Happy New Year everyone!

Written by AHQ

31 December 2023


It is kind of hard to believe that the first of January is almost here again. I think it is true that the older you get the faster time flies. 
What a year we have had. We have surpassed 16000 quilts since we started and also almost 34500 laundry bags. 
We made quilts and bags for the Invictus Games Team, we supported our troops on Operation Kudu, Operation Lilia, Operation Paladin, Operation Accordion, Operation Aslan, Operation Mazurka and others as well. We have sent bags and quilts to our men and women in the ADF all over the country and wherever they serve. 
We have looked after those in compassionate need, and those who have come to the end of their service career.  We have also looked after the families whose loved one has passed on, reminding them that no-matter the cause of death, their loved one’s service is valued and appreciated. 
We also enjoyed a very successful Annual Thank You Weekend, personally I believe it was the best we have ever had. 
As you celebrate tonight, please spare a thought for all of our troops who are not at home with their loved ones as they are serving our country, either overseas or around Australian. 
So here is to 2024.  Let’s hope we can be as productive and supportive as we have always been.  May New Year’s Eve next year find us all happy, healthy and celebrating another great year. 


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