Grati -Tuesday 25th January 2022

Written by AHQ

25 January 2022

Hi Friends,

How is your week treating you? I had my favourite start to the week in a long time, I traveled interstate to see my brother, his wife and their beautiful little kiddies, for the first time in over 2 years. How I had missed them! Back to work for me now though, busy, busy, busy. Never mind, it’s time for a tea break, and a great read, join me won’t you.


Thanks so much, I’ve just received it and I love it.

Appreciate all your support and work.

Kind Regards


Good Afternoon Mairi,

Thank you so much for my quilt. I love it.

I’m so sorry that it took so long to get here. We’ve had a change in our mail system, which saw a two month delay in receiving parcels. I’m happy to say we got it just before Christmas, which made it a very much appreciated Christmas gift.

Thank you.

This is something that I will treasure for life.

I am very excited to get home, which is just on the horizon now. I believe I’ll be able to self isolate as I live in QLD, but I’m even excited for that.

I hope you’re doing well and had an amazing Christmas. Happy New Years!

Kind Regards

Heather and AHQ!

Thank you so much for all your hard work. I did receive the laundry bag, and it was absolutely perfect!

Kind Regards


Dear Jo,

I just wanted to start by saying thank you. When I asked for a Parramatta Eels quilt, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but you have absolutely nailed it. Unfortunately neither of our teams were able to prosper last year but with 2022 nowhere, it could be time for the 2001 Grand Final rematch between eels and knights, fingers crossed.

I grew up in NSW. I joined the Navy back in 2015 straight out of high school and after completing a year in the cold winds of HMAS Cerebus, I was shipped up to the sunny (sometimes rainy) Northern Territory.

In June 2021, myself and fellow sailor decided we would road trip across the gibb and see the Kimberly’s for ourselves and although our cars took a beating it was well worth the bumpy ride I can assure you. The highlight for me was a helicopter ride up to Mitchell Falls and a small little watering hole called the ‘grotto’.

I can’t thank you you and Ruth (for my laundry bag) enough, as you’ve brightened my day.



Good Morning Ruth,

It was marvelous to receive the laundry bag you made here at AMAB, I will admit, I have had it a little over a week, but I haven’t had a chance to thank you.

It is wonderful having something that reminds me of home up in the Top End, whilst out here in the Desert.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

You are right that everyone here really enjoys and appreciates their quilts and laundry bags. They certainly brighten up our rooms.

Kind Regards


Dear Ellen,

My loving daughter in law, obviously arranged this wonderful gift from you. I am overwhelmed at the thought and work that has gone into this magnificent quilt.

As an old Soldier, I am delighted at the inclusion of my Corps Badge. You have made this old Digger a happy little vegemite.

Thank you and Kind Regards


Good Evening Karen,

Thank you so much for the laundry bag. It means a lot receiving such a nice gift from you.

I’m 28 years old, have been in the ADF for 11 years. 9 years in the Army and 2 years in the Air Force. My parents and 2 sisters have been and still serve in the Navy.

We have another few weeks, before we head home to where I was posted to last year.

Kind Regards.


Dear Toni, Anne and Jan-Maree,

Happy New Year to you all and many thanks for the extraordinary laundry bag and quilt that you have made for me.

I was absolutely blown away when they arrived just before Christmas, and feel very spoilt indeed!

The time and effort that you have put into the laundry bag and quilt is phenomenal. What is more phenomenal is your stories and dedication to the cause. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about you and your families as well as the relationships with ADF.

As a reservist, it is easy sometimes to not feel a part of the bigger machine especially when we get back from a mission and go our separate ways

I have my Grandfathers old grey laundry bag from WWII with his name and service number stenciled on it. I have kept and treasured the laundry bag for years as a reminder of my grandfather and his service to our country.

I was very touched to read how it all started Jan-Maree, especially as that was the mission that I was on back in 2010 and I spent the day preparing the patients before we made the epic return flight. I often reflect on that mission as one of the most rewarding moments in my RAAF career to be able to look after critically injured soldiers on a jet flying around the world back to Australia and bring them back in as good if not better condition than when we left Europe.

I love being in the RAAF and want to be able to contribute and be involved for as long as I am able. Thank you for what you have done for me. In these stressful and challenging times it is amazing how receiving these has really made me feel part of an extended caring family.

Kind Regards


Dear Ruth,

I recently received a laundry bag from you from Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry bags, and it’s great!

I love the design and material. It’ll go well at sea, much better than the one I have right now which is a plain one that is falling apart.

I’m onboard HMAS Hobart and this year we are heading up into Asia as well as doing a few exercises around Australia. It’s a pretty busy year at sea, so this bag will get a lot of use.

On board, I’m in a mess, with three other boys who also have laundry bags from Aussie Heroes, so they all look good now hanging up together.

Thanks very much for this, it’s a great feeling to know that there’s a community of people who are voluntarily making these laundry bags and quilts for us.

Thanks again.


Dear Ann,

Thank you so much for my wonderful quilt. It is absolutely spectacular and an amazing gesture. I appreciate deeply all the hard work you put in. The theme is spot on and I think my favourite part is the detailed embroidery.

I also really appreciated he letter you included as well. My wife and I have two daughters and I see how much joy our parents get when they spend time together.

I love hearing about connections to our veterans. Those of us currently serving have deep admiration for the Australian soldiers who came before us. We are incredibly proud of our heritage and strive to live up to the standards they set of courage, determination and mateship. I have been fortunate to never have had the experiences they did but when I find things difficult, they serve as great inspiration.

I am incredibly proud to be representing Australia here in Africa. This country could be just as nice as our beautiful home. The people are doing their best and you would not believe how may smiling children we see.

Thank you again for the quilt. I’m touched by such a lovely gesture and it will have a special place in my house when I come home next year.

Kind Regards.


Until next week friends, don’t forget to like, comment and share the happiness!

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