bags

Lyn R

Lyn R

Lyn R

Rose B

Sheryl R – 2 Laundry Bags

Sheryl R

Sheryl R – 2 Laundry Bags
Bridget R

Carolyn M

Deb C – 18 Laundry Bags

Ellen N – 6 Laundry Bags

Ellen N – 6 Laundry Bags

Helen G

Jenny N – 3 Laundry Bags

Jenny N – 8 Laundry Bags

Keryn M

Mae M – 23 Laundry Bags

Quilt by Doreen M, quilted by Alison

Quilt by Trish G, quilted by Alison

Ruth S – 4 Laundry Bags

Sue N

Toni F

⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Well, thats it for another week. 
The wheels just keep on turning and the results are always stunning!!!
Till next week,
Happy Sewing everyone!!

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  1. Joy H

    love the quilts and laundry bag, excited to see the old Singer machine in the photos. All my quilts are sewn on my Singer treadle. love it!!


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