Presenting our Jonathon Church Recipient Quilts

Written by AHQ

17 August 2022

On Tuesday the 2nd of August I had the pleasure of presenting the quilts to some of the 23 soldiers and civilians who had taken part in the Australian Army Headstone Rededication and Battlefield Study Tour.  I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this post up on the blog for you.  I have been usually busy and this week my son has been locked in his room with COVID.  Thankfully he has not been too ill and he has not passed it on but I have been doing all the catering etc. Now back to the quilts…. 

All of the recipients were really thrilled with their quilts. Unfortunately the members of the Unrecovered War Casualty Team were not present but one of the members who was present promised to take their quilts to them at work and get some photos of them. 

Here are the photos of most of the ones that were present. Unfortunately a couple of the girls missed being photographed but each and every recipient who received their quilt from me was thrilled and very grateful.

Enjoy these photos. 



Ann S 


Belinda P


Bev C 




Christine C


Deb K 


Fran T 


Jacqui D 


Kate E 


Lyn R 


Lynn F 


Pennie T 


Raeleen W


Wendy B
Hopefully we will receive some photos of the others quilts with their recipients in due course but I can tell you that all the quilts were wonderful and I am sure they were all well received and much appreciated. 
Till next time… keep spreading the word and happy stitching! 
Jan-Maree xx 




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