Grati-Tuesday 27th June 2023

Written by AHQ

27 June 2023

Happy Tuesday Friends!

A great variety of letters today. Some long and some short, but all impactful!!
Also, a special treat from HMAS Adelaide.
Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!

Good Evening Chris E,


I’m writing to you today to thank you for the laundry bag that you made.


I’m an Able Seaman currently serving on board HMAS Adelaide as an Electrical Marine Technician. I’ve been in the Navy for 3 and a half years and am currently living in Sydney. Prior to living in Sydney, I lived near Melbourne down at HMAS Cerberus for just over 2 years. During my time there I was able to explore the city, the Victorian High Country, Torquay & the Great Ocean Road and I must say Victoria has some beautiful country.


I grew up on the Gold Coast with my parents and little sister, who is now studying Health Science in Brisbane. It is awesome to hear that your grandsons are as sporty as they are. One of my best childhood memories of my grandparents is how they were constantly at my Saturday soccer games. Pop was a proper footballer back in his day so it was awesome having him there. Other than soccer, I played rugby league, surfed, skated and competed in Surf Life Saving. I’ve found Surf Life Saving to be especially helpful to me because I’m a part of the Ship’s Medical Emergency Team and a lot of the skills we use I had already learned from SLS.


Once again thank you for the laundry bag, she will be put to good use on board Adelaide.


Kind Regards,


Good Morning Angela T, 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the quilt and goodies. I am currently on board HMAS Adelaide.

The quilt is awesome as I am a Western Australian and have followed them since the beginning in 1986, but also follow Cowboys and the Maroons. My wife has said that its no to go on our bed at home she will be in for a surprise.  

I have also been bought up on fishing but never seem to get enough time to go, well there is always retirement.

I have been in the Army for over 36 years just finished a posting in Vic and now posted to HMAS Adelaide. I have pretty well I have been posted all the way around Australia except NT with most of my career in QLD. My back ground is logistic and I am involved with all classes of stores including the movement and consumption.  

Why did I joined the Army, I always wanted to be in the Army and told that they would never take me, I proved them wrong. I have no family history other than the First Fleet as all my family were consider accentual workers throughout the war years (Goldminers, Farmers and Manufacturing).      

So I was bought up in WA where I joined the Army and progressed my way around Australia I have completed a number of deployments and a number of short location posting of two and three year then moving a new states. Being the fact that my wife (who I meet in Perth during a posting) and our children have spent most of our time in QLD we now consider it our home state. I currently live away from home due to work but return when the opportunity arises. 

We have five children one studying nursing, one as a warehouse storeman in WA, one is a clerk at farm machinery, working and studying child care, and the youngest in school.

Anyway I do have to get back to work thankyou again for the quilt and goodies, it was awesome.

Dear Jan-Maree,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the personalized quilted laundry bag that your organisation so generously gifted to me.
Your thoughtful and considerate gesture touched me deeply, and I am truly humbled by your kindness. It was special to see the unique care you had for each of the various chaplains.
As a chaplain in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and a Pastoral care in my other time, I have dedicated my life to serving and supporting our brave men and women who selflessly defend our
nation. It is not often that I am on the receiving end of such a meaningful and beautiful gift. Your quilted bag symbolizes the care and appreciation that you have for the work of Defence at large.
The craftsmanship and attention to detail in the quilted laundry bag are exquisite. The vibrant colours, intricate patterns, and personalized embroidery make it truly unique and special. I am certain that it will brighten up my life and bring a touch of comfort to my daily routine.
Moreover, I am deeply touched by the effort your organisation put into personalizing the quilted laundry bag with my initials and the various prayers. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to put dirty laundry in it because it is so special to me. It is a gentle reminder of the strong bond that exists between members of the ADF and the community we serve.
 Your thoughtful gesture has strengthened my resolve to continue supporting our military personnel, providing spiritual guidance, and offering solace during challenging times. Please accept my sincere thanks for your generosity and thoughtfulness. Your gift will not only bring me joy but also remind me of the incredible individuals like yourself who stand behind us, offering support and appreciation. Your act of kindness has made a lasting impact on me, and I am truly
Once again, thank you for the quilted laundry bag and for your unwavering support of the ADF and its chaplains. I will cherish it and remember your kindness for years to come. May you continue to
touch the lives of others with your talent and compassion.
Wishing you all the best in your endeavours.
With warm regards,

Good Morning Jan-Maree,


The laundry bags were an absolute hit!


Everyone found their bag of choice to suit their personality and taste.


With the amount supplied, many of the Embarked Headquarters staff, Medical team and Flights also received their first ever one, helping them feel part of the Adelaide team.


On behalf of the Ship’s crew and Embarked Forces, we send our sincerest gratitude to all those involved in the production of the laundry bags and making our Service that little more special.


Much appreciated,

Heather B,


I’m reaching out from the Navy ship HMAS Adelaide and have been the recent lucky recipient of one of your Aussie Hero washing bags. I wanted to write back to you with my appreciation.


I received a very bright and colourful tropical style bag that immediately grabbed my attention as I love the beach and spend a great deal of my work time in tropical north Queensland.


Thank you also for your letter which accompanied the bag. In your letter you mention a few details about yourself and I thought I would respond in kind but also highlight a few areas of commonality which I hope helps you feel your work has found a good home.


I come from Sydney with my wife and daughter (almost 18 months) holding up the home front. I’m the Deputy Aviation Engineering Officer in Adelaide, day to day my job basically involves managing a team of technicians in turning the ship into a floating airport by maintaining all technical aspects of the aviation facilities. We are a small team but we punch above our weight! In my free time I like surfing and reading.


I also come from a strong military family with my father and uncles all Navy men.


You mention your uncle was on HMAS Perth during WWII (what an extreme life he must have lived!), I’m not sure how much of Perth’s history you know, but the Commanding Officer was Captain Hector Waller (known as Hard over Hec for his aggressive ship driving style). He was killed in the battle of Sunda Straight and one of the divisions at the Royal Australian Naval College is named after him, this was my class at the College, the mighty Waller Division.


I am a keen swimmer, I grew up playing water polo with many hours spent at the pool. Ironically in the Navy I swim a lot less now but am always surrounded by water!


Thank you again (to you and all members of AHQ) for your efforts!

Heather B , 

I’ll start of by saying hello.

And a big thank you for the laundry bag.


Quick intro, I’m almost 57 years old. I’m currently on HMAS AdelaideI’ve been in the navy for 33.5 yrs and I’m looking forward to retirement in a few years from now.

I have served on HMAS Hobart, Perth, Newcastle, Adelaide (FFG), Melbourne, Sydney, ChoulesArunta, Perth (FFH) and finally Adelaide (LDH).

I also served in the army reserve for 3 years before I joined the navy.


Thanks again for the laundry bag.


Good morning Jenny N,


I am currently on deployment on board HMAS Adelaide. I have just received your letter within the dobey (laundry) bag you made. I would just like to thank you for all the hard work that you, your family and all the people involved with Aussie Hero Quilts. I am greatly appreciative and now all our cabins have an incredibly wholesome feeling, not to mention all the colours to brighten up the room.


Thanks for the morale boost,


Good morning Jan-Maree,


I have just received my laundry bag, and love it!


Thank you very much, for all the effort you put into making this bag and all others.


Thank you again, very very much!


Good afternoon

I received the quilt – it is AMAZING thank you.


Much appreciated,


Good afternoon, 
I am happy to let you know I have received my quilt and I am over the moon with how it turned out. 
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. 


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  


Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!





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