Hi all.
Some awesome photos and messages for you to enjoy tonight but first a little news. Aussie Heroes is now on Instagram. Actually we have been for a while but I am so hopeless that I had to have another lesson no how to use it from Caroline (Deputy Nut) on Sunday at the Sewing Day. I think I have it sorted now and just have to remember to use it. If you are making something for Aussie Heroes and want to share it just add the hash tag #aussieheroquilts
Today I received a really precious photo to share with you all from Nerissa of Nerissa Holloway Photography She wrote
I just wanted to share this image with you, featuring one of your quilts! This quilt was made and sent to this little man’s dad while he was serving in Afghanistan. The parents asked if I could incorporate into their little boys session.
The parents and I thought it might be nice for the person who made it to see it. Feel free to share.
Kind Regards,
Nerissa Holloway”
NOTE- Nerissa is from an Army family too!
Now with over 3000 quilts I have no idea who made this one and it could even be that this is the backing. If you think it is yours please contact me so we can sort it out. That aside though, what an absolutely thoughtful thing for these parents to do. Thank you so much. I love the photos and love to know that our quilt is so appreciated and so will all the other Aussie Hero Friends, whether this is their quilt or not.
I am also grateful to the lovely CPO A who first sent me the details of his colleagues so that we could arrange quilts for them and then has been busily collecting photos of them with their quilts to send me! I really appreciate it and so do the quilters whose work is featured here. Thank you very much, your efforts really appreciated!
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Barbara F |
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Bev |
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Jill |
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Top by Kitty, applique and quilting by Robin |
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Top by Lynn, applique and quilting by Robyn |
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Top by Lynn, applique and quilting by Robyn |
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Robin |
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Jenny F (front) |
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Jenny F (Back) |
Thanks for the photos folks. We really appreciate them!
Hi Robyn,
I am so dreadfully sorry it has taken me a month to write you! I received the quilt you made me in July, and I LOVE it!! You are so talented and selfless with what you do for us!! It is hanging on my wall in my room to brighten the place up some. This quilt will be a part of my family for years to come 🙂 thank you so very much Robyn.
Fondest Regards,
Dear Robin,
Thank you very much for the wonderful quilt I received today. The amazing work that went into the quilt made my day and I feel blessed to know the kindness of people like you. The accompaning letter was a very sweet touch and I thank you for the effort. Your handwriting was very easy to read and very nice pen work. You don’t see personal letters anymore and that’s what makes it all the more special to receive.
Please know we are all thinking of you back home and truly admire the work you all do at Aussie Hero Quilts.
You are our heroes!
Best wishes and good health to you
Hi Jan,
Just checking in to let you know that my Aussie Hero Quilt arrived safe and sound. I would just like to express my gratitude to you and your team for taking the time out of your lives to make something that means so much to the guys over here. And of course, I can’t thank you enough for the extra gifts that come along with the quilt. They were definitely a welcome surprise.
If you could possibly pass my thanks on to Tracie who made my quilt it would be very much appreciated.
Lastly, thanks once again for the wonderful job all of you guys are doing back home.
Dear Julie Ann
Thank you very much for the kind letter and washing bag.
I was pleasantly surprised to find a package for me and even more surprised to see that it was a Ford bag.
I am a huge ford fan and love any kind of motor sport so you can imagine how good it was to receive it.
This is my fourth operational deployment. This trip has been a bit slower and quieter than my last but it is still good to be doing the job.
I’ve been in the army for nearly 10 years and I’m now in a position to command 8 guys, which is good.
I’ve got a great girlfriend. She is fully supportive but she is finding it harder and harder to cope whilst I am away. I’m coming to the end of my tour and I’m very much looking forward to going home.
Once again, thank you very much for the kind letter and present. It is great to know that there are still people back home who care about us.
Thank you.
Dear Stephanie and Judy
I am writing to thank you for the very nice quilt you sent recently. It makes a big difference to have a ‘unique’ item such as this when you walk into your accommodation space. I particularly like the outdoors theme the quilt has, which is well suited to the type of activities I enjoy in my spare time. It is also great to have an idem that is different to what others have. Your generosity is much appreciated and speaking to others who are deployed here, your quilts are very popular indeed.
Dear Debbie
My name is XXXXX and I am 20 years of age. I am the third child of four in the family, you made me the quilt with the Dirt Bike and Country Theme. I REALLY love it, it made my day.
Hi Julie-Ann,
I just want to thank you for the wonderful laundry bag you made for me. It was a pleasant surprise and I absolutely love it! It will be put to good use, that’s for sure.
I would like to say, it’s wonderful what you do for all of us over here. Being away from family and friends for an extended period is never easy but knowing that your efforts are appreciated fills me with pride and makes the time go just a little bit quicker.
Again, thank you for your wonderful gift. It will be treasured dearly and my family and I will never forget where it came from.
Kind Regards,
I have just received the quilt that you have made. The colours are amazing and I absolutely love the quilt. It definitely brightens up my own little space. Thank you for your kindness in sending
it to me.
Many thanks
Hi Jan-Maree,
Yes, I have received it. I absolutely love it. Thank you and the quilter so much – it certainly brightens up my room. I believe our OPSWO is putting together all our photos and will send them on.
I do want to say how much we all love and appreciate the quilts and laundry bags we receive. It puts a smile on everyone’s face. You and everyone involved do a fantastic job. My mother isn’t able to anymore, but she was a quilter so I completely understand the time, effort and money that goes into making the quilts.
I received one of your quilts in the mail today. I am currently on deployment and am very busy but seeing as you take time time out of your lives to make nice things for us, the least I could do was write back to you.
It is a very nice and selfless thing that you do and I thank you very much for doing so. The quilts are great and I’m sure will keep us warm when it gets colder. I know my girlfriend will continue to use this when I return home as she always warps herself up on the lounge of a night!
Thank you for all your support back home and for the gifts you send! It is much appreciated:)
Take care
This gorgeous message was posted on Facebook but I wanted my non-Facebookers to enjoy it to.
Gday girls, ladies, HERO’s!. The work that you guys do is commendable to say the least. I have been out in this sunny place for a while now, and your gesture has put a smile on my face, as well as other when i walk past on the way to the laundrette with a big PEG BAG on my shoulders( very macho!!). Thank you ever so much, you guys are the hero’s and your efforts are appreciated. Kindest REgards. Steve x a little kiss. Ha ha, my wife will kill me.
That is all for now.
Till next time…………………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching! JMxx
That is one gorgeous little baby…
Lovely post. A great read and wonderful pictures.