Grati -Tuesday 5th July 2021

Written by AHQ

6 July 2021

                                                                         Hey friends!

WOWSER! It has taken a turn for super COLD and icy in Sydney today, I think it was only 2 degrees when I got up to start the working day. I really feel for those around the rest of the country if we are already feeling this cold! Hope it is nice and sunny wherever you are reading from.

This week has been particularly busy for me, we have some big changes at work, new financial year and still working through some vacancies in my team so I am really already looking forward to the weekend.. I may turn on the do not disturb function on my phone and sleep the time away LOL… Perhaps not but the idea alone is relaxing! 

Enough from me, hope you enjoy the read!


Aussie Hero Quilts,

I just wanted to say a massive thank you for my quilt. It’s amazing and brightens up my room and day whenever I look at it. You are all amazing and everyone here appreciates what you do for us so much!

From the bottom of my heart to the top, thank you


G’day Ruth,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for my laundry bag. That’s been the highlight of my deployment so far receiving that.

Thank you very much, I love the design and all the doggos!

Thank you again!


G’day Toni,

I just want to say thank you for my laundry bag. It looks amazing. I’ve never gotten anything like it.

I hope you are doing well and the rest of your year is full of fantastic things.




I have recently received the beautiful laundry bag that you made for me. Receiving it was the highlight of my week. Your design is awesome and I love it. The dot painting artwork on the front is amazing and was a real surprise.

Thank you so much for dedicating your time and talent into making such a wonderful item that I shall cherish for many years to come.

You and all the volunteers at Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags are making a real difference and provide a huge boost to morale for members deployed across the world.

Thank you and take care.


From the Facebook Page:

Got my quilt and laundry bag, from Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags, yesterday. Very happy with the finished product.



I am writing to you as a recent recipient of one of your laundry bags. I would like to extend my deep gratitude to you, not only for the bag itself but to your commitment to helping improve the lives of others. 

I am a Naval Officer currently working in the COVID Assist task force. So although, I won’t be heading overseas. I am still thankful for your gift.

Please take care in what have been reasonably tough times for many.

Have a great long weekend.


Good Afternoon Marilyn,

I was lucky enough to receive your washing back last week when we came alongside in North America. Thank you so much for your beautiful work. It looks outstanding and having a personalised washing bag means that I don’t get lost in the many generic ones in the laundry. It makes a huge difference and puts a smile on my face whenever I do my washing. 

We are currently sailing around the icy waters of North America doing exercises with the Americans and have been gone for quite a while now. I have done a few trips in a row and will not have been back to Australia for around a year when we finally come back home later this year. Having letters from home really does make a difference and I know from talking to the crew each day that having something made for them is a huge morale boost.

Morale is tough to maintain on a deployment such as this, but as long as it has been as well as all of the COVID restrictions that have been enforced on everyone. The crew would normally be able to get off in different ports but currently confined exclusively to the ship. We are all really looking forward to coming back through the heads and seeing home.

My partner lives in Victoria and she regularly goes out to the ranges hiking. It is a beautiful place. I can’t wait for the COVID restrictions to end so that I can actually go and visit her and we can get out that way together. It will have been two years since I was able to see her by the time I get back to Australia.

My family are from Western Australia. It is a beautiful part of the world there too but a little harder to get to than Victoria. I moved to Queensland when I was old enough for high school and spent all my time there from going to University. For the last year I have been away at sea, having gone up to Asia, the South Pacific over Christmas before I joined HMAS Sydney. Getting to be this ship’s doctor has been an amazing experience but COVID has done everything to make it complicated for me.

I have been in the Navy for around 9 years now. I joined up when I finished university and was still quite young. The Navy supported me to go through medical school after that and I have been in ever since. Once I get out I expect that I will go and work for the Royal Flying Doctors Service and try and see as much of Australia as I can before settling down. I have been the doctor for a few ships now – HMAS Maitland, Arunta, Adelaide and Sydney, with possibly Parramatta or Brisbane later on this year if they need me.

Thank you again for your lovely handiwork. I will keep it with me for all my upcoming deployments. You really are very gracious to have gone to so much effort for us.

Kind Regards.


Good Afternoon Belinda,

Yesterday I received my wonderful quilt and laundry bag and now that I have 5 minutes to enjoy some needed A/C, I thought I should take a second and thank you.

Firstly, they look absolutely gorgeous and it was so well done so thank you.

This is my first trip abroad and there has been plenty of ups and downs that’s for sure. Yesterday marks just over half way since I left Australia and my time returning to home. The quilt is just one little thing that reminds me of home and why I am here in the first place and I have you to thank you for that.

Along with the letter it made my day and put a smile on my face that’s for sure, so again, thank you for the effort you went to in making these for me. I hope you and your family have you had a wonderful day and you have my gratitude.

Kindest Regards.


Hello Clarissa,

I received my package this week and I absolutely loved the laundry bag and little goodies – Thank you so much! The colours and patterns were amazing. It makes me smile and think of home every time I do my washing now, so thank you. I think what you and the team do at Aussie Hero Quilts is absolutely incredible and you really do have a positive impact on everyone that is deployed.

I loved your letter also. Thank you for sharing so much with me. A little about me –  I am a Logistics Officer in the Air Force and have served for 6 and a half years and counting. This is my first deployment to the Middle East and I am very hopeful to return home by Christmas. I am 24 and enjoy cooking, hiking, card games, live music and am a very passionate plant mum. I have left my partner (who is in the Air Force) and his three beautiful daughters at home in Queensland am missing them all greatly.

I also enjoy sewing at home – I must admit it has been a couple of years since I have sewn but you have inspired me to pull out my old machine and start sewing again when I return home. My partner and I are in the process of building our first home together, so I have now set the goal of making my own cushions for the new house during my post deployment leave.

Again, thank you so much for the package. I am very proud to be deployed and representing Australia.

Kind Regards.


 Weren’t they gorgeous notes and photos! Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did…

Enjoy the rest of your week, and don’t forget to like, comment and share away.


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