It is Christmas Eve and I had hoped to get this written earlier but it was not to be. I had an early start to get across to the shops in time to get a car park!! I am sure you all know what it is like. I actually enjoy going shopping on Christmas Eve, the hustle and bustle, the Christmas decorations, the carols. I usually have only a few things last minute things to collect so the shopping is more a pleasure than a pain, and all part of the Christmas experience. I secretly love going shopping on Christmas Eve.
Once home from the shops I baked a batch of ANZACs and another of Ugly Christmas Cookies.. my latest discovery. One of my sons arrived home and then it was time to collect my other son and then drop the cookies off to a friend so that they can be delivered for me tomorrow. Home to make dinner and then whilst I supervised one son making icecream cake for tomorrow’s lunch, I supervised the other making a pavlova for tomorrow’s dinner. Lastly I had to help one of my sons wrap his gifts for tomorrow and now, at last, I am allowed to relax and watch the Christmas Carols on TV… one of my Christmas traditions.
But before I log off for the night I want to write this post.
From my family to yours…. wherever you are, whatever you are doing, I hope that you have a Merry Christmas. We are fortunate to not be affected by the bushfires but as many of you will know, my family is very familiar with what it feels like to lose a house to fire so we will be thinking of all of those affected by the bushfires.. the amazing firies, the ADF members supporting the mission to control the fires, and all of those who have lost their homes or are displaced for their own safety.
Thank you to our wonderful ADF members for your service and to you and your families for the sacrifice that service asks of you.
This is a poem that I wrote a couple of years ago. I hope you enjoy it.
Merry Christmas to all of those who serve
Christmas Day is drawing near
A time of goodwill and abundant cheer.
Kids at home will trim the tree.
They’ll sit for a photo on Santa’s knee.
Grandmas are making their fruit mince pies;
They’re so good, off the plates they will fly.
Mums are doing the pudding this year
And some decorate gingerbread houses I hear.
Dads will hang the lights and stock up on booze;
Might be beer, champagne, whatever you choose.
All over the country plans are underway
To work out the best way to spend the day.
From breakfast to brunch, be it lunch or dinner,
Where ever they gather it will be a winner,
With tables loaded with delicious fare,
When you are seated with those about whom you care.
But this year you’ll not be in Oz for the feast,
Because you’re serving for us in the Middle East,
Or maybe you are wearing the peacekeeper’s cap,
And are serving elsewhere on the vast world map.
You are dressed in cams with the flag on your sleeve.
Only a lucky few have Christmas leave,
But of course, you will make the best of it.
When you come to the festive table to sit,
This year with your military family you’ll be
Instead of at home with round the family tree.
Allow me to take a moment to say from the heart
Whilst from your family and friends you might be far apart,
You are with us in spirit and we’re thinking of you,
With the deepest of gratitude for all that you do.
Merry Christmas to all of those who serve
May there be peace and goodwill as you justly deserve.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Lots of love
Jan-Maree xx