Grati-Tuesday 29th November 2022

Written by AHQ

29 November 2022

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week.  
Wow and just like that it’s the last blog for the month. It feels like I just did the first one last week. LOL
Hope everyone is getting their Christmas shopping and sewing done.  I am crazily sewing a few quilts as farewell presents for some work colleagues.
I am then starting on turning my scrapbooking room into my sewing room. Not looking forward to all the work but can’t wait to see the results and stop sewing on my kitchen table!
Enough of that…. We have another lot of great thank you’s and a couple of photos so grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy! 

Dear Jan-Maree,

My sincerest apologies for appearing to be so tardy in replying to your letter attached to the quilt that you had made for me in June. However, I only received it yesterday after my son returned from deployment in the Middle East, as he wanted to give it to me in person. I feel humbled and honoured by the gesture from you and don’t really feel deserving of the quilt. As you well know during the 1970’s and 1980’s we were well trained and highly motivated but never deployed during that time. It was not until East Timor that my Classmates were deployed in the 1990’s, at which time they were quite senior officers, but I had already left the Army by then to pursue a career in industry.
I would very much like to thank you, Kerry B and Alison C for the gesture and beautiful workmanship on the quilt. It will now take pride of place on my bed.
My son’s quilt and laundry bag are also great and he is very pleased with of both of them. Now he has returned from a deployment in the Middle East, he will continue to serve in the Army but in a very different capacity. He is now going to take up studying medicine at ANU and become a doctor in the Defence Force. We are naturally very proud of him.
Thank you once again for such a wonderful gesture.



Kindest regards,

Hello Lynn K,


I received my laundry bag today and wanted to say thank you very much for the time and effort of making it. You absolutely nailed the colours and I love not only the horses but the koalas too!


I also really appreciated the hand written note and I loved hearing about your life. Thank you so much for volunteering to support us, I know the quilts and laundry bags mean a lot to all those who receive them.


I am currently serving on a peacekeeping mission and I have included a picture of me with my bag on our patrol base.


Once again, thank you.


Kind regards,



Dear Philomena,
I want to thank you so much for your contribution to the AHQ. 

I just received my quilt which was in memory of my late husband who passed in 1988. I have only been involved in making AHQ’s for 3 years and I know how much work goes into them. To receive one myself was overwhelming. 

Thank you again.

Dear Angie T,

First of all I want to thank you for the amazing gift and letter. You absolutely nailed the laundry bag, it’s perfect, thank you very much.

I really enjoyed reading your letter and it put a huge smile on my face as my theme was right up your family’s alley (fishing). I try to get out fishing as much as I can, for the sport and often for a fresh feed of fish.

Thank you for sharing the vast family Military history and I hope your son is enjoying it up in Darwin. We (HMAS ANZAC) pulled into Darwin just over a month ago exploring the beautiful waterfalls and national parks.

I joined the Navy in Jan 2018, as a chef and I’m now currently posted the HMAS Anzac. I’m currently on my third deployment with Anzac, two last year with Covid so it was a solid 200ish days at sea last year with the ‘no stepping’ rules. I’m looking forward for some respite ashore next year as I post off the ship and post into the shore galley (kitchen) establishment at HMAS Stirling (Western Australia).

I have served my whole career in Perth and absolutely love it. When I’m not working I’m usually out camping/fishing. There is an endless amount of camping in WA and I try to explore as much as I can.

I own a single cab Toyota land cruiser with all the bells and whistles and sleep up top in the rooftop tent.

Once again I want to thank you for the awesome laundry bag and letter. I also want to thank you for the support that you and many others are doing for those serving.

All the best

Dear Deirdre B-L, 

I write this as I’ve just received and opened the quilt you have so beautifully handcrafted. As I was expecting a simple quilt with my country’s national flag, I’m sitting in my living room with complete shock, seeing that you’ve put so much effort into this quilt for me.

I’m looking at this quilt with such awe in my eyes.  I am so amazed of your efforts into doing your research of Nauru.  I love that you used all of what Nauru is known for in the design of the quilt.

Although I was born in Australia, I spent time on the island as a child where I learnt the language as my father is Australian and mother is Nauruan.  The majority of my family live in Nauru.

I will most definitely enjoy this quilt so much and you have made my day.

Thank you and regards,

Below is the quilt made by Deirdre B-L.  I was so intrigued after reading the recipients letter that I found the picture from the weekly dispatches. Thought others might be curious too!


Hi Sheena B,


Thank you very much for my quilt, I love it! Please pass on my thanks to Bev F and all those involved in making it, I really appreciate it. And thank you for the lollies!

This is my first deployment and to be honest I wasn’t really set on requesting a quilt from Aussie Hero Quilts as I didn’t want to make a fuss. However, one of my colleagues convinced me to request one and I’m so glad that I did. It’s added a nice personalised touch to my room and it will be an amazing memory to keep for the rest of my life.


Thank you for your letter and for sharing some information about your family. That is very impressive that your son is establishing his own winery, I hope he invites you to all his tastings. My wife and I spent a long weekend in the Barossa Valley and the Adelaide Hills prior to me deploying, it is a lovely part of the world and the wine is amazing. It would be an awesome experience seeing the country in your AVan camper.


You are very fortunate to experience the wildlife whilst still being able to live in a city. It sounds like you have quite the family of animals living around you. Oh and congratulations on winning your golf championship! I have recently started playing golf with my mate, however I am far from championship winning material. He bought me golf lessons for my birthday earlier this year so I’m looking forward to doing them when I get home.


Again thank you very much for your time and dedication in making my quilt. I genuinely appreciate it as do all the other guys who receive quilts.


All the best for your future travelling adventures and golf championships.



Good evening Bridget R,
Firstly, thank you so so much for the laundry bag and quilt. I absolutely love them both. My favourite is the quilt and is much more than I could have hoped for. I love vibrant colours.
Apologies for not writing sooner, it is pretty busy here and best intentions are not always realised. This gift that you and the others give is wonderful and very much appreciated by all. 
Thank you so much for your work on the quilt and laundry bag. They are gifts I’ll keep and cherish always. I’m almost at the end of my deployment, and should be home just in time for Christmas. What a year!
Sincere regards,


Good morning Jo H,


I received your quilt and can say I certainly has made a great addition to my accommodation when on the ship.


I want to thank you for the awesome work you do for the sailors out there as it does make a difference.

Receiving things like this do add to moral, especially on a long trip or when we have  been sent away on a humanitarian aid operation with no return date at the time.


Thank you and keep being awesome.



Good Morning Sheena B,


Firstly, I apologise for the delayed response. I went overseas and only got home a few days ago so I have just opened and seen the amazing quilt that you have created.


To say you have done a spectacular job is an absolute understatement. I couldn’t be happier with how it came up and you have honestly don’t such an amazing job.


What you do for Aussie Heroes is such a selfless thing and I appreciate it more than you can believe. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your caravanning and your family. My Dad just bought a caravan which is delivered in Feb next year so maybe you will end up crossing paths one day at a park. That would be quite funny.


Your house sounds amazing. I am originally the area, whilst not amongst the trees, we have quite a lot of butcher birds visiting us every day which we/my parents hand feed every day.


I wish you and your beautiful family all the best over the Christmas and hope you have some well earned rest.


Again, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing job you did with the quilt. I am absolutely wrapped with it. It couldn’t be any better.




Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.
Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!

🌟 🌟 🌟



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