Grati-Tuesday 23rd August 2022

Written by AHQ

23 August 2022

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic start to their week.

So this week we have a gorgeous picture of a 100 year old veteran who received a surprise quilt. What a milestone!
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the 
following gratitude letters and photos. 

Dear Jo H,

Thank you very much for the wonderful quilt I received. It is MAGIC!

Ha yes how very appropriate that you with Mob on country when you got the request, it truly was meant to be. It really is a great part of the world the Mid-North Coast or as I’m constantly reminded now by some the “Barrington Coast”….


I would like to thank you for your efforts and it is really commendable that in retirement you dedicate your time to sewing and producing quilts for our soldiers overseas on operations. What you have done with the quilt is amazing, the colours and pictures were exactly what I was after so thank you very much. Please pass my gratitude to your friends that supplied the African Fabric and those that added to the quilt. And yes the Biripi Shark is very special to me, so I am truly appreciative of the efforts to have it included onto the quilt.


I am a Melbourne Storm tragic…. Please don’t hold that against me lol. Has been a tough year for the Storm (respectively speaking…), I’m not sure they’re up for the challenge of beating Penrith, hopefully South Sydney can bounce back from last year. Yes, as a Knights fan it can certainly be a roller coaster! Some of my very good friends follow the Knights and I am constantly reminded that it can be a tough ride but it could worse… You could be a Tigers fan….


Thank you again for the quilt Jo, I will enjoy it keeping me warm.




Dear Jo H,


Thank you very much for your kind letter that accompanied the lovely quilt which was presented to me and for your considerable part in producing the quilt.  I was completely overwhelmed by the whole thing!  The skilful hands and caring hearts that put such effort into compiling these quilts is quite magnificent.

I joined the Women’s Royal Australian Corps (WRAAC) in 1955. Military service certainly had its highs and lows! Many of the highs related to successfully representing the WRAAC in Army and Interservice Athletics, Tennis, Softball, Netball and Hockey.  A few others were more academic in nature including a course-topping thesis while an Officer Cadet at the WRAAC school when I took on the establishment and expounded the cause of ‘Field Training for Women Soldiers’ in complete defiance of current Defence and Corps policy.  It only took them 30 years to see things my way!  And later, while serving in the NZ Army (NZWRAC) on the personal staff of the Chief of Army General Staff at Defence Headquarters, Wellington in 1972 I wrote a staff paper recommending the introduction of women into the Field Force to take up the slack when it was clear that the labour Govt was about to win the upcoming election and abolish National Military Service leaving the Army with only a handful of volunteers.  I was agreeably surprised that the suggestion was adopted immediately and not unduly surprised when the Army was swamped with young women lining up from all over New Zealand wanting to join.  As for the few lows they are best forgotten!

Anyway, thank you once again for your considerable contribution to my quilt and please also pass on my sincere thanks and admiration to the other contributors for their skilful hands and caring hearts.

Yours sincerely and with kind regards


Hi Lynn K,
I just received my laundry bag in the mail. Gosh it made me smile when I saw the wonderful dog fabric you found, I absolutely love it. I’ve been struggling with a bad head cold this week and when my laundry bag arrived it really cheered me up. I feel so lucky to have something so special. I just can’t thank you enough. 
Kind regards 
Good morning AHQ


I would just like to say to all the people involved with the Aussie Heroes, a very big THANK YOU.


I received a lovely laundry bag when I arrived in Malaysia and it bought an instant smile to my face to see the love and care taken to make these beautiful items.


It has been well used and many people have commented on how great it is.


So, please pass on my gratitude to Sheryl R!


Thank you.

Sue-Elle S,
I would like to convey my sincerest appreciation for the custom quilt. It is a wonderful gift that I will cherish for years to come.
Thank you for sharing your story with me. It was a delight to hear about your family and your valued friendship with another member of the AHQ. You should feel proud of the great work you do for the members and families of the Australian Defence Force.
It was excellent to learn of your family’s strong connection to the ADF.  I am honoured to hear how valued our service is; I have certainly enjoyed a rewarding career.
I wish you a safe remainder of the year, and expect you will thoroughly enjoy your well earned long service leave. Enjoy the 10 year Anniversary celebrations in Canberra!
Yours sincerely

Dear Bridget R,
First and foremost thank you very much, what a wonderful surprise it was to receive my most excellent made quilt and laundry bag. I am honestly touched by the thought of someone unknown to myself making such a nice present and sending to me.  I hope to cherish it for a very long time.
I have deployed so many times that nearly 5 years of my life has been spent overseas.  It is so normal for me to be away, my family has not sent anything for years and years.  I really don’t mine as it really is a lot easier to just slip away and not have farewells.  My family and friends are generally busy going about their normal life and don’t even realise where I have been.
I joined the Army is 1987.  The highlight of my career was being an exchange Soldier to the United States for two years.  I took my wife and daughter and it was a fantastic time for all of us, living the American dream (milk shakes and Chevys).
I knew at a very young age the Army was for me, but as a teenager I’m not sure I even knew what soldiering was all about.  I guess it looked like a lot of action and excitement.  I couldn’t really see myself doing anything else.  Apparently I am a certain type of person “A” type I’m told!  And my priorities are Country, Family and Self in that order.
I will retire next year as by then I would have reached compulsory retirement age (60 years). Thinking now, as this the first letter I have written for many years and it has forced me to reflect on a somewhat selfish life.
I wouldn’t change it for the world.
It has been a blast


Hi Jenni S,
Thank you for all the hard work, time and dedication you gave into creating and sewing my  washing bag. I love it.
I have been in the Air Force for 28 1/2 years and still going strong.
Thank you again
Take care
Dear Lynn F ,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a thoughtful gift. After 22 years in the Australian Navy, this would have to be the gift that means the most.
My Marvel laundry bag is now the envy of my mess mates and displaying proudly in my cabin.  In a few weeks we will again deploy for 3 months and return home mid December. I’m looking forward to the laundry bag use.
I live on the South Coast of NSW when not working in Sydney and enjoy my down time with my wife and kids.
I hope your enjoying your games of Bridge and tennis.
Lynn, thank you once again for your time and effort into making such a meaningful gift.
Wishing you well and best wishes.  

Dear Wendy V,


Thank you so much for my handmade laundry bag! I was so excited when it arrived, and it made me feel really special.


I enjoyed learning about you in your letter and thought it was really lovely to include.


I grew up in QLD and joined the Royal Australian Navy in 2020, seeking a rewarding career that would challenge me. My main role is an admin specialist but we also learn additional skills such as firefighting and scuba diving.


My parents live on the Sunshine Coast in QLD, and I enjoy visiting them throughout the year. We all recently met up in Cairns where I competed in the Ironman 70.3 triathlon event, representing the ADF triathlon Team. It was a really fun weekend and even more special to have my parents there cheering me on.


I currently live in Bondi, and enjoy riding my bike along the beach in my spare time. I love living in Sydney and the fast paced lifestyle, but I’m hoping to move to Darwin, NT soon to chase the warmer weather.


Thank you again for creating the best laundry bag for me! It does make me smile when I use it knowing how much time and care you put into making it for me.


I hope you have a happy and healthy rest of your year.




Dear Jan-Maree B,


Today we presented a veteran with his centenarian plaque to mark both his 100 years and his service to the ADF during our centenary. He was aware this was coming, and had a great time.


What he didn’t know was he was receiving a quilt. The look on his and his wife’s face was amazing. They were so happy, and appreciative to receive it. It was actually quite emotional for me as well.


Apparently it will sit over his bed to warm him.


Made by Jenny P, quilted by Alison C and embroidery by Keryn M.


Dear Jan-Maree B,

Thank you so incredibly much!
I couldn’t love it anymore than I do, it is just so perfect!
Your letter was so lovely to read and I really appreciate that you made this yourself- it really brightened my day.
I love it more than I could ever explain!! 

Made by Jan-Maree B



 Dear Lynn F,
Thank you making the beautiful quilt for my husband, it arrived in the mail today and he loved it!

Made by Lynn F and embroideries by Michele S.

Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!


🌟 🌟 🌟





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