Grati-Tuesday 13 October

Written by AHQ

13 October 2015

G’day all.
Before  the normal Gratitude post tonight first a look at who has been visiting the Centenary Quilt this week.   

Lucy Carroll, creator of the wonderful Gallipoli Quilts, and the beautiful Soldier On Quilt was in Canberra yesterday to hang her Women in Defence Quilts at the ADF’s Women in Defence Conference. Congratulations Lucy!

I was delighted to hear that Lucy made time in her schedule to visit the Centenary Quilt at the War Memorial at the same time.   Thanks for the photo!


Lynda A and Ruth P also made time to visit the quilt recently and sent in these accounts.  

Hello from Sunny Melbourne,

My name is Lynda and I co- ordinate a quilt group in Melbourne. We have been making quilts for AHQ for a few years. In early September  my husband and I visited Canberra. I was very keen to see the Centenary quilt, having seen all the posts about it from Jan-Maree. It was a wonderful experience that I found really emotional. It was great to see all the comments on it, you really get a sense of how much the quilts means to our serving personnel. I  would strongly encourage others to go and see it whilst it is still there. We detoured our holiday, in land so we could go.

Hi Jan-Maree,

I was in Canberra with my cousin to see Floriade and of course, the Centenary Quilt. It is even better seeing it in real life. Amazing amount of work – well done all the quilters. What a treasure! I spent quite a bit of time talking the man who directed us to the quilt. He didn’t know about it except that he knew where the quilt was with the red poppies. I forgot to take your instructions as to exactly where it was, except for the section & who it was opposite.

So here are some photos. I’ve down-sized them to make them easier for emailing to you.

Bye for now. Keep up your wonderful work. Love reading all your messages, photos, etc. Wonderful way to start my day each day. I appreciate all the hard work you do behind the scenes when you would rather be sewing.

Ruth P from Leura


Thanks ladies!!

Now on to this week’s gratitude post….


A small thing…
I always ask that if you receive a message back from your recipients that you let me know so that I can remove the personal/identifiable information etc and share it on the blog along with any photos (once I have sought permission).  

This is important for another reason. I try to chase as many quilts and laundry bags as I can.  It takes up quite a bit of time to do this but it is worth it so that I can reassure the quilters that the quilts and laundry bags are arriving, even if we do not hear back from all of them.  If you hear from someone and do not let me know then I could be chasing someone up that has already replied and that is wasted time.  Your cooperation in this matter would be much appreciated.
Thank you

Dear Joan & Robin 

I just want to say many thanks for the laundry bag that you made and sent to me, it was fantastic to receive it and the design was great. It will be put to good use. 


We have recently started sending a few laundry bags to the patrol boats in Darwin.  We have to pay the postage for this but, given the response as per the next message, it is well worth it and they are much appreciated.

Hi Jan-Maree,

I’d like to personally thank you for the laundry bag I received from your organisation through one of the navy padre’s while I’ve been attached to a Patrol Boat recently. It has come in very handy, and takes pride of place in my cabin. Organisations such as yours increase the morale of soldiers, sailors and airmen dramatically. It helps reaffirm our belief that we are working hard to protect everything we love about our beautiful country, our families, our mates and our way of life. To know that organisations such as Aussie Hero Quilts (and Laundry Bags) are out there, really touches us, and brings home the amount of commitment you guys have to us, and our families. The crew on my particular boat have been using their bags daily, and it also makes it a lot easier to know who’s washing is who’s!

Thanks for all of the hard work you and your team do, and good luck with it in the future.

I’ll always have a story to go with my Laundry Bag, and I’ve got you to thank.


Dear Joan & Robin 

I just want to say many thanks for the laundry bag that you made and sent to me, it was fantastic to receive it and the design was great. It will be put to good use. I will endeavour to take a picture for you and email it to you when I get a chance. 



Dear Joan and Robin.

I hope this email finds you well.

I wanted to take this opportunity to write to say thank you very much for my laundry bag. It was such a nice surprise to receive it and the design with a map of Australia is fantastic, it certainly brightens up the living space. Thank you!

Your skill and efforts make a very positive impact on morale and reminds us that people back home are thinking and supporting us whilst we carry out this operation.

Take care, kindest regards.


Dear Jan-Maree

I received your wonderful gift in the mail last week. It is an extraordinarily generous gesture for which I cannot thank you enough.  The laundry bag is more like a work of art than a laundry bag and is currently on display in my office.  I am unsure if I can actually place my laundry in it because it is so amazing.

Your organisation, Aussie Hero Quilts, is achieving amazing results among deployed personal. My team rave about the boost to morale that if give them and how special it make them feel to receive these items which are made with such attention to detail.

On behalf of the Air Task Group members, thank you again.    Your efforts are greatly appreciated by all of us and I will personally remember my laundry bag as one of the highlights of my deployment.

Kind regards 


Dear Joan, 
Thank you so much for my laundry bag! It is so wonderfully made and absolutely suits the beachy Queenslander I am. Really enjoying my time here, have definitely seen some interesting places – starting my journal tonight. Take care

Yes I have received My Amazing Quilt, it was such a great thing to open and have whilst being overseas. Thank you so so much for all your time and effort.  My Quilt looks great and I’ve got it in my new house, its gonna be for my child one day.  Thank you once again



Thank you so much for your gift. It was so very thoughtful and I am already putting it to good use. As a military lad, I have spent a lot of time away and it is the perfect reminder of home.   I am currently serving in the Middle East embedded with military members from many other nations and your gift is ‘the talk of the town’, as all my colleagues are jealous of your work. Basically, they all want one 🙂

Thanks again for your wonderful work and gift, 


Hi Stephanie D!!!

Today I finally got my first parcel (the laundry bag) I LOVE IT!!!

I’ve ran around the ship showing everyone! It’s so bright and tropical! My home town is Cairns so I spend a bit of time on the reef, always so relaxing.

I haven’t put it down or stopped smiling, I’m so excited to send photos to my family back home. It’s amazing. 
Thank you so much,
I couldn’t ask for anything better, it’s perfect!!


Dear Pennie,

I am the very lucky Soldier who just received the most beautiful French themed quilt made by yourself! I wanted to say thank you so much, it is such an amazing piece of craft and I just love the design. It has come at a perfect time, we are just starting to get snow on the mountains where I am deployed in Afghanistan and I am so grateful for the extra layer of warmth I now have. The girls in my room were all in admiration of the wonderful job you have done! And we will very very much enjoy the snacks you were kind enough to send. The soap smells beautiful….it’s lovely to have a touch of femininity around the place. 

Reading your letter made me so happy, to be lucky enough to find a stranger who takes such enjoyment from France as I do – what a lovely surprise.

It’s my first time deployed however I am really grateful for the opportunity to do something for Australia. I have attached a picture of me with my lovely quilt. I would rather write but the post will take a while and I wanted to let you know I have received my lovely quilt.
Thank you for your kindness! 


I have been trying to spend a bit of time chasing quilts and laundry bags to make sure they have arrived safe and sound. I used to do a lot of this but do not get as much time these days.  This is one reply I received for a great quilt that Leesa sent off.

Hello Jan-Maree!

I’m sorry for not writing earlier; I’ve been quite busy and really wanted to find a good amount of time so I could attempt to construe to you how thankful I am for the quilt.

As I opened the package I became more and more excited as I saw its contents.

Once I saw the quilt as a complete I was immediately reminded of my home!

It is actually quite remarkable.

I cannot thank you enough for this taste of home that you have provided.

Know that the quilt is hung up on my office wall behind my desk for everyone to enjoy.

Scarce does someone enter my office who doesn’t comment on how excellent the quilt is.

Again, thank you so much! It is the best!


Hi Carmel 

sorry it’s taken me a while to get back to you.
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for the laundry back you made for me. I love it and really appreciate the time you took to make it for me.  The work you do really gives us a real morale boost being so far away.
Hope you are well and thanks again.

Dear Marcia,

I have just received a parcel in the mail which brightened my week! It was my new laundry bag!  I have been using big black garbage bags to do my washing but this is a fantastic upgrade!

I am a mad Port Adelaide fan, in fact my father used to play for them way back in the early 70s.

Thank you very much for the laundry bag and the lollies! I really appreciate the effort you have gone to, not only making the bag itself, but supporting us soldiers!

Kind Regards

My Aussie Hero Quilt showed up earlier this week and it is absolutely fantastic thank you. 

Robyn W has done a wonderful job in creating a very special quilt and laundry bag, which have both taken pride of place in my tent living area. Robyn also enclosed a lovely card with some heart felt thanks and recognition for the efforts that we are making over here. Her comments really meant a lot to me, as we rarely receive any thanks from the Australian people for our involvement in these military operations that we endure. I have been involved in overseas conflicts with Defence since 2003 and the emotional stress that comes to bear on both myself and my family have taken its’ toll. I have a lovely wife and two beautiful teenage daughters, and have sadly missed a lot of their upbringing / personal achievements due to being deployed away. Please know that the efforts of everyone involved in Aussie Hero Quilts, and especially Robyns’ expert skills in the art of quilting, touched me personally that day and all I can say is thank you.

Wishing you and Aussie Hero Quilts the very best for the future.



Good Morning Black Head Beach Quilters,
I am sorry it has taken a while to reply but I received a Aussie hero quilt in the mail for you and it was a real surprise. It is currently hanging in my room to add a lot of colour to a very beige room. My kids said they were organising a surprise but what I got was not what I thought I was getting The amount of time and effort that goes into making them is appreciated by myself and all of the members of the ADF currently serving who receive these.

The photo of your local beach reminds me of what I do not have access to here and when I get home my local beach at Nelson Bay will be visited daily

Once again thank you very much for the quilt. It will remind me of the time served in the Middle East for many a year to come and once I get home and I can share it with my kids and family on cold winter nights whilst watching TV. 

Dear Louise (Black Head Beach Quilters),
I am writing to say ‘thank you so much’ for the lovely quilt you made for me. Last week when the mail arrived from Australia, I was so excited and happy to receive such a beautiful gift. The colours and patterns are just lovely, and I appreciate the time and effort you must go to. I struggle to sew on a button so I think you are amazing.
It is very hot where we are, and everything is brown and dull, even the walls in our little rooms are brown. So to have such a lovely colored quilt on my bed brightens up my days here.
Thanks for sharing with me the photo of the view where your group meets. I have stuck it up on my wall. It looks like a great spot.
Once again, thank you so much for your efforts and for your kindness. It means so much.

Kind Regards,

Hello Kay,

Thank you so much for the Arsenal quilt!!! It is amazing and I can’t believe how much detail you’ve put into it.  I’m gonna keep this forever and it will definitely be hung up around the house when I get back home. This is the most excited I have been all deployment and I can’t explain how grateful I am for this gesture. This is definitely gonna get used a lot . 

Thanks heaps!


Hello Jean ,

I wanted to start by saying thank-you very much for my laundry bag. I have used it everyday since receiving it.

Once again thank you from me and all the boys and we serve with pride and honour knowing our service is not forgotten over here and that the great people of Australia are thinking of us.  

Yours sincerely                                                         


And a thank you for a laundry bag made by Joan

I have received my laundry bag!   Thank you so much – I do like it and it has already been put in to use.


G’day Jan and Amrit,

I am writing this email to thank you for quilt that I received a couple of weeks ago. I really appreciate the time and effort taken by yourselves in customising the quilt to my preferences. It definitely brought a smile on my face – something which people around me believe is very rare. 🙂

I have spent the last 6 months away from my family and I am glad that I have been busy throughout. Small gifts like these make us feel loved not just by our families, but all the people back in Australia. 

Thank you for the support and keep up the great up.


Till next time………………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching.

Cheers  Jan-Maree xx

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    Lovely stuff as always. Good work everyone.


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