Grati-Tuesday 12 July 2022

Written by AHQ

12 July 2022


Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic week!
What a week for AHQ! We passed 15000 quilts and welcomed the new website. Check it out it’s awesome! 
Catherine D also had the pleasure of presenting a 20+ quilt to a recipient. See her thank you and photos below.
Grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and 
enjoy the gratitude letters below. 

Dear Bridget R,


Firstly, I hope this finds you and your family well and safe. Secondly, the hugest thank you to you, Bobbie S and Inge C for the quilt you all made for me – I have been in the Army since 1985 and this is the first one I have received – I love it.


Your quilt found its way to Egypt and just in time – we are returning home in 24 days which I am very much looking forward to.  While I have enjoyed my second tour here and once again made some wonderful friends, I am very eager to go home and cuddle my dog with a nice glass of wine.


I have a partner and four adult children spread across the country who are my life blessing. As I am nearing the end of my military working life I have been lucky enough to receive a final posting, before turning 60 and retiring, to my home town in WA.  This will give me some much needed and wanted time with my elderly parents, my sisters, and two of my children who live there. I have been away from home for way too long and am looking forward to finding a nice quiet place to retire and spend my days playing in the garden and with my knitting.


We had a lovely ANZAC Day here this year on the clifftop overlooking the ocean, then went to work 😊 That’s the way it is I guess, at least we got up nice and early to pay our respects and were joined by many soldiers from the other nations here. 

Once again, thank you all so very much for the beautiful quilt – I will treasure it always.


Kindest regards, 



Good afternoon Lyn R,


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for making the quilt for me. I am very impressed with how it turned out.


I have been bowling at a very high level for many years now, and have represented Qld a few times in the early to mid 2000’s. My brother and I actually held the national doubles record for that event for 11 years. It’s great to know that you have enjoyed bowling when you have gone. I also hope to be representing the ADF in Tasmania in August for the Tenpin Bowling Nationals being held there.

I am yet to get to a V8 Supercars event, but endeavour one day soon. I just love the sound and speed.

I hope that you will enjoy your travels and the warmth of Qld winters.


Again, thank you so much for the quilt and for all the support that you and Aussie Hero Quilts give to those of us serving this great country.





 Dear Pennie T

I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful quilt you have made for me. When Catherine D personally delivered it to me today I was overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude.


I am so grateful for all your hard work. Your quilt is absolutely amazing and definitely captures the essence of me perfectly. I just love the colours and everything you have added.


The Kombi panel is just stunning and matches my own kombi which is lovely, the mother and baby outline to signify my midwifery is particularly pertinent and totally captures my heart and soul.


I am really enjoying my new journey as a yoga teacher and love that you have also added some asanas into the quilt. It is also wonderful to have my RAANC logo and the Army logo signifying my Service. You honestly could not have done a better job. 


It is also very special to know that a fellow nurse has made this quilt for me, having other nurses appreciate military nursing service really does mean a lot.  I too have been nursing for 40 years, 32 years of my service has been with Defence which included a deployment to East Timor. I do not know how you find the time to fit everything in. You are obviously a remarkable caring human and I totally appreciate all that you do with your nursing and particularly your voluntary work with Aussie quilts. It is an amazing program and I am so privileged to be part of it.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will truly cherish my beautiful quilt and it will definitely become a family heirloom.❤❤❤


Kind Regards


Our 20+ year service recipient with her quilt by Penni T which was presented by Catherine D.  With a view like that no wonder she asked for a beach theme!


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