Grati – Tuesday 8 March

Written by AHQ

8 March 2022

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope you are having a good day so far! It is about to get a bit better. Sit back, relax and enjoy the collection of gratitude letters that have been compiled below.

Good evening,

I had the pleasure to present a quilt made by Pennie T to my Commanding Officer on her last day in the office. After 33 years, she will be retiring from full time service and was amazed and grateful for the quilt she received. 

Presented by AHQ Volunteer Ben H


Good Morning Sue. B,
I hope you are well. I am writing to let you know I received the Aussie Hero Quilt yesterday. 
I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to you for the amount of effort and detail you have gone into in creating this quilt for me. The design is amazing and I am super happy with the outcome you have created. The way you have designed each character is amazing and intricate to say the least. The level of detail and craftsmanship is outstanding, with the colour choices both reflective of each character and also being viid and vibrant. 
Thank you for creating such an amazing quilt. I will treasure it for years. It is an amazing piece of art and I am honoured you have created it for me. 
Many thanks and best wishes,

Good Afternoon Pennie.T,


I have been in the services for just over 4 years now, signed up when I was 18 in the Army and recently moved over to the Navy. This is my second deployment but first one at Sea. It has definitely been an interesting experience, but either way I have enjoyed it and meet some great people and been happy to assist were I can. On my first deployment in the Army is when I first heard of AHQ and sadly missed out on the opportunity to get some made for myself. So I jumped at the chance this time round to get something made and I can’t express in an email how grateful I am and how much I love the quilt that I received.


So the story goes, my fiancé loves Baby Yoda and the Mandalorian as do I and her Grandmother. So when I asked for the Mandalorian and nature themes it’s because I got this quilt designed for her. I will hopefully be home soon, I’ve told her that I got a quilt made and she is just so excited to see it. She is a nurse and has been working around the clock doing vaccinations so I’ve heard the hardship that nurses have been through in the last few years.


Just once again, thank you so much for the quilt. I am just absolutely in love with it and I know my partner will be so grateful when she sees it.

Hope you take care and keep well.



Kind regards,



Good morning Karen. C,
I would like to thank you so much for the Laundry Bag which you made. It is beautiful and I love it so much.
These Laundry Bags just make our life a bit more cheerier on board HMAS Adelaide.  
Thank you for all your hard work. You are amazing !!!
One day I would love to be able to sew.  I did purchase a sewing machine, but haven’t had the time to use it yet, so it’s still sitting in the box back home!
Thank you again.
Kind regards,


Good Evening Bev C,


I would like to say a huge thank you for my laundry bag I received recently. It is absolutely beautiful and I will treasury it forever. It is amazing work that Aussie Hero Quilts do and I have had the pleasure of seeing many of the ships company open up there parcels as they receive them and I can tell you they are really touched and amazed at the work that goes into the bags.


Thank you again


G’day all,


My wife and I [especially] will be forever grateful of the generosity and superb quilting craft used by Lynn F, Philomena and Arthur who are volunteers with AHQ & LB.


Hope you like the display.


Kind regards to all



Good Evening Ruth.S,
I LOVE the  Mario laundry bag that you made for me. It combines all the Mario characters, it is an amazing gift that I feel that I do not want to put in the washing machine.
Also I am proud of joining the navy and serving Australia, because of lovely Aussie people. 
Currently, I work on HMAS Toowoomba as an electrical technician. I hope for world peace and no war. With everything that is going on around the world, nothing can make me happy these days. However because of your parcel, the moment I opened it, it was so warm and happy that I saw the bright side of this world and encouraged me to stay in the navy and willing to contribute more if I was summoned.
I am very appreciative of this special gift. 
Wish you all the best and stay safe💝💝.


 Hi Pennie.T,


Thank you so much for the quilt you made.  I received this last week. I was particularly drawn to the flora and the cassowary pictures on it and it did bring back memories of my time in PNG.  I was actually born there, my father met mum who was Fijian when he undertook some studies over in Suva back in the late 1960’s. Dad went on to study Dentistry at Sydney University, and to become one of the first dentists in PNG pre independence.

I grew up in PNG and Australia and spent the last 20 years back here in QLD with my wife and two kids. I often travel back to PNG for work and family reasons so get to enjoy the best of both worlds. 

I was heavily involved with COVID here in Australia. I was the lead planner for the ADF supporting efforts here in Queensland for 18 months and only left to attend a course.  I lost someone to COVID back in PNG in November so it was fitting when army asked if I would consider the opportunity to lead an ADF health team in its efforts to fight COVID through the PNG Defence Force. This was such a fulfilling and rewarding role and I got to spend time with family.

Thank you again for your quilt and for the support that you and many others provide to deployed service personnel.  It does bring a smile to our faces knowing that there are supporters that still have us in their thoughts when we are abroad. 

Kind and best regards,


Hi Ruth.S,


Good morning.

It is with much pleasure and delight that I receive the very beautiful LB that you have so kindly made for me. Thank you!

I love it. The attention to detail, and inclusion of all the things I’m passionate about in life, is genuinely wonderful. Extra appreciation goes to the fact you still managed to include the Swans back despite being a Power supporter!

I very much look forward to using it on my next deployment. Thank you once again for your time and efforts in creating this beautiful LB, and the lovely note!


Kindest regards,


I think we can all agree that the above letters represent some very happy recipients!!


Till next week, 

Take Care!! 



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