Grati -Tuesday 31st August 2021

Written by AHQ

31 August 2021

                                                                 Happy Tuesday Friends! 

Can you believe this is the end of August already! Spring tomorrow, how wonderful! The warmer weather here in Sydney is definitely already starting to show, the days are getting longer and the sun is a little earlier each day. 

How is your week looking? What exciting things are keeping you busy / motivated? 

For now, how about relaxing with some beautiful notes 🙂


Hi Beverley,

There is not enough words to express my gratitude for my quilt and laundry bag, thank you so much!

I enjoyed hearing about your stories and endeavours to fill my life with so many wonderful memories as well, unfortunately I will have to pause these whilst COVID is a thing.

My family has a long history in the Military, I am however the only female to have joined as well as the only member of my family to be Navy!

You have managed to capture everything I love into one beautiful piece of art, and it reminds me so much of home, so thank you again.

Stay safe in these tough times, 

Kind Regards


Below is a wonderful photo sent to us at AHQ from HMAS Sydney Chaplain with all the laundry bags and quilts delivered to them whilst they have been offshore. There are still more to be created and delivered but this is a fabulous view of the task achieved to date, don’t you think?…


Dear Dianne, Heather and Dot,

I got a short notice to attend COVID Assist, so I packed my staff and come to the brief in a rush.

I was a bit sad when I left home because I forgot to pack my laundry bag, but as you may already know, I got the best gift from you guys on that brief meeting.

From your letter, I know you already did this for years, and I want you to know that this bag is very useful for me and it does make me feel warm and supported.

I was born from overseas. I joined the Army because I love this country and the people living here, but the language barrier still make it harder for me on the daily life, but whenever, I feel sad I can always get support from people like you guys. 

I will try my best to serve the country and the people.

Thanks again.


Good Evening, 

Just emailing you tonight, to thank you for your lovely laundry bag. Your kindness is very warming.

We received this as a gift for starting our COVID Assist operation.

Thank you so much.


Thank you so much Aussie Hero Quilts! My 19 year old niece just received her gorgeous unicorn laundry bag, and she said it reminds her of her Nanny. 

Thank you Jenny, for the lovely message and gorgeous laundry bag. She was deployed on COVID Assist mission with not much notice, and just loved that. XOXO


Hi Ruth,

Thank you so very much for my laundry bag. I absolutely love it and it has made my day. This deployment has been very challenging with the COVID situation. It is nice to have a laundry bag that reminds me of my passion for sailing and the reason I joined the Navy.

I also have a turtle at home, so this laundry bag is me through and through.

I hope you haven’t been too effected by COVID.

Thank you again.


Good Afternoon,

I was lucky enough to have received my laundry bag in the mail today. 

I just want to say a big thank you!


Good Afternoon Bridget,

I am the Tactical Data Link Advisor aboard HMAS Sydney. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the amazing quilt and laundry bag that you have lovingly put together and sent to me. I received them during our Combat System Sea Qualification Trials to the United States.

The first time I heard about Aussie Hero Quilts was whilst deployed to the Middle East Region in 2016. That was a very tough deployment for the ship, and sadly we lost one of our brothers whilst on shoe respite. Upon return to Fleet Base there were a number of the ladies who made some of the quilts and laundry bags on the wharf alongside Jan-Maree, which was a lovely gesture to finish our deployment.

I can’t recall if it was after that deployment or during that there was a fire that destroyed a signifcant amount of the quilting equipment owned by Aussie Hero Quilts. I recall our Commanding Officer jumping on the Main Broadcasting System to allow us all to know what had happened. 

Darwin decommissioned shortly after in 2017 and I was lucky enough to go through the process as a Leading Seaman Anti Submarine Aircraft Controller. I recall Jan-Maree return to the ship prior to our decommissioning to thank us for our donation with our own Darwin Laundry Bags which were embroidered beautifully with our ships crest. This along side my South Sydney bag that I am now using onboard that hold significant place in my heart with my experiences on board that ship and with the kind souls at Aussie Hero Quilts.

Now for a little about me; I am Petty Officer. I am 27 years old and joined the Royal Australian Navy straight out of year 12 from NSW. My family background is heavily farming with both my mothers and fathers side conducting a mix of dairy, beef and produce between them. The going has been pretty tough of recent with the drought back home but the recent rains over the last 12 months have been a great relief and is slowly allowing us to return to normal practices. Slowly but surely.

I decided to join the Navy in 2012 at the age of 18 as Combat System Operator. Most people from my town, became farmers, mechanics or go to University. So joining the Navy was quite different from the norm. I am also the first member of my family since the 1940’s to conduct full time Military service of which I am very proud.

My mother and father still live in my home town, and my two brothers live close by. Recently my father quit his job as a mechanic and has taken over the farm from my grandfather who has recently gotten to the age where working the farm by himself has become a bit too much. My mother works at the local school as a teacher, which she loves.

Since joining the Navy, I have served on HMA Ships Maryborough, Ararat, Parramatta, Ballarat, Sydney (IV), Darwin, Hobart and presently am serving on Sydney (V) since 2019. Totaling 8 years of sea going service. I have always loved the Navy since joining in 2012 and am extremely proud of my service. What fills me with joy is patriots such as yourself, who are more than happy to dedicate their time and support people within the ADF with gestures such as the quilts and laundry bags you create.

Once again, thank you so much for the quilt and laundry bag. I hope you and your family are remaining safe in these uncertain times.



Hello Anne,

I am 25 years old, and based in Queensland currently on deployment in Asia.

Today, I received my laundry bag that you kindly made for me, and I love it!

I grew up in Queensland, where my family and friends still live. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. I am the youngest. 

I have been on deployment for 1 month and hopefully will return in the next few months.

Thank you very much for the time and effort you put into making the laundry bag. I will definitely use it all the time, as it’s the first one I have received.

Take Care.


Dear Sue,

I would like to start by saying how grateful I am for you beautiful blanket. It truly means the world to us that you amazing people take the time and passion to share your talents and generosity. It truly brightens our day and is a  highlight of our time to receive something so special in the mail. I hope your family cherish your heart and beautiful gifts.

I am a mother of two beautiful twins who are 8 years old. They loved the quilt when I called home to show them. One like me, loves fantasy and thought the phoenix is amazing, the other has always been fascinated with outer space, and loved your fabric. 

I can’t wait to take this home, snuggle up under it and watch the stars through our telescope together.

Please pass to everyone at Aussie Heroes and those that support you.

With thanks.


Good Afternoon Marilyn,

I received your beautiful laundry bag today, with your letter inside.

We are currently preparing to deploy on Operation COVID-19 Assist to work with State Police to contain the COVID outbreak on the East Coast.

Your laundry bags are really important to us – not only are they cool designs, but they help us distinguish our laundry when we have to wash our clothes. Due to the nature of our work and the virus, we have to get our washing professionally cleaned and separated from the laundry of others on base.

You beauty! It’s not everyday that someone does your washing for you.

I particularly love the design of my bag – I grew up in the country so have become very affectionate of my farm animal-themed laundry bag. I love it.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and considerate gift, it makes us feel loved and appreciated- and that means a lot.

With sincere thanks


Enough from me, hope you enjoy the read!

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