Grati-Tuesday 27th September 2022

Written by AHQ

27 September 2022


Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week, especially Victoria who scored an extra long weekend. Hope you took some time to do what you love!   
A good spread of both thank you’s and photos this week!
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the 
following gratitude letters and photos. 

Hi Jenny N,


A couple of weeks ago, I received my amazing new laundry bag. I can’t thank you enough – I was lucky enough to score an awesome one with dinosaurs on it. It’s colourful and makes me smile.


I’m currently a Transport Officer serving in my 8th year – it’s by far the best military gift I’ve ever received.


Keep doing what you’re doing – it brings a smile to everyone’s face. My team of 21 people each received a laundry bag from varying lovely people, but none of them were lucky enough to score a hand written letter like I was. How special.


All the best and take care.


Yours sincerely,

Hi Anne H
I hope you are well.
I just received my quilt, thank you so much it was one of the best gifts I have ever received! 
Sorry for the late reply, my unit was a bit slow, since I work remotely, they waited until our annual conference to give it to me. Please see the attached picture my daughter took of me holding it. 
The Jonathan Church UWC-A France trip all seems very surreal now, especially, since I am a reservist and I’m back into my normal life of school teaching.
Best wishes
(Wow what an awesome place that would be to sit and just contemplate life!)


Hi Karen W,


After many journeys across the world your fantastic Quilt finally made it to me. I am now back in Australia.


I truly love it, as a student of guitar and a patriot myself the combination of two things I love is fantastic.


I appreciate the time, effort and thought you put in to this piece and I will look after it with great care.


Thank you again.

Good Evening Jan-Maree,


It is with great delight that I wish to inform you that my laundry bag has arrived in theatre and it is nothing short of a work of art. Please pass on my thanks to your entire team of wonderful volunteers, and specifically the mother and daughter duo in QLD, Su J and yourself for the laundry bag. I have a confession, I am not going to use it as a laundry bag, it is way too good. The ANZAC Biscuits arrived in great condition, we have a team meeting tomorrow where I will share them for all to enjoy.  


Thanks again for everything that you and your team of volunteers do, I want you to know that from everyone here it is very much appreciated.   


Yours Sincerely,

Hi Melissa L,


I just wanted to send an email in appreciation of the fantastic Laundry Bag you created for me recently to mark my 11 years of service in the RAAF.


I could not believe how well it turned out and what a good job you did on the outline of the EA-18G Growler!


I will be sure to take some photos of the bag in use when I am next away for work and send them through.


Make sure you keep an eye out in the post in the coming weeks.


Kind Regards,

Dear Melissa L, 


It was such a wonderful surprise receiving my laundry bag from you; particularly after a pretty long and exhausting day at work. Thank you so much. Knowing that there are people out there like you who care so much makes me happy and grateful, so again, thank you.


It was also wonderful reading your letter and learning a little about you and your family. Notwithstanding the Louis Vuitton and Essendon (go the Bombers!) references, reading your personal story and what AHQ means to you, put a lovely personal touch on things and made it even more special.


A little about me. I started as a sailor in the Navy a little over 28 years ago, making the rank of Chief Petty Officer (equivalent to a WO2 in the Army), before commissioning as a Human Resource Officer a few years back. I’m now a Lieutenant Commander (equivalent to an Army Major) and live and work in Canberra with my Husband and our two children. My husband also serves in the Navy (35+ years, has been Warrant Officer of the Navy and is now a Commander). It was through him and his friendship with Jan-Maree I suspect led to him requesting a LB for me while I was away on my recent deployment and to us now sharing some of our lives with each other. Louis Vuitton and Essendon? He knows me too well 😉


I’ve completed many deployments over the years and also been effectively a single Mum many times while hubby has been away on his deployments, but in between all of the hard work that we do on deployment, I have got to enjoy visiting dozens of countries and experiencing many many cultures. I consider it to be a real privilege to have done these things and I continue to be very grateful for the opportunities the Navy affords me in serving.


We have much in common. My son just completed his AFL season undefeated and his team also just won their preliminary final and will now play in the GF. He also plays basketball and is having a pretty successful year in that sport as well, sitting second on the ladder. My daughter does dance three times a week and also has been doing swimming since she was a little baby (so she’s pretty good for a 7 year old) and she is really looking forward to starting basketball next year (when she is old enough to join a comp).


My husband has talked about AHQ on many occasions and has explained to me just how special receiving a LB or Quilt is (knowing someone you have never met has taken such time and with so much care and love, created a very personal gift for the serving member), and although I understood what he was saying, I never truly appreciated just how special it is until last night. Thank you so so much.


Please keep up the great work, because it really does make a positive impact on a recipient’s life. Life in uniform (and I include Nurses, police, fire fighters etc etc in that list), is very challenging on the serving member and their families. So knowing there are people like you out there thinking of us and creating wonderful gifts that acknowledges that service is truly special.


I wish you and your family good health and happiness and thank you again.

Good morning, 

Just wanted to write to Alison M, Sue G and the AHQ team to say thanks for the quilt!
It looks incredible.
I’ve just got back from 3 months at sea and discovered it, which was a lovely surprise. Missed out on taking it with me this time, but I’ll take it with me next time I am away, otherwise I’m sure my son will like it when he gets his big bed.
Thanks again, I love it

I (Pennie T) had the honour of presenting one of our lovely Army reservists with his quilt and laundry bag.

It was most fortuitous that we were able to meet in person as I was in the ACT for the weekend, and he is due to deploy shortly and was not sure these items would be ready in time.

He was thrilled with his quilt and laundry bag, and was particularly appreciative of the work that goes into these creations as his mother was a quilter. (He is looking forward to showing this new acquisition to his mum).

It was such a delight to see the pleasure this has brought to this gentleman, and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him, and as he can’t make the dinner due to service commitments it has worked out very well indeed!




I (Pennie T) had the pleasure of presenting a young man with a quilt. He was incredibly surprised and pleased, and was thrilled with the details included on his quilt. His wife and mum had organised it as a surprise, and were amazed at the detail and the care with which it had been created. Thanks to Heather B who created this quilt.



A quilt by Sue-Ellen S being presented to a very happy recipient.


Parents receiving a memorial quilt in honor of their late son.


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!


🌟 🌟 🌟


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