Grati -Tuesday 8 June 2021

Written by AHQ

8 June 2021

                                                                          Hey friends!

How are you travelling this week? What’s been the highlight (or lowlight) that you can share? For me, I have a very short week as I have taken an extra day off before the long weekend in Sydney (and Melbourne) this coming weekend. So looking forward to a break from work, technology and all things thinking LOL!

The only problem with short working weeks are, no one ever seems to tell the workload that it needs to be reduced by 20% and alas, a busy week it shall be. I will need the break by the time it gets here.

Enough complaining 😉 I hope you’re week is filled with many highlights, starting with these beautiful notes and images shared from near and far. 

Enjoy Alex x


Good Afternoon Ladies,

Today I received your quilt and laundry bag and wanted to express my deepest thank you for these beautiful items. Rita asked a couple of questions about my service so I thought I would give you the short version. 

I am a Warrant Officer in the Royal Australian Signal Corps, my actual job is a Radio Operator although it’s more like a computer operator than radio these days. I have been in the Army for 30 years.

My family, wife, daughter, son and I have lived in most states and territories around Australia during those years. I don’t know why I chose the Army over Air Force or Navy, maybe it was the Army recruiting advertisements at the time. I, like most people, did not have any family links with the Army before joining but have enjoyed the challenges and honour of serving my country.

I am very appreciative of the effort you have gone to, to make my quilt and laundry bag. They are exactly what I wanted. I asked for the quilt and laundry bag, as this will most likely be my last deployment and I have always admired a quilt that is hanging in Bean (the Coffee Shop in the Middle East). I was also after a memento for this trip that acknowledges my family who have sacrificed a lot for me to do my job. The reason for the them was so that it is not just about me but some of the things they have given up whilst I was away as well as the things we like to do as a family. It also reminds me of my mother who loved knitting and quilting. 

They will be well used at home and on our sailing boat. Once again, thank you very much for your support. It is greatly appreciated.



Dear Lesley,

Please accept my sincere thanks for the absolutely amazing quilt you designed and created for me.

When it arrived I was quite overwhelmed by it’s colour and beauty. It was much more stunning than I could ever have anticipated.

I showed our ADF team and they were all similarly impressed. The same can be said for my family and friends who have seen it.

I love the colours, animals, silhouettes and the incredible details. It’s perfect!

Thank you for your kind words in the gorgeous card you made. It was so nice to read and feel appreciated for our service. AHQ is a fantastic talented and generous team and I thank you for supporting serving members.

Thank you


From the Facebook Page and shout out to Jenny for this one:

‘My son who is currently on deployment on HMAS Sydney V just received this amazing quilt. Thank you so much to everyone who make these for our servicemen and women.


Dear Bridget,

By way of introduction, earlier this week, I received a lovely and very special gift in the mail – a quilt handcrafted by you! Firstly, let me say how impressed I was at the design and expertise in putting it together. You  really hit the ‘design brief’. 

It’s such a wonderful gift and I will treasure it – it will serve as a great memento for the time I spend in Africa as part of the United Nations Mission here.

I have been here for six months and work in the Mission’s Aviation Safety. We are responsible for overseeing the safety of UN aircraft which are contracted from companies across Europe, Middle East and Africa. It’s such a diverse environment here. My office is comprised of Military Officers and civilians hailing from all over. I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to mix with people from all over the world and learn about their customs and traditions, but most importantly, I’ve really enjoyed being able to contribute to the Mission as it attempts to restore peace in a conflict affected part of the world. 

It is very beautiful here – I could easily sit on the banks of the Nile and watch the river flow all day.

I had no idea that Aussie Hero Quilts was founded by an ex-Air Force Traffic Controller! That’s what I do back home! I am currently based in Western Australia. I am hoping to be posted there next year. You may have guessed that I like cats (hence the request for the African Cats)! Fortunately, there’s quite a few friendly ones within our camp over here to keep me company.

This gift and sentiment is very much appreciated. 

Kind Regards and thanks again.


Hello Deni,

Thank you for the quilt, it’s wonderful and I’m in awe of your work into making this quilt! I will treasure it, and I plan to hang it on the wall at my home when I return to Australia.

About my European background, from the stories I’ve heard and the research that was done by my uncle. During World War II the family, had to evacuate and were displaced for a specific period of time. My father and the siblings, he had at that time had to live elsewhere. After the war and the stability restored, they were gathered and settled.

 My father, came to Australia for work in 1967. At some point in his travels, he decided to settle in Northern Territory in the mid 1980’s. My father was the only one from his siblings, three brothers and a sister, to travel and live outside of Europe. 

I’ve been to the homeland a few times. The first time was with my parents and sister. I was four years old, and my sister was a few months old. She got baptised there. Every few years, my father would try to have us travel there to visit his family.

Most of my childhood days in the travel home was to see the relatives. I never travelled during the winter with my father, so I’ve never have experienced the joy of skiing. There was one time my father, three cousins and I travelled North. From memory we visited Santa Clause Village – saw Santa but I was too shy to say hello to him but was in awe to see him speaking Japanese to some Japanese tourists.

The last time I’ve been to Europe was in 2008. I lived there for a year doing National Service. It was an exciting experience because I don’t know how to speak and understand another language, and I was doing military stuff! It was all hear a command and copy everyone’s actions in the first few months. After a while, I learnt the basics of military commands, but still not fully understand the language.

It was in that year I was able to experience the culture and lifestyle fully. Every Thursday lunch is Pea soup with pancakes and strawberry jam. The large consumption of coffee, of any occasion. Being in the sauna, rushing out into icy cold waters of a lake, or standing outside in the snow, madly run back inside the sauna. Unfortunately, the winter season wasn’t the normal, I wasn’t able to experience skiing (yet again), but I got introduced to ‘sauvakävel’ – Nordic Walking. With two rods in each hand, I learned the techniques and hiked around the beautiful forests.

Again Deni, thank you for the wonderful quilt and letter you’ve sent. It allowed me to remember my time in Europe, and reminisce it as I wrote this letter.



Good Morning Ellen,

I have received the quilt you made me and I love it! I didn’t know what I wanted or expected but you really did please me!

Thank you for the work you do for the ADF, I know all my colleagues love getting their quilt and showing it off.



Good Morning Lynn and Wendy,

I hope this email finds you both well.

After a four week delay of no mail, my beautiful quilt arrived! I cannot thank you both enough and will admit, I shed a tear when I opened it. It is absolutely beautiful!

I am a Logistics Officer in the Royal Australian Navy. I am embedded with another Nations’ Task Force here and have been since the beginning of the year. I have been in the Navy for almost 12 years and continue to love what I do. This is my second deployment to the Middle East in 3 years. When I am not here, I am based in Western Australia.

I have been fortunate to get to know JM over the past few years. The work that her team of sewers does continues to amaze me! The details that go into every one of your quilts is amazing. For me, your quilt arrived at a perfect time. Feeling homesick and the colours and amazing silhouette of my little guy just fills my heart.

He’s a French Bulldog, who I got almost 2 years ago. I will be home hopefully just in time for his second birthday. He definitely keeps my partner busy while I am away! When I can facetime home, he will look at the camera and tilt his head as we have a chat, gorgeous but also funny! The Kookaburra is an ode to my Grandmother who passed away in 2014. She ran a farm for over 55 years on her own where I grew up in South Australia. It will always have a special place in my heart and now that I have it on a quilt, it will remind me each time I snuggle down under it.

Honestly, words don’t do justice to the level of thanks I have for you both. You have brightened my day and given me a slice of home while I am over here. A truly special gift I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Thank you to you both once again. 

Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.



I managed to misplace my laundry bag I purchased while on OP Bushire Assist and have only now had the need to use your fantastic laundry bag. I managed to secure one made with indigenous print, quite appropriate given it is Reconciliation Week!

I was surprised to find your letter in the bottom of the bag, what a great sentiment and a very good cause you have chosen to support. I felt like I should write this brief thank you in return and trust the other ADF members who sought out a bag have done likewise.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated, thank you.



Lynn and Wendy,

Once again, you have blessed us and all who will come to the RAAF Richmond Chaplaincy Centre with the beautiful quilt.

It will be hanging in pride of place for all to see as they first enter the centre.

Lynn, you my friend, are phenomenal. As you mentioned in your letter, the quilt that you did for me whilst on deployment in 2015 hangs in my office.

Many thanks and blessings to you and your families!


And on that bright note, until next week friends!

Happy Sewing and keep sharing the word with a like, comment or share if you can.

Stay safe, well and happy

Alex x

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  1. Cathy Harper

    Just beautiful letters and such creative quilts which make the read even better. Thanks for sharing. Well done everyone


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