Grati-Tuesday 5 April

Written by AHQ

5 April 2016

Last year we donated a quilt, made by Lynn and quilted by Cath M, to a group in Darwin who were holding an on-line auction to raise money.   The funds were to help the family of a serving member who was going through the worst of times. We rarely donate quilts for this type of cause but if we have the resources we do what we can.  It just so happens that a female soldier who had been cheering us on for sometime, but who was unlikely to deploy at the time, made a concerted effort to win the auction and she was successful.  I remember receiving a very happy message from her telling me that she had won it. 

Well at the end of February, I got another message from her.  This time she told me that her quilt was packed and they were off on an adventure!!  

She and her quilt were part of the team that deployed on HMAS Canberra to go to Fiji and help with the humanitarian aid.  She is home now, having had a very successful and satisfying deployment, and having made her little space while she was away just that much more homey with the comfort of her Aussie Hero Quilt. 


Dear Jan-Maree and the team from Aussie Hero Quilts,

I just wanted to express my most sincere gratitude for the beautiful quilt that you sent me here in Afghanistan ([picture is attached).  I have thanked my lovely friend XXX (who requested it) also.   The photograph shows my new quilt sitting on top of the doona cover that I brought over here with me – and I think this shows just how perfectly the quilt suits my taste (in terms of both colours and my love of florals … with bonus greyhounds too!).   

The truly amazing thing is the way that the small purple flowers on the laundry bag (I would never use it as a laundry bag – it’s too beautiful!) matches the small purple flowers of my favorite pillow case (my pillow is sitting on top of the laundry bag) – just amazing!  Honestly – the quilt could not be more perfect – I seriously LOVE it!  I am using the laundry bag as an additional pillow cover – much nicer use than for storing laundry!

I also appreciated the personal touch of the note enclosed with the quilt and hearing about your quest to make our lives a little brighter while on deployment. What a beautiful story and what a beautiful person you (and the other quilters) are. Please thank Lisa N for her wonderful work on my quilt too. 

With kind regards and heartfelt thanks,


Hi there Fran,
I just received one of your laundry bags. I just wanted to let you know that I think what you are doing is great and that I really appreciate the time and effort that u put into it. It was a great morale boost for everyone today when we got them. I’m glad there are people like you out there.
Thank you very much

Hey Fran

Thank you so much for the wash bag I love the ninja turtles and I actually needed a new one as I was using an old woolies bag haha and there will be no chance of anyone taking it haha 

That is actually a coincidence because iIhave a twin brother who is in the airforce
Thank you so much for this it was a moral boost we needed I will use this for as long as the stitching holds 🙂 
Hope you enjoyed your easter and have a good week

Thank you again 

I’m currently serving a 3 month deployment to Malaysia as RCB 113 im from Melbourne and I would like to thank you for the laundry bag as I received one today.   By the way it has booze on it, how did you know I like booze. hahaha, but seriously thanks from the bottom of my heart its just great to receive something from home, thanks for the support

All the best and thanks again

hello Jacqui,

Yesterday I received a great laundry bag!  I am very grateful for the gift and you have done a great job of sewing it together.
I’m glad you got the opportunity to use the fabric your friend got you a couple years back, must send my thanks to them also.

Oh yeah and before I forget the caramello koala was very delicious thank you very much!

Thank you once again, 

hope you stay well and safe,

Hello Kaye,

You sent me a very lovely bag. It took a while to get to me here in the Middle East (I think it went the scenic way…!), but I did receive it last week.

I’m sorry that it has taken me a while to get to you, but I have been on the road the last week.

I must say that I am incredibly grateful and very humbled by your wonderful gift. It is a very thoughtful gesture for you to make such a beautiful bag and send it over to me. We very much appreciate the support that Australians like you give to us while we are away from home.

I also appreciate the newspaper and other reading materials, the lollies and your lovely postcard of Portland. I used to live in Vitoria – but mostly in Melbourne (Laverton) and also in Puckapunyal (Seymour). I will have to visit Portland when I get home, as I do love the beach and the ocean. The Middle East is starting to heat up as we approach their summer time and I think a bit of time on the coast when I get home would be a welcome relief – even if it will be winter by the time I get there!

Again, thank you so much for the beautiful bag. I am truly humbled by your very generous gift.

Dear Mae,

My beautiful quilt arrived yesterday, and I am writing to express my sincere thanks.
The colours and patterns are marvelous! I am really thrilled with the quilt, especially that you have quilted it by hand!  I spend long hours at work, so I have left it in my office where I get the most enjoyment out of it, and many colleagues have stopped in to admire it.                                                                                                                       
I should also thank you for popping in the hand cream, lip balm etc.  Absolutely spot!   Once again, thank you.
These quilts are received with great delight – both men and women proudly show them off.

Kind regards,

Hi Debbie,

By the time you get this parcel, I will hopefully be back home in Australia after a 6 month deployment in Afghanistan.

A little about me – I am Chief Petty Officer in the Royal Australian Navy so I am really like a ‘duck out of water’ here in a land-locked country.  I have been in the Navy for 21 years, coming up to 22 years in February.  I have served on many ships and bases around Australia and on overseas deployments, however this is my first Operational Deployment.

Once again, I cannot express my gratitude enough for what you do for Aussie Hero Quilts.  You often hear stories about what was done ‘on the home front’ during WWI and WWII, however, you don’t hear as many of those stories in the modern world.
What you do for us Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen makes a difference to our deployments.  You are not only helping us, but making a contribution to your country and you can never underestimate that.

Thank you once again,


Dear Denise 

I have received your package and would like to thank you, the quilt is excellent. 
This is my first deployment I am over here for 6 months. I am 25 years old and grew up in Brisbane, I joined the Australian Defence Force straight out of school and haven’t looked back. 
I would like to thank you for supporting Australian troops and wish you and your family all the best. I love the quilt and it’ll be great for our children.   
Kind regards 


Good Morning Kaylee, 

                        I hope I got the time right, it is morning where I am. I would to thank you for the wonderful quilt and Bag you made for me, I could not have asked for something any better than what you have done, i was so impressed with it that photos of it went out to my entire family. I was however surprised that I didn’t receive something on the quilt referencing the Maroons, especially after ready your card. I looked over the quilt for it, I would have been just as happy if you did, and I would have understood, me being a devout Blues fan. 

It is very heart warming to receive a parcel when you are away, I know how busy people are back home and it’s not all about us, but to have a complete stranger make a quilt to the quality that you did is very awe inspiring to me, and also very inspirational too, to know that there are people back home that do support us besides our family and friends . 

Again Kaylee, i thank you very much for the quilt, you and the rest of the team at Aussie Hero Quilts are doing a fantastic job and it is very appreciated. 

Thank you and go the Blues. 


Dear Janelle and Craig,

I wanted to say a huge thankyou for the quilt and laundry bag you made for my husband.  I am sure he has already thanked you but I wanted to write you an email as well.

The week or even the day that he received your package was the best timing he has been away from home for months and has been just flat out working; his routine is work, eat, sleep and ring home and that week was just particularly hard for him.  He had already missed Christmas months ago, his birthday and that he was just about to miss our eldest daughters 13th birthday.  Ok she isn’t really going to miss out on the hype and family love as we have quite a lot of children 🙂  but he made a call that morning and didn’t sound to happy but he made an extra call to be really excited that he had receive a gorgeous quilt and a laundry bag which even had his initials on it – thankyou.

I have a quilt that lives on our lounge it has been through many babies and lots of love and wear and tear.  Now it even has a lot of holes in it.  I look forward in a few months when he brings the quilt home as it will sit in pride of place replacing the old quilt and we can always look at it and know we survived the long haul of him being away  for so long. 

I hope you have a wonderful week

God Bless

Dear Joan and Robin,

I am the Operations Officers for Rifle Company Butterworth rotation 113 (RCB 113) in Malaysia. RCB 113 is comprised mostly of soldiers from the 1st Regiment Royal Australian Artillery and supporting units based out of 7 Brigade at Enoggera Barracks in Brisbane. We are currently on a three month exercise conducting jungle training.

The soldiers were pleased to receive your laundry bags. The bags were exceptional and the crafting of them must have taken you a long time. The soldiers of RCB wanted to pass on their thanks and appreciation for your gift. We appreciate your support immensely. It reassures the soldiers that their service to the nation does not go unnoticed, even if we are only training. The soldiers will get good use out of your laundry bags, especially since we have just returned from three weeks out in the field training. I believe they were on their last pair of clean socks by the time we got back to base. Especially, with the heat index being on average of around 40 degrees during training. We are looking forward to our return soon in May.

From the soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and officers of RCB 113 we thank you for your support.


Hi Jan-Maree, 

I have just got back from leave and my quilt has arrived. It is absolutely fantastic and very much appreciated. It is already on my bed and adds a little bit of colour to my room. I think I will spend many an evening under it when I am lying on my couch watching the Tigers get beaten by just about everybody! 
Can you please pass on my deepest and sincerest thanks to Deb D in taking the time to make such a wonderful quilt. I really appreciate the time she took to make it and I am extremely grateful that she did. I would let her know myself I couldn’t seen an email address on the card that came with the quilt. 
Warmest Regards, 


To Jan-Maree and the lovely ladies at Aussie Hero Quilts, I can’t thank you enough for my truly amazing quilt – it’s absolutely beautiful – I love all the personal touches including your suggestion of adding all the campaigns my family has served in. And the tudor rose and reference to ‘acorn’ was perfect! I may have done a lap of the little camp here showing my quilt to every multinational I bumped into. There are just two of us Australians here (soon to be three) (and two kiwis) so it’s amazing gestures like this that really make the difference and remind us of home when we are in the most isolated deployed location for the ADF.


These photos were sent to us last year but I was asked not to publish them till the recipient had arrived home. Of course, by that time I had forgotten the pictures but he was one of the fellows who came to meet us at Glenbrook last Friday and so that reminded me. 

Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


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