Aussie Hero Quilts Annual Thank You Weekend

Written by AHQ

13 July 2023

Hi all,

I hope this finds you all well and keeping warm wherever you are. I have just come back from a weekend in Canberra where it was freezing! It was even sleeting on David and I in Braidwood on the weekend. Brrrr. It is rather nice to be back in slightly warmer Sydney.

The good news is that we have finally locked in all the events for the Annual Thank You Weekend which will be held in Canberra on the weekend 20-22 October. The tickets for the dinner have been available for a while now but I am pleased to say that the tickets for all the other events are now also available.


Let’s go through them one by one.

Friday Afternoon – 1500

On Friday afternoon we have historically done a walking tour of RMC or ADFA. This year we have something special planned. We will be having afternoon tea at Government House. Although this event does not attract a ticket price you will still be asked to book a ticket so that we have firm numbers. This event is only for volunteers and their partners/spouses/or accompanying friend.

You will need to make your own way to Government House though I may be able to arrange a lift with another volunteer. Transport by taxi and Uber will also be possible.

Friday Night 1830 – 2200

This event will be held at the Australian Defence Force Cadets Mess (map to be provided closer to time). It is suggested that you arrive around 1830 to allow for a little mingling and chatting. The formalities will commence at 1900. For those who have not attended in previous years, there are usually a number of speakers including one main speaker. I have a plan for who this year’s main speaker will be but I don’t want to say anything specific until I have confirmed her attendance. Suffice to say that I think she is someone that you will find extremely interesting. More info once I have confirmed her attendance.

Last year we found getting an evening meal to be a little difficult prior to the Friday night function so this year we have raised the price of the night a little but have included a boxed meal for everyone to make it easier. You will have the choice of the following:

Chicken Caeser Salad

Thai Beef Salad

Bacon and Leek Quiche.

You will be asked to choose which you would like so that we can order the right number of each meal. I know we will have some folk attending who have dietary restrictions/requirements so please just indicate that also when you book.

Hopefully providing a meal will make things a little easier for everyone attending.

Saturday Breakfast 0845 – 1000

Anyone who has not attended a Thank You Weekend before is welcome to join me and other volunteers for breakfast, along with some of our Admin team, at the Rex. When you book in for this event there is no charge. You will simply pay for your meal at the hotel. This event is also available to volunteers not staying at the hotel.

Saturday Bus Tour 1030-1530

I am really pleased to say that we have finally locked in the details of the Bus Trip. The bus will depart from The Rex at 1030 and should return around 1530. Given some of the feedback we received after last year’s bus trip we have made some changes. First stop will be Hobbysew in Belconnen before moving on to Makerie in Gungahlin. Whilst at Makerie we will be able to enjoy a lunch of wraps, sushi and sandwiches with tea and coffee in their sewing room. This will also give you a chance to sit and chat and get to know some of the other volunteers who you may not have met. Once we know how many people have dietary requirements we will arrange the appropriate options for their lunch.

We have a couple of other locations planned after Makerie, depending on time and energy levels.

Saturday Night Dinner 1830-2230

Like last year, the dinner will be held at The Rex Hotel. Tickets for the dinner have been available for a while but if you are new to Aussie Heroes you might want a little more info.

You need to contact me (ja*******@au**************.au) to ask for the Booking Code that will mean you can pay the volunteer price for the ticket.

Guests will be asked to be seated by 1900. During the evening we will have two or three speakers plus a silent auction and a live auction. You will also be able to buy tickets in our raffle. A lot of thought goes into the seating plan. If you are lucky enough to have a recipient at the dinner then I will do my best to make sure you sit at the same table as them. If that is not possible then you will at least know where they are sitting so you can go and say hello.

Sunday Morning Brunch at Poppy’s

Again there is no ticket cost for this event. You are simply asked to book a ticket so that we know the numbers to book enough tables and to ensure that the restaurant has enough staff on hand. This is always a very popular event, a last chance to catch up with other volunteers and swap contact details etc. You can also spend time at the War Memorial afterwards if you like however due to the renovations underway you need to book a time slot for your visit. We can confirm that closer to time as things may change as the renovations progress.


All tickets can be purchased/booked from the Trybooking Website – simply click here

Don’t forget you need to contact me (ja*******@au**************.au) to ask for the Booking Code that will mean you can pay the volunteer price for the ticket.

I think it is going to be a great weekend this year. We found The Rex a great venue last year and it is rather nice knowing that we are going back there again this year. If you have any questions please let me know.

Till next time….. don’t delay, book your tickets.

Cheers, Jan-Maree xx

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