
Written by AHQ

12 January 2016

Hi all, here is the other half of the thank you messages that have come in over the last few weeks.  I am still catching up on emails after last night’s mega request list. We really have a lot of sewing to do if we are going to get all these quilts made but just one stitch at a time…. 

Enjoy these messages

Hi Lisa R,

I just thought I would drop you a quick note to let you know that my Aussie Hero Quilt arrived recently! 

I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you have put into making it for me. 

Attached is a picture to show you it is now in use – believe it or not the UAE is now cold enough to justify a blanket at night. 

Keep up the good work!


Hi Christine C,

I am one of the army reservists lucky enough to receive one of your excellent laundry bags! It is definitely an upgrade from my plain white sack and brought some welcome Christmas cheer to the company.
The training here has been difficult at times, largely due to the challenges of operating in the jungle during wet season. Nevertheless, we have all got something out of it and will return as more competent soldiers.
Thank you again and I hope your Christmas crab catch was plentiful!

Dear Ann and Murray,

I wish to thank you very much for your wonderful gift (which I haven’t actually opened yet from the Christmas Wrapping – such discipline and control from the temptation to peek). You must have some incredible insight to know how much I love Tim Tams, or it was a universal guess (seriously who doesn’t love Tim Tams??) 🙂

Well your gift has made its way through our wonderful mail system and I received it whilst we had a moment to breathe and relax from patrol in the wonderful and exotic paradise otherwise known as the Seychelles
I hope you have a safe and love filled Christmas with family an friends and again thank you for sharing your gift with me.
Kind Regards and Christmas Blessings

Murray and Ann,
I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful laundry bag, chips, Christmas decoration and soap.  The soap smells delicious.  It is a tremendous moral boost to receive such thoughtful gifts, especially over the Christmas season when I am away from loved ones.
Your continuing support through Aussie Quilts is very much appreciated indeed from myself and countless other troops on deployment.

May you have a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


I am currently the OPSO (Operations Officer) for Rifle Company  Butterworth, Rotation 112 (RCB 112 for short). We are 120 Australian soldiers on rotation at Royal Malaysian Air Force base, Butterworth (opposite bank of channel across from Penang, Malaysia). With a couple of exceptions, we are all army reservists – 2/3 from QLD based units and the remaining 1/3 from WA based units based in Perth (I’m one of the Sandgropers). 

Rifle Company Butterworth is the Australian Army infantry company based at RMAF base Butterworth. Rifle Company Butterworth was established in 1973 to provide a protective and quick-reaction force for RAAF Butterworth during the communists resurgence in Malaysia. While RAAF Base Butterworth was handed to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in 1988 and the insurgency officially ended in 1989, Rifle Company Butterworth has been maintained as a means of providing Australian soldiers with training in jungle warfare and cross-training with the Malaysian Army. The company is staffed on a rotational basis, with both Regular and Reserve personnel being deployed quarterly.

The company has been here in Malaysia to undergo jungle warfare and urban operations training. For many of the reservists it is their first time away from home, particularly at Christmas time. They have learnt new skills and experienced the local Chinese, Indian and Malaysian cultures while working around the city of Penang – ‘the pearl of the Orient’.

The beautiful laundry bags and quilts have been arriving in the mail just prior to and immediately after Xmas. With the exception of a few late parcels, they have now been distributed to all of our troops.

I would like to thank as many of the people personally who contributed (in any way) in the making of these gifts for our troops. My wife sews dance costumes for our daughter’s dance school, so I can appreciate the long hours that go into making  items such as the quilts and laundry bags (on top of working a full day). 

It is a pleasant reminder to all of us at RCB 112 that our work does not go unnoticed and that the Australian public still continues to support the efforts of our troops.

Once again, please accept my sincere thanks and admiration for the great effort you have made reminding Australian soldiers that people at home appreciate them.

I hope you and your family have more good fortune on the land and fair weather for your crops and cattle in 2016.


Thank you very much for your gifts of laundry bags that you have painstakingly made. They are absolutely fantastic and the guys are already putting them to use. Most of us here spent our Christmas time in various parts of Asia having a week or so off over that break to recuperate. Some with family who traveled to visit them or in some cases back to Australia. I myself spent some time holidaying in Phuket, Thailand, scuba diving and just relaxing in general. Is a great training experience for the soldiers over here however even though is just for several months there are always thoughts of home and family.

Weather over here is mostly hot and humid but as we see on the news has been some hot spells in Oz as well but hopefully brings the rain and some respite to the people out there who need it most.

Your effort as well as those from so many others creating laundry bags and quilts for the troops overseas are very well received, it makes our job so much more rewarding with the knowledge we have the support of people like yourself back home . For myself and on behalf my guys thank you very much, Hope your Christmas was a happy one with friends and family back home and that you have a Happy New Year.  

Hi Sandy

I just wanted to thank you for my wonderful laundry bag. It arrived a couple of weeks ago but I held off opening it till Christmas day which was great.

The truck theme is perfect. I am a Kenworth truck enthusiast and have a 1965 Kenworth that I am restoring. It is one of the first Kenworths to be imported to Australia and when I finish it I will take it to historic truck shows with the laundry bag in the sleeper bunk.

This is my third deployment to the MER but the first time that Aussie hero quilts have been operating and it really makes peoples day when their quilt or laundry bag arrives. 

So thank you again I really do appreciate what you do. 


Hi Sue,

I would like to start by saying a very big thank you for taking the time to make my quilt, I received my quilt on Christmas Eve and when I opened the box I was blown away by the design and the craftsmanship (my work colleagues where also very jealous haha). I can’t thank you enough and I will cherish it for many years to come. I would also like to thank you for the other little gifts I received along with the quilt, it all made for the perfect Christmas present.
We had a small Christmas here on deployment with a nice bbq lunch and a sit down dinner which was nice. I was lucky enough to be able to talk and see my family using a application called Skype on my computer, although it’s not the same as spending it with your family, technology these days definitely makes keeping in contact with your family whilst away a lot easier. I hope your Christmas and New Years was nice and you got to spend time with your family and friends.
 I’ll just finish by saying how thankful I am for the quilt and the time you spent to make it for me. I hope 2016 brings you much joy and happiness!


Thank you so much for the Aussie Hero Quilt that you made for me. It was a definite highlight of my deployment thus far. I love how it is without doubt blue and gold representing my beloved Parramatta Eels. My wife also loves and appreciates the effort and skill that went into making this quilt.

This quilt will be put to good use, even though I’ll be paranoid about getting it dirty. Perhaps I won’t use the quilt whilst I’m watching the Eels play as I can get pretty excited watching them play! (Just ask my wife!)

Once again Thank You!

Joan and Robin,

Thank you so much for the Aussie Hero Laundry Bag that you made for me. It was a definite highlight of my deployment thus far. I find that the bag you made is too good to put to my dirty washing in!!!!

I’m very appreciative of the personal touch you incorporated by having my initials embroidered onto it. Very classy touch right there ladies.

I intend on using this laundry bag for storing my rugby union refereeing uniform in my kit bag, well away from my boots, for next year’s rugby season and beyond.

It’s fantastic the work that you and your fellow volunteers do.

Once again Thank You!

Dear Marilyn

Thank you very much for the laundry bag and gifts.  The designs are fantastic! 
It is evident you not only put a great deal of effort into the work you do, but take immense pride in your work.

This is my first Christmas away from my family.  I am onboard HMAS Melbourne on Operation Manitou in the Middle East Region.
Melbourne is conducting maritime security operations in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf to intercept vessels smuggling drugs that help fund international terrorism.
Melbourne departed Sydney back in August and returns to Australia in late February next year.

It is such a great feeling opening a parcel when you’re away, and to have those few extra goodies was an excellent surprise.
I have not opened the gift wrapped Christmas paper.  I am using my willpower to wait until Christmas Day.

Please don’t underestimate the huge role you play in supporting Australian Defence Members on deployments overseas.

Once again thank you, you’re an inspiration.

Dear Joan & Robin,

Please accept my belated thanks for my lovely laundry bag. It is truly beautiful. I can now find my laundry in the sea of boring blue bags – thank you. I wish you and your family and friends every good wish for Christmas and the New Year.
Keep up the great work with your bags as they bring much joy.

Regards and Best Wishes

Dear Joan & Robin, 

Thank you so much for the lovely laundry bag. It is hanging on my wall next to my bed and it great at brightening the dreary accommodation. I am deployed as a Signal Troop Commander and I am in command of 15 soldiers. We are responsible for all communication for Australians in the country, including radios, internet, computers essentially everything with connectivity. I bought his card while I was visiting my extended family in Switzerland and thought it was so cute!!!. I hope you have received my email
and photos.  Here is one of me and some of my soldiers. We are looking forward to getting home and are so grateful for all the generous people like yourselves who send us parcels. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

Hi Marilyn,

Thankyou very much for the Laundry Bag you have made for me and also for the gifts inside. I appreciate all your work and effort involved especially with how busy you are with your personnel life.

The other Laundry Bag you made similar to mine is actually owned to one of my closet friends onboard.

I have been posted to HMAS Melbourne since June 2014 and this is my first deployment away from home. In total it will be 7 months away which can be hard for everyone onboard at times but I have thoroughly enjoyed my time away and the adventures I have experienced.

This was my first Christmas away from home and we spent it at sea. Even though we couldn’t be with our family on this day the crew onboard were all understanding and put together an excellent day. We could still enjoy the feast like you would at home and Santa came to our ship haha so in the end it turned out to be yet another good experience.

Thankyou again and stay safe 

Hi Val,
Thank you so much for the amazing quilt you have obviously put so much work into, it is fabulous! I am torn between wanting to keep it in pristine condition and proudly having it displayed on my bed. It will become one of those things that will encompass my time away here, and in years to come I hope to be able to pass it down to my daughters.
I thought I had better send you an email because I note that you posted it in early November and were probably wondering where it had disappeared to. It arrived here on New Years Eve, which was just a perfect continuation of Christmas. I took it to work with me on New Years Day, and have attached a couple of pictures below for you (it is a challenge to unfold a quilt in a small confined space!). I have had them cleared for public release if you would like to show off your amazing work on Facebook or the like. You have captured perfectly the elements that I suggested, and in ways that my clearly un-creative brain would never have come up with. The poppie is a really clever touch, and my Dad is a cartoon nut (the old school teacher in him perhaps?) so I think he is going to get quite a laugh out of the family cartoons given that he is the grandfather!
Christmas over here was different but you make do with what you have and everyone is in the same boat. It was a working day, so we had a secret santa and Christmas carols the evening before and a bbq dinner on Christmas night. Luckily for me I will get another Christmas with my family when I get home around Anzac Day. I’m not sure how you picked liquorice and chocolate bullets, but they are absolutely my favourites. We are rarely without bullets in our house, and I am the guilty party who manages to empty the lollie jar.
It has been professionally very rewarding to be able to serve over here. The time away from my family is tough, at both ends, and nobody wants to be involved in armed conflict, but ultimately I think the cause for the greater good is worth the individual sacrifices. I guess that is a part of being Australian, and your Mum would probably recount the same thoughts from her contribution many years ago.
Again Val, thank you so much. I will be forever grateful to you for putting so much love and time into a quilt for someone that you have never met. It is proudly on my bed right now, and will be proudly in my family for many many years to come.
With kind regards,

I think Val wins the prize for the COOLEST quilt photos to date!  Awesome effort!

Dear Joan and Robin,

I am writing to say thank you for the fantastic laundry bag that the two of you made for me. I am very honoured that you both took time out of your lives to make it for me, and it is the kind gestures from both yourselves and the others a part of Hero Quilts that serves as a great reminder to just why I am happy to serve our country.

Myself and the rest of my crew are planning on taking a photo out by the aircraft with our quilts and bags once they arrive and send it to the Hero Quilts blogspot, so keep a lookout over the next few weeks.

Wishing you all the best over the holidays.


I am very pleased to say that I received your Aussie Hero quilt in the mail today. Thank you ever so much. I love the quilt and it has brought a very colorful and warm feel to an otherwise drab and clinical room, making it so much more pleasant to be in. 

Thank you also for the time and effort that you have quite obviously put into its construction. It means so much to me to know that you have gone to such extraordinary lengths to do something so selfless for someone you don’t know on the other side of the world. Furthermore, supporting our troops overseas on operations does not go unnoticed and speaks volumes about the type of person that I am sure you are.

So once again, thank you for your contribution, I love the quilt and it will no doubt be something that my two year old daughter ends up building castles with in our living room upon my return to Australia. 

It is difficult to be away from loved ones for so long (9 months), so it is great to know at we are not forgotten back home. 

Ps. The Tim Tams were amazing and we will be playing poker with the cards tonite.

Dear Ann W 

Thank you for making me a beautiful laundry bag for me.  Its so wonderful the support we get from at home while away and your kind words make it just that little better while we are away from family.  Thanks again


To Bev &Geoff.
Thank you so much  I received my quilt and it is beautiful . You should be very proud of your work.
The weather here is getting colder so the quilt will come in very handy.

Thanks again


Dear Carmel
This card is just to say thank you for the wonderful laundry bag.  I appreciate the work you have done.   I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year.

Hi Pennie 

I am writing this email to try and express my appreciation for the quilt that I have just received in the the mail. The quilt is amazing and it will take pride of place on my bed here and then with my kids when I get home.
I have three kids who are all Hawks supporters – I have sent them the photo attached and they also think its awesome. The quilt goes well beyond my expectations and would have been happy with absolutely anything. I can see from the workmanship that you have spent a considerable amount of time with it.
I’m actually only a reserve and my primary employment is with the police and to honest seeing what you guys have to put up with a lot of the time I think you have the harder job. The only down side to being here is that  it is so far away from family.
I have also shared out all the other little surprises among the other guys in my section while we are doing night shift and they have already been demolished.
Again thank you for the quilt it is amazing and I really do appreciate every minute you have spent making it.


Dear Jean,
Thank you so much for the beautiful Laundry Bag. You have created such a beautiful bag with the perfect choice of colours. I love it!!!
Once again, thank you so much for your beautiful gift. It is such a morale lifter for all of us when we receive the hand made quilts and laundry bags.
With every blessing on you and your family,

Afternoon/Evening Fran,

First of all, I loved my Quilt and Laundry Bag and am deeply humbled at the fact people like yourself are back at home giving up their time to create the Quilts and Laundry Bags for members serving overseas.

As far as the Mighty Hawks go, I could discuss this with yourself or husband for hours, but am sure it would just bore you. I was also lucky enough to be able to watch this years Grand Final against West Coast Eagles live on TV.

Aussie Hero Quilts is a truly amazing organisation, which I can say first hand lifts the Spirits and Morale of our Defence Members over here when they receive their gifts. I am currently deployed as the Officer in Charge of Force Protection for the area I am in and such gifts are warmly welcomed by all, especially as we move through Christmas and the New Year.

Finally I would like to sincerely thank you for your gift and appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. It is very humbling to know that there are others like yourself back home giving up their time, money and effort to produce these gifts for our Defence Members. I have no idea how to repay you other than offer you my sincerest thanks. Your kindness is overwhelming and understanding what Padre’s do, you must both be very caring people and amazing people. 

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Years with 2016 bringing you more joy and happiness.

Hi Jan,
My quilt arrived today and its fantastic, the binary numbers made me smile and it’s a quilt that can remain in my family for ever and tell a story to my little girl.  It is really appreciated and thank you all very much, it has been a hard and tiresome 6 months and your kindness and contribution to my well-being shows how kind the Australian public are in supporting us doing the job we volunteered to do.

Thank you 
For a laundry bag made by Pennie

Hi Jan-Maree

Just a quick note to wish you and all “the elves” at Aussie Hero Quilts  a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

We heard from xxxx briefly  and she was thrilled to have received her laundry bag. The two poodles really blew her away! She asked that I pass on her thanks and appreciation for this wonderful gift.

Once again many thanks for all that you do for our boys and girls in uniform.
Best Wishes

Dear Julie-Ann, 

I will send a proper thank you through the mail, but I just wanted to pass on my thanks on Christmas Day for your kind gift which arrived recently.  As is mostly the case, the AHQ Laundry Bags are much too nice to be used for laundry, so it is now hanging on my wall to remind me of home.  In all, the quilt, care package and your note were just fantastic.

It is Christmas Eve so we have managed to knock off a little early and we are all hoping for a quiet day tomorrow.  We have lunch planned and some different activities for the afternoon, so we are looking forward to a good day.

I am also fluent in the talk of quilting speak.  Both my Mum and Wife are keen quilters, so I am familiar with cutting up material and then sewing it back together, and the work that goes along with it!

Please accept my very sincere thanks on today of all days.  I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, and all the very best for the New year.

Dear Dolphin Quilters of Old Bar,

I am currently serving on HMAS MELBOURNE in Middle East Operations. After a recent port visit I received your care package and opened it up to find the most amazing Richmond Tigers quilt. I thank you for your effort that you took into making it for me, I was going to wait until Xmas Day to open but I couldn’t contain my excitement. Keep up the great work from back home. Everyone here really appreciates all your efforts. Have a lovely Xmas and New Year

Many Regards,


Hello Aussie Hero Quilt makers!

Thank you so much for my quilt and laundry bags. They are perfect. My apologies for not emailing you earlier. Today is Xmas day and is the first day off I’ve had since I received the quilt and bags. We’ve had a wonderful Xmas day, even if it is away from our families who we miss very much. I’m looking forward to seeing my husband when my  mid deployment leave starts in 2 days, but I won’t see my two fur babies (dogs) for 6.5 months in total, so having a quilt and laundry bags that remind me of them is lovely.
Thank you very much

Merry Christmas Aussie Hero Quilts & Laundry Bags!

I received a lovely laundry bag and would love to say a big THANK YOU to the person who created it.  A lovely design and well made;  a fantastic keepsake memento of my time over here (doing my laundry). Happy and safe holiday season to you.  Bless you!


Dear Jenny,

What a joy to receive the laundry bag and goodies, and all in time for Christmas.

Our new XO has just joined the ship and had a good laugh over the bag. Just what he needed for his laundry.

I hope this finds you all well and enjoying this most precious time of the Christian Year.

Tomorrow we will have a sunset Eucharist up on top of the ship, then a Carol and readings service on the flight deck, followed by a flight deck movie “Miracle on 31st Street”.

Then  I collapse and go to bed fulfilled and happy. During the night the Chiefs take over and play Santa to the entire ship’s crew.

Lots of fun and laughs I am sure.

Remember us in your prayers.


        Dear Jacqui,

                        I can’t thank you enough for the effort you have put into my blanket. I’m embarrassed by how long it took for me to reply, but it was only fitting that you knew where your masterpiece has gone to.

                        My wife is the cat fancier in the family and dotes on her little man Astro.  I intentionally left Jan with a vague description of what I wanted so that I could be surprised. Whether it was wild, a cartoon or subtle, it didn’t matter – It was going to be a talking point for both us and our visitors. I was blown away by everything about the blanket. The colours and patterns you chose suit the style of our house and furniture to a tea and my wife wouldn’t have chosen different if she made one herself. The unexpected laundry bag was the gravy !! 
              I must say that the magazine and DVD you sent were strait up my alley. I’m into backyard mechanics and fabrication and love modifying cars. Between my off-watch and time off I have read every book and magazine that I brought aboard, as well as other books borrowed off friends. So these unexpected bonuses made my trip! Once again I give you a heart-felt thanks for what you have given us.
Kind Regards, 


I would just like to start by thanking you for all that you do for us guys and girls over seas 

The quilt that you make is a reminder to me that what I’m doing over here is worth it. Thank you so much. And I love it 🙂

Kind regards 


Cheryl R received this photo from a very happy recipient.


The following thank you refers to a quilt that was made by Jan F and Kaye B and sent to me to send off. 

Dear Jan-Maree,

I am currently serving in Iraq with ADF Task Group.

A month or so back I received what I can only describe as an exceptional quilt and laundry bag from you.

I would like to take a moment to thank you for both items and the work your organisation is doing for Australian soldiers deployed on operations overseas. As I’m sure you are aware the receipt of something from back home, especially something custom made goes a long way towards building morale within a Task Group, in what can be at times a challenging environment. To know that there are organisations that appreciate the work that is being done overseas makes time move that much faster, with the soldiers of the TG knowing that what they are doing is appreciated by someone other then the guy or girl beside them.

The day the bags & quilts were distributed to the TG was a day I will retain as a positive memory from this trip. I don’t think I have seen a bed or wall within the accommodation which isn’t now clad with a quilt of some description. The laundry bags have also worked towards ensuring our clothing doesn’t grow legs and walk off from the laundry, which can unfortunately happen here as again I’m sure you can appreciate.

I hope all everything is going well for you back home and I wish you and your organisation all the best in supporting what is an excellent cause and having a lasting effect on the soldiers of the TG.

Kindest Regards,


Hello and Merry Christmas Jean.
I just wanted to say a big thank you for the laundry bag. It is perfect and I couldn’t be happier to have received it at this time of year. (It came to me early December however I have been off base for a few weeks and unable to send you an email to say thank you)
I hung up the decoration in my room next to my stocking. It is certainly heart warming knowing you and your fellow volunteers with Aussie Hero Quilts are thinking of us. Makes spending time away from family just that little bit easier.
Seeing the efforts of yourself and other volunteers with quilting masterpieces here has inspired me to look into quilting classes for when I return. (I sew a little myself but mostly simple clothes and cushions)
I hope you and your family (fur baby included) had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the New Years celebrations. I hope your 2016 sees you have many more adventures. 

Dear Kim and John N,
I am blown away by the wonderful gift of the quilt you have sent to me, very Australian themed and just what I needed to remind me of home. I also appreciate very much the photo you sent of BlackHead Beach, I have been there myself over the many years most recently travelling through on my touring motorcycle as I went through Forster / Tuncurry, up to Old Bar Rd and back out to Taree. Beautiful part of the world indeed.

Its a good crew, but as you can imagine “patience is a virtue” and 7 months with this many people and very cramped living conditions does take its toll. As exotic as it often seems to travel and see the world, it can also get lonely and isolated from the rest of the world we know and love and yes, Christmas isn’t quite Christmas when its not where your heart is.

I wish you both a safe and love filled Christmas with your family and friends and hope to hear from you in the future. Again thank you for sharing with me your wonderful gift of quilt making, I have shown a photo of it to my partner who loves her pillows and bed covers and she was especially impressed with this one. “Something she would pick if she was looking for a quilt” was her quote.

Kindest Regards and Christmas Blessings to you both.

Dear Rita C and family
This is just a short message to say thank you so much for the lovely ‘star wars’ quilt you made for me
I appreciate the time and effort you have made to make such a lovely gesture.

It is wonderful what you ladies at ‘hero quilts’ do and you definitely boost our moral here.  It makes us feel a little closer to home.  You are part of the the defence family and as a family we share a common bond

I wish you and your family a very Merry Xmas

Good afternoon Madam

Thank you for the Quilt and the post card plus chocolates ,

It was greatly appreciated , and is on my bed as we speak,looking forward to going home , and keep up the great work we appreciate it,

from all members at Rifle Company Butterworth 112 Quartmaster store.

For those who made laundry bags for Butterworth, this is a thank you for some of them, not sure who made these ones specifically. 


On behalf of both myself and the members of 1PL, thank you (and your gang of quilters and sewers!) for taking the time and effort to send over the laundry bags, there are greatly appreciated.


Afternoon/Evening Janis,

First of all, I loved my Laundry Bag and am deeply humbled at the fact people like yourself are back at home giving up their time to create the Quilts and Laundry Bags for members serving overseas.

Aussie Hero Quilts is a truly amazing organisation, which I can say first hand lifts the Spirits and Morale of our Defence Members over here when they receive their gifts. I am currently deployed as the Officer in Charge of Force Protection for the area I am in and such gifts are warmly welcomed by all, especially as we move towards Christmas.

My career has been a long and eventful one, I was enlisted into the Air Force as a Military Working Dog Handler in 2003 which I conducted up until 2012 where I picked up my Commission to become a Security Police Officer, also within the Air Force. I have deployed into the Middle East twice as well as a few other exercises and deployments around Australia and the World.

Finally I would like to sincerely thank you for your gift and appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. It is very humbling to know that there are others like yourself back home giving up their time, money and effort to produce these gifts for our Defence Members. I have no idea how to repay you other than offer you my sincerest thanks

Have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Years.

Hiya Fran, 

What a lovely surprise to open a package and discover not only ladybirds but sparkles too. Yes indeed my quilt and laundry bag were well received not only by me but fellow friends who were envious of my sparkles and bugs. I wish I was as good with a needle and thread and sewing machine…My Mam still does my sewing.. Just as its heating up in OZ its getting cooler over here in the desert.

And a BIG thank you and to the many of you that put many hours of work into a gift that is very well received by all..


G’day Avril,

It was a lovely surprise to receive your laundry bag and little note you provided today. I have been needing to get one from the shop for quite some time now but just keep forgetting so I will definitely be putting it to good use immediately.
Thank you very much and I hope to hear back from you.
Kind regards

Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    Wow! a bumper load of thanks!


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