Weekly Dispatches 1 December 2017

Written by AHQ

1 December 2017

Hi All you creative, crafty, people!
Well The silly season is now officially upon us. Shopping madness, parking fury and eating delights as well as time with your families and friends.  There is never a shortage of excuses to party in Australia, but Christmas/ New Year time is universal.
I thank you for all your wonderful sewing through this busy time.  This week, like most, has wonderful bright and innovative designs.
So far for 2017 we have sent off 1627 quilts 
Bringing our total since we started to over 8,270 quilts

3107 laundry bags for the year 

Which brings us to a total of 16,284 since we started…

Anne Ho

 Anne Ho






Bev C

Bev C


Bev C

Bev U


Bev U


Bev U




Bronwyn S applique by Jennifer W


Bronwyn S embroidery by Sandy C


Cath W


Cath W

Cath W


Cath W


Cath W


Cath W

Cath W


Cath W

Cath W


 Cath W

Cath W

Cath W


Cath W


Cath W


Cath W


Cathy H


Cathy J


Chris E


Chris E


FLGOFFR C- Laundry Bag Front












Jenny N


Jenny W


Jenny W


Jenny W


Joy H


Joy H


 Julie Ann

 Julie Ann

Julie Ann







Julz (does anyone recognise the orange and white fabric from the dinner)


Julz (and again the tea towel in the gift bags from the dinner)




Katie L (back)


Katie L (front)
Kaye G

Kaye G

Kaye G

Krazy Kwilters



Lisa N

Melissa L


Robyn H


Robyn H

Robyn Wh





 Ruth S

 Ruth S

 Ruth S

 Ruth S

 Ruth S

 Ruth S

 Ruth S

Sally R

Sue N

Sue N

Sue N

 Sue Pr

Sue Pr

Sue W


 top by Jo H quilted y Mary M

Top by Sandy C and Jo Reynolds and quilted by Lynne V

Wendy F
Enjoy your crazy shopping, fighting for a carpark, struggling with an overfilled shopping trolley, the arrival of Christmas cards and all the wonderful things that come with living is a free country where open speech is valued.  I thank all of those defence personnel, past and present, for their valuable and essential efforts, to help provide us with the wonderful life, we enjoy living in Australia. To those who have made all the creative hand made gifts this week, I am sure the recipients will cherish their little bit of Aussie, when it arrives in some other place in the world that is not a great as here.
Keep safe, have a fabulous weekend
See you round like a rissole

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