Grati-Tuesday 4th October 2022

Written by AHQ

4 October 2022

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week and start to October.  
Been loving all these public holidays. For us in NSW we have pretty much had two long weekends in a row.  More sewing time!!! With all the bad weather we keep having, I don’t even feel guilty for spending hours at my machine. LOL
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the 
following gratitude letters and photos. 

Hi Beverley F,

I just wanted to send you a massive thank you for the amazing Quilt & Laundry Bag which I recently received in the mail. It’s truly awesome and I appreciate the detail and effort in both designing and making these, I’m just lost for words.
Please find attached a photo of both the Quilt & Laundry Bag placed on my bed (in my room).
I’m currently on a six month deployment and due to return home in late January 2023.
Here’s a bit about myself and my family. I have served in the RAAF for over 22 years and have loved every moment. This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my wife and daughter. We enjoy going and watching live most sports, such as Tennis, Rugby League, Cricket, Swimming, and much more. We also enjoy travelling Australia and seeing new places, we are looking at going over to Norfolk Island for a holiday on my return home (has always been on my wish list). Both my wife & I also enjoy going for bike rides and stopping at cafes for a coffee.
My daughter is currently studying at Uni to become a Secondary Teacher in both History & Physical Education. When she was younger she was a competitive distance swimmer who had medalled at Nationals in the 800m & 1500m Freestyle, she competed for over 10 years until she retired to concentrate on her Year 12 studies. She still loves to swim and misses competing but it did take a toll on her body and mental health.
I see you have a few sporting champions in your family, it’s a proud moment when you see them exceeding at something they enjoy. 
Your letter has provided me with inspiration to ensure both my wife  & I travel and explore Australia, as I agree with you to make the most of every day.
Thank you once again and I’m ever so grateful in the gift you have created, you’ll always be in my thoughts.
Warmest Regards.


Good Afternoon Ruth S,


Words cannot thank you enough for the laundry bag you created for me! I absolutely ADORE it!! I am 27yrs old and my family back home in Canberra got a golden retriever when I was 12, he sadly passed away last year in March, but he had a very long happy life, his name was Biscuit and this picture looks exactly like him, it melts my heart. They are the most beautiful dogs!


I hope you are doing well and continue to make deployed personnel feel special with your gorgeous laundry bags. 


Lots of love,


Good Afternoon Bridget R,


A massive THANK YOU for the Quilt and Laundry Bag that I recently received. The Laundry Bag will go nicely with the one that I received while assigned to Operations for COVID-19. Apologies for not responding to your letter earlier, I have only just returned back to work after being overseas.


I was lucky enough to be selected to represent Navy, the ADF and Australia in the funeral for HM Queen Elizabeth II in London. The experience and memories that I have gained by being selected for this task, will stay with me for the rest of my life.


A little bit about myself: I am married with two daughters, aged 6 and 3, currently residing in Canberra and posted to Australia’s Federation Guard (Ceremonial Unit for the ADF). I have been in the Navy for 15 years and still get a kick out of turning up to work each day. When not posted to AFG, I am a Maritime Logistics – Supply Chain sailor, accounting for all of the spare parts, clothing, stationary, cleaning gear and other items which are on board our ships. I have served in HMA Ships Melbourne, Darwin, Sydney (Decommissioning Crew), Adelaide and Hobart (Commissioning Crew). I have also worked at HMAS Kuttabul in Potts Point and HMAS Waterhen in Waverton.


The small touches, such as personalised Quilts and Laundry Bags, that come with the community thinking of ADF Personnel, really helps when we go away for extended periods of time. To be able to take something personal with you, adding a “homely touch” to your sometimes small space (eg: sleeping area’s on a ship) is a nice feeling to have.


Once again a massive THANK YOU to yourself and all of the people who are involved in Aussie Hero Quilts, for the work that you do. It is very much appreciated by all of us.



Good morning Joanne H,


I have received my quilt from you. Thankyou so much I love it!!


I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into making my quilt. Yeah my time in IRAQ was pretty busy work wise and challenging when dealing with the local contractors haha.


Kind Regards,

Hi Jenny N,


I got the laundry bag that you made with the Battlefield Blue Poppies. I absolutely love the design and sits proudly in my room. I feel bad putting my dirty laundry in it, it looks so good. Hope the grandchild is bringing much joy to the family (as children do) and the parents are getting decent sleep ( A luxury with new borns).


I hope you are well and thank you for your efforts in making these bags. The moral that raises when everyone gets their bag is most definitely real.


Kind Regards,

Dear Joan and Alan H,


Thankyou so much for your handmade laundry bag that I received today. 


 I’m currently deployed to Malaysia with a rifle company. 

I’ve been in the army for approximately 3 years now as a Artillery Gunner and have been lucky enough to travel the country and the world with my job. 


I’m originally from Western Australia and currently reside in Townsville where I am based. Even though I don’t get back nearly enough, I make the most of the time that I get to spend with my family. 


I’m very jealous of your husbands cars and would love to get a 1967 fastback mustang and one day would love to restore a classic car myself. 


We are all so thankful for all the families that send us messages and gifts and reminds us what we are serving for and to continue doing what we do. 


Hope your keeping safe and healthy 



Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!


🌟 🌟 🌟


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