Grati-Tuesday – 20th Feb 2024

Written by AHQ

20 February 2024

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Although not as many letters this week, the ones we have received are so very special and we are grateful to have received them….

Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!

Good Evening Angela T,


First of all, I just want to say thank you very much for a fantastic laundry bag with the Flying Fish!
I absolutely love it and have shown this to some of my peers on board who also thought it was absolutely fantastic as it very much captures everything I love about the sea, the fishes, fishing and also the fact that the bag has my initials on it!

Our ship has been up to the Solomon Islands, and back, and then into our Christmas break, in which we got a much needed respite.

We were still on call as the humanitarian disaster relief vessel, but we did not get a call this time.

From early February, we have been up the coast operating with the Army and their helicopters which has been amazing to see and experience.

We also got a small port visit to Townsville, a town which I absolutely enjoy visiting.


I am very humbled and amazed that you have such an amazing array of members within your family who have all served in one way or another. As for me, my immediate family here in Australia consists only of my sister and mother. My mother is a hairdresser by trade and has her own boutique hair salon, whilst my sister has just completed an honours year at the University of Sydney in Arts and is figuring out the path she wants to take next. We also have a British Short Hair called Tom, who is named after the cartoon character from Tom and Jerry. As a result, we are a family of four, and live in NSW, in our DHA accommodation which has been fantastic for us all.


Tom our cat, despite being a house cat loves the idea of going for a walk outside. My entire family, almost as though we are watch keeping, take turns at taking Tom for a walk outside on a leash. He is now 2 years old, so will try and mingle with other cats, and enjoys chasing huntsman spiders and other bugs. We on average take him for a walk for up to two hours daily, whilst being extremely cautious of cars living in the city. Occasionally I do miss home, but the people I work with on board and the experiences and connections I make along the way at sea and in Port makes the experience very worthwhile.


Prior to joining the Navy, I was a retail manager of a surplus bookstore and studied at the University, where I studied a Bachelor of Arts in Management. It took me a little while before I realised that I did not really enjoy Business Studies, and instead decided to choose an Arts degree in Management and various other subjects of my own liking which I found that with the passion for those subjects, the learning became fun.


It is currently 8pm on day one of sail, and the interesting thing I have found is that most people get rather tired on the first day of sail as we get our bodies to re adjust to being out at sea. Once again, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your lovely letter and also the Laundry bag and snacks! It means quite a lot to me and is a huge motivation boost.

Wishing you and your family the very best Angie!


Kind regards,


Dear Sonia J,

I received your lovely laundry bag last year whilst on deployment and just wanted to write to say thank you so very much, it really brightened my day when I received it and my dog Zac thoroughly approves of the “pooch-themed” material! (Please see attached pic of Zac and the bag).
I joined the Navy in 2021, having previously in the medical field, but decided after covid it was time for a change. Absolutely loving the Navy life and all the great people I’ve met and places I’ve got to go so far.
Hope you are well and thank you again for the time and effort you put into making the bags, my fellow Navy people and I greatly appreciate them!

Kind Regards

An experience shared by Sue N. Thank you for sharing, I am sure others have had similar experiences….

“When I was at the post office the other day, the lady at the counter said, bare with me, we don’t do many of these, I told her, take your time, no stress, I then had a chat and told her I do these about once a week. Telling her about Aussie Hero Quilts. The smile on her face just grew. Her son is in the Navy and got a quilt 2 years ago and loves it. 

You never know who you are impacting with your work. Lovely stuff indeed. “

Hi Toni F,


Just wanted to say thanks for the laundry bag. I can see how much time and effort you put into it – it is fantastic quality and will be a great reminder of my time in the Airforce.


Thanks to you and the Aussie hero team for your efforts – it is much appreciated.



Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!





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