Grati-Tuesday 11th July 2023

Written by AHQ

11 July 2023

Happy Tuesday Friends!

The quilts and laundry bags mean so much, whether received in the post, presented when expected or as a surprise!!!

There are examples of all of these in the following letters.

Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!

Good morning Chris E,


I am currently serving onboard HMAS Adelaide.

HMAS Adelaide is the largest ship we have in the Australian Navy. It is what is called an LHD, which means it carries helicopters, and is also an amphibious ship, which means we can get in close to shore then send landing craft ashore for whatever mission the government require.

A few years ago, we were able to use the amazing capability of this massive ship to get in close and provide support and evacuation to the people of Mallacoota in southern NSW during those dreadful bushfires.


I am very honoured and humbled to receive your beautiful Laundry bag and to read of the amazing work you do for your family and the community. People like you and your family are the reason that people like me sign up to serve our country, and trust me when I say Chris, that it is an absolute honour to serve you and your amazing family.


I’ve added a pic of HMAS Adelaide leaving Sydney on the way to Townsville, which is where the ship is now, I’m writing this to you while we are berthed in Townsville. It’s nice and warm up here, which I like.


Last night most of the people onboard watched the Swans game against the Lions, and, unfortunately for me, my beloved Swannies lost.


Thank you so much Chris for the letter and for the laundry bag, I will absolutely put it to good use, and think fondly of you each time I do my washing here on the ship.


Kind regards,


When Jan-Maree was recently in Canberra, she and the chairman of the board Air Marshall Leo Davies (Retd) were pleased to be able to surprise a happy recipient with his quilt.


Dear Heather B,
I received your laundry bag you made!
I loved reading all about your family’s history within the defence and your ongoing support you provide to all who serve.
I appreciate you for all you do and thank you for the wonderful laundry bag you have made!

Dearest Philomena,

I embarked at sea today, away from family, my husband, 3 children & dog for the next 4 months…….. and then I walk into my cabin and find your magnificent, glorious quilt – a personalised, beautiful quilt! Words escaped me, but the tears did not. “Thank you” is a hopeless word in this instance, but thank you!

I loved your life letter! Mine has also been a life of travel and adventure, growing up in Tasmania into a sailing family, and sailing around the world at age 10. I joined the Navy at 17 and have served in other Navies, all over the world, being with some of the most remarkable people in the world.

I am extremely proud to serve and honoured to lead youthful, capable and professional Australians.

The Aussie Hero Quilts reinforce our pride in serving and reminds us that Australia is worth protecting.

I dedicate your quilt to my family, who sacrifice so much.

With Gratitude,

Good afternoon,


I have received my quilt/laundry bag! I will also email my quilter to say thanks.

 Thanks again, defiantly put a smile on my face 😊


Hello Beverly U,


I just wanted to reach out and personally thank you for my Aussie Hero quilt and laundry bag! I have just returned from a two week leave break after a long four months, and opening the package last night was the most perfect welcome ‘home’ gift.


During my leave break I went on a safari and absolutely loved the Zebras… so the laundry bag was meant to be. The quilt has already made my little room feel much more like home and it will be an amazing memento to take home after my 12 month deployment.


Thanks again, I really appreciate the beautiful items and we are truely lucky to have such caring people supporting us from back home.




Hello Jenni S,


This is just a quick email to say thank you for the quilt you made for me!

It is far more than I ever expected, it’s amazing!!

I believe you have also made a few of my fellow crew members jealous and I think they would like one now as well, hahaha.

It was so nice to receive your letter along with my quilt, as it’s nice to know there are other people out there (besides your own family) that care.


A little about myself – I have been in the Navy for almost 9 years.

I have spent the last 8 of those years either on sea going vessels or deployable teams – I am currently the only female senior sailor within my work group at sea (which can have its own pressures!).

I am due for a break, finally going to work in an office from the start of next year.

My immediate family are all located in W.A while I am based in Cairns, QLD. My father was also in the Navy for 20 years, and he enjoys hearing what I get up to.


Again, I cannot thank you enough for this great gift, and I hope you will continue to make other sailors just as happy in the future.


Many thanks,


Good Afternoon Helen W, 

I am currently on HMAS Adelaide for Sea Series Exercises off the coast of North Queensland. I just wanted to say thank you very much for my laundry bag, it is a really pretty fabric and I love the colours, plus it looks great hanging in my mess with all the other pretty bags. 


Some people may think that it is just a laundry bag or just a quilt but when you are out at sea for long periods of time, it is the little things that make a difference. Seeing bright colours and things we enjoy on our laundry bags and quilts do that, I sometimes catch myself looking at all the other laundry bags hanging in the laundry and get a little jealous of someone else’s pretty bag although now I have my own pretty laundry bag so I thank you for that. The quilts come in very handy as it can be quite cold in the mess at times or we just want to curl up in some down time and the quilts are the perfect size. 


Thank you again, 


Kind regards,


Hi Marilyn S,


I received the laundry bag you made! Thank You very much, I love the design. I must have done more than I did to get here, noting the time! 


Thanks again for the laundry bag and the thoughtful letter.


Take care,


Good afternoon Jan-Maree,


I have just received my lovely personalised  “Aussie Hero Quilt” which you tell me was made by Kerry B, along with Alison C, Joan B and your local team of volunteers.

The quilt had been awaiting my collection from the RSL Sub Branch for the past month, as I have been away – so my thanks are coming to you perhaps later than would otherwise have happened.

To say I was overwhelmed with emotion when I opened the parcel is an understatement. To receive such a beautiful hand made and personalised quilt is very moving and is indeed very special to me. The design is very significant and tasteful and will no doubt remain a prized family heirloom.


As you mentioned in your letter, our Vietnam Veterans were treated disgracefully upon our return from war and this had a huge negative impact upon us. I would not attend an Anzac Day March, nor wear my medals to any other public event for more than 30 years after my service in Vietnam, due to that general negativity and the effect it had on me. It is therefore heartening to know there are people in our community who recognise the sacrifice made by the members of our military and I am therefore very grateful for your thoughts, and for the effort put in by all involved in making this very special quilt.


Thank you so much!

Yours sincerely,


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.


Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!


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