Grati -Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Written by AHQ

22 June 2021

                                                                         Hey friends!

What a week so far!!!

 So many letters of gratitude for us to read and reflect on why we do what we do.  It is so evident that it is always appreciated.

Sit back and grab a cuppa and enjoy reading these letters….

Alex x


Dear Jenny,

Thank you so much for my quilt and laundry bag. I really appreciate the time and effort that went into them.

My partner and I have been together for over 14 years and we are a blended family. He has four children (23, 22, 21 and 18) and I, myself, have one daughter (21). My family live in South Australia and I am posted to Queensland. 

My time here is nearly coming to an end.

Once again, thank you.


Dear Ellen,

I would like to express my sincerest thanks and appreciation for the amazing job you have done in producing a quality quilt and laundry bag.

I was overjoyed to receive your quilt in our mail delivery, and I absolutely love the design and care you have put into producing them.

I greatly appreciate your letter. 

I was extremely honoured to receive an Aussie Hero Quit, and I cannot thank you enough.

Originally, I grew up in South Australia. I joined the Navy at the age of 18 to see the world and travel. During that time, I met my beautiful wife and had two children – a daughter turning 2 and son turning 4.

My wife, is tasked with being the sole parent whilst I am deployed and she does an amazing job managing the household while I am so far away. Being a young family, we keep very active with all the sports and activities that our children are involved in.

Being so far away from home and family can be very taxing especially in the current COVID environment, but being able to receive such amazing products like your quilts make us feel appreciated and reminds us how lucky we are to live in such a great country. I would like to express the utmost respect to you and all the volunteers at Aussie Hero Quilts for giving up your time for Defence Members and their families. It means so much to us.

I wish you and your families all the best in their endeavours and wish you well in the future.

Kind Regards


One of our recipients (on the left hand side) presented an Aussie Hero Quilt to its new owner on our behalf. Our happy recipient, on the right, said that “She said she has received many awards in her lifetime but this quilt was the most treasured of them all”. Well done to Diann for this lovely quilt.


Hi Jan-Maree and Joy,

I received my Aussie Hero Quilt and the other week on 20th May in Africa. I absolutely love it!

The layout, the requested patterns and the colours are perfect.

Thank you very much Jan-Maree for creating Aussie Hero Quilts, your service and continued support of ADF members on deployment.

Thank you very much Joy, for making such a lovely piece and supporting ADF members on deployment through this wonderful organisation.



Well Beverley,

You have absolutely outdone yourself.

I just received my Aussie Hero Quilt in the Middle East and I am so in love with it.

You are so talented. I know how much work goes into making a quilt, my grandmother taught me at a very young age on how to sew.

Which then directed me into becoming a full time seamstress for many years.

Unfortunately, on how life goes, life got in the way of passion for sewing and I have found myself working supporting the military in the Middle East.

I have been in the Middle East for almost 4 years supporting the ADF in there operation in the region. 

It has been a whirlwind of a challenge working over here, but it has become harder with COVID -19 pandemic. It has been 2 years since I have seen my family back in Australia, and receiving this gives me a little taste of home.

I was born a Collingwood Supporter and I didn’t have a say in the matter. Damn family brainwashed me. Watch the footy every weekend and it’s been a little bit of an obsession.

I am originally a Northern Territory girl but have lived all over Australia at various spots. I do miss home, so much, but I am so proud to be doing the job over here.

Well I best be going, no rest for the wicked.

Thank you so much again Beverly, you have made my year.

Keep safe and keep doing what you’re doing we all appreciate it so much over here.

Kind Regards


Dear Lesley,

Please accept my sincere thanks for the absolutely amazing quilt you designed and created for me.

When it arrived I was quite overwhelmed by it’s colour, and beauty. It was much more stunning that I could have ever anticipated.

I showed the ADF team and they were all similarly impressed. The same can be said for my family and friends who have seen it.

I love the colours, animals, silhouettes and the incredible details. It’s perfect.

Thank you also for your kind words in the gorgeous card you made. It was so nice to read and feel appreciated for our service. AHQ is a fantastic talented and generous team and I thank you for supporting serving members.

Thank you again


Good Afternoon Bev and Geoff,

Your wonderful quilt arrived this morning in my location.

I wish to thank you both for such a wonderful gift there is a lot of work in that.

A very kind gesture for sure. It will be looked after here and travel home with me at the end of my deployment later in the year.

I trust that you are both well and wish you all the best.

Kind Regards


Hi Ellen,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am a Leading Seaman, Electronics Technician in the Royal Australian Navy.

I have been in 7 years and spent most of my time on Huon Class Mine Hunters Coastals, I was a Navy brat early on in life. At least it made it so I was able to make friends pretty quick.

My dad was in the RAN and I have an uncle who is still in as well. My great granddad was in the Royal Army I believe.

I have to say I love the laundry bag you made.

Being on the small ships, we don’t get as much attention as the majors and this is my first bag so I am very proud to have it.

They currently have me doing COVID Assist, so I am escorting families that arrived at the airport to hotels in the city where they have to isolate for 14 days.

I recently got married. My wife and I have a German Shepard and two cats.

Thanks for reading my email and making such amazing bags.


Dear Toni,

Thanks very much for the laundry bag. I think it looks great. 

Very hot here in the Middle East but fortunately quiet.



I would just like to express my complete appreciation for the quilt I was presented yesterday.

I was presented in front of my peers who I am doing a program with, that made it even more special. A huge thank you to Jo and her husband for presenting it. I didn’t expect a speech and it put a lump in my throat.

Thank you to all the team that made the quilt. You are obviously very talented and I have many comments already on how beautiful it is. You nailed it. Even I can’t stop looking at it.

Kind Regards


Good Afternoon Ruth,

Thank you SO SO much for my laundry bag. I am extremely happy with it. It is the best. I now strut to the laundry room and back with my bag and watch all the other ADF members be jealous over it. HAHA.

A little about me; When in Australia, I am from a unit called Joint Movement Element in Western Australia and my job in the Army is an Operational Mover, we are Transport Corps. There is not a lot of us around.

But where ever the ADF is in the world, we are. We organise the movements of People and equipment for the operations over here and in Australia too. We organise Army, Air Force, Navy, APS workers attached to the Defence and also contractors for Defence. It’s a big job and a very rewarding job. I really love my job. To get people to understand what we do, I usually tell them that we are basically the travel agents of the Defence Force.

Over here I am from JME MER – Joint Movements Elements Middle East Region and I am currently the Mover for all Movements involving Middle East. It’s very hectic right now over here and I cannot thank you enough for sending the pineapple laundry bag to brighten up my days until I go home.

Much love.



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