Grati-Tuesday 11 April

Written by AHQ

11 April 2017

 Hi all, 

Lots of lovely gratitude messages tonight but first a bit thank you from me. I come up with these bright ideas, like lets find a way to say thank you to at least some of the troops who deployed at a moment’s notice to support the victims of Cyclone Debbie and I just have to hope that you will all share my passion.  It makes me so happy and proud to see how you all respond. Laundry bags are flooding in and we will have enough to take care of the two groups I have targeted and hopefully extras to look after some more. More info on all this once I get it all sorted but big thanks everyone. 

Aussie Heroes really does have the best volunteers!


Hello Bev,

What can I say but WOW!!!! This quilt is amazing I wrapped myself up in it last night.

I did think how much my kids are going to fight over this on those early morning waiting for me to get out of the water. My little man is going to do his first triathlon this year in September he is super excited about doing it, they like to hold kids events before the Ironman.  My little daughter has a couple of years to wait, but I’m sure she will be out there with her brother.

Again this quilt is amazing thank you heaps.


Morning Rita,

Thank you so much for the amazing Quilt and laundry bag, I will keep it for a long time and cherish it as it is a lovely piece of work with a great Anzac theme.

I just turned 22 over here.   I am part of force protection so our role is to provide security whilst the trainers are training on ranges, urban training facilities and many other locations. 

Very talented work in making the quilt and I am sure many soldiers are very grateful for all the hard work that is put into them, so thank you for being generous with your time, effort and money but all the men and women here appreciate the efforts of the Aussie Hero Quilts and what they are doing.

Take care and keep up the great work.

Kind regards


Dear Ruby Jack,

Thank you so very much for the laundry bag you have spent much time and effort into making.

It was a very welcome surprise to receive the care package containing the bag along with a variety of goodies which I have stashed into my locker to enjoy over a period of time. 

The laundry bag is perfect thank you. I keep bees as a hobby, and as hobbies sometimes do, has become a large part of my spare time,  no doubt you know this.

I sent pictures to my wife of the laundry bag and she also thinks it is fantastic and special what I have received, it will be hung in our house when I get back home.

Very much look forward to the quilt as I am sure it will be just as perfect. I was thinking of it as something that I can pass on to my children, bit of a keepsake.

Thank you once again, look forward to another care package from you.

PS. The work that the Kelpiegirls do is fantastic, I know you won’t hear from everyone but rest assured it is a pleasant surprise for all who receive a package.


Good Morning Robyn.

I am writing you an email instead of a hand written letter as our mail sometimes takes a while to reach people. For eg. we sent christmas cards home before christmas, they reached our loved ones maybe last month. So I wanted you to get this email faster haha.

I wanted you to know I received the quilt you made me and I am in love with it!. You have done such a fantastic job and I really appreciate the time you put into making it.

This is my first deployment I am really quite excited to get home! 

I hope you are having a wonderful day/night and again I really appreciate the quilt. 

Thank you so much


Dear Julie

Thank you so much for making such a gorgeous laundry bag, of which I am now the proud owner!  The padre offered a beautiful selection but I think it was the Lea and Perrins label that immediately attracted me to yours.

I am a legal officer with the RAAF.  I am currently deployed to the Middle East and am thankfully in a safe location.  My role is to assist members who get themselves into strife, so I feel quite virtuous (compared to being the one who usually drafts the charges!!), although sometimes I have to assist the Commanders with operational issues.

I am married with three grown up children and one still at home with my wife in Adelaide.  

They treat us so well here and we have everything we could possibly need – I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud when people refer to hardship.  I suppose the one thing we don’t have is home, so that is why getting lovely personal hand made items like your bag is such a treat (and the lollies too!)

Thank you so much, and I hope you and your family are all safe and well

My very best regards

Good Afternoon Ally,

Firstly, I would like to thank-you for taking the time and effort and creating my laundry bag.

I really appreciate your and other members efforts with regards to laundry bags and quilts.

I can tell you that it really increases morale and we all eagerly check the FB website whenever snippets are released.

The flags are indeed correct and look amazing! I just wanted to capture some of the places that I have deployed to.

All three aircraft are perfect and look smashing flying on the blue background – your son has done a fantastic job….

I am actually from WA and am a die hard West Coast Eagles supporter – I do love AFL and you have captured this brilliantly. 🙂

You have done a stellar job and I am really happy with what you have created for me.

Thanks for the lollies I made sure that I have passed the small little taste of home around the E-7A detachment.

They have pepped us up when we are doing our very long fly days.

I shall return home safely and the end is in sight – I can really see the light at the end of the tunnel now. 😉

Thanks again and take care,


Dear Jenny,

Thank you so very much for the laundry bag, which arrived this week just in time for me to receive it before I return to Australia. I was absolutely blown away by the thought and time that must have gone into it. It is, quite simply, one of the nicest gifts I have ever received and I will treasure it.

I am currently packing everything up in a bit of a hurry and will write to you properly from Australia. However, I wanted to let you know I had received it and I am most thankful.

Best wishes and prayers for your son’s safe return.

Hi Ruth,

I am writing to you to say thank you so much for the laundry bag that you made for me,
 it looks amazing and its my favourite soccer team (Chelsea F.C.)
You did a great job.
I really appreciate the time and effort you put into making this for me.

Thank you so much again.

Hi Ruth,
Just wanted to say thank you for my laundry bag, it’s an item that I totally overlooked when I packed to come over and up until now I was using my pillow case to carry my clothes so thank you very much for the laundry bag I really appreciate it.

 Hi Lydia,

Thank you so much for my quilt and laundry bag.
It’s a little touch, that means so much. I really appreciate your time and efforts.
I hope you enjoy these two photos. Please feel free to show your friends and colleagues…you all provide a great personal little service to those of us away from home.
Kindest regards and biggest thanks,


Hi Jan-Maree

Firstly I would like to thank you very much for the quilt; I am extremely humbled and feel appreciated. My 4 year old will love the African theme when I eventually take it home.
I love sport and my main hobbies are cycling (middle aged man in lyric) running, table tennis and badminton. I will watch any sport!  My other passion is playing chess which I have plenty of time for! 
Again thank you for the quilt it is very much appreciated.
Kind Regards

Hi Heather
Firstly I would like to thank you very much for the laundry bag and goodies; I am extremely humbled  and feel appreciated.
I love sport and my main hobbies are cycling (middle aged man in lyric) running, table tennis and badminton. I will watch any sport!  My other passion is playing chess which I have plenty of time for! 
Again thank you for the laundry bag and the goodies it is very much appreciated.

Kind Regards 

Good Evening Joan & Robin,
I apologise for the late response from receiving my Laundry Bag,
I am extremely happy to thank you for your efforts with not only my bag (which is brilliant – John Wayne!) but also on behalf of many of the ‘Sailor’s, Soldier’s and Airmen’ that have receive Laundry bags from yourself and the ‘Aussie Heroes Quilts & Laundry bags’ organisation, as a senior Airmen of 29 yrs service, I have witnessed the enjoyment and morale lifting moments when the troops have received a parcel and opened it to their surprise to receive either their Laundry bag or Quilt as it always comes unexpected and diverts the members minds from the hardships in the moment.
I am currently nearing the end of my deployment period and am looking forward to returning home to be with my loving wife again, as near seven months apart is hard but part of ADF lifestyle, from this I give great credit and respect to my wife & family for supporting my career and deployments away from home as the family are the forgotten heroes always there for us.

Thank you again for both yours and your husband ‘Robin’s’ continued efforts in supporting our troops.


Thank you so much for the wonderful STARWARS quilt. You do amazing work and exactly what I needed to turn my dull bedspace here in the Middle East into something more homely.

I can’t express how much I appreciate the effort you and people like you go to just to make life away from home that little bit better.

Kinds Regards,


Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Jacqui D

    Keep these thankyou's coming, we love them :o)


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