Aussie Hero Quilts Visit to Government House by Sue N

Written by AHQ

4 November 2023

Sue N has written a little bit about the visit to Government House… 

On Friday as part of the Aussie Hero Dinner weekend we were given the honour of having High tea at the Government House with His Excellency the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley. I was so very proud and humbled at how approachable and warm they both were. Genuinely interested and thankful about what we do. I especially enjoyed the singalong with Mrs Linda Hurley, a great idea. So good I have taught it to my Grandson on the way home.  

Due to my dietary restrictions I asked if they had some fruit and they came out with this, (see photo attached) along with 2 forks to enable me to share this with a friend. Service beyond compare with no prior notice. Done so graciously and generously. The house itself was very calm and they let us walk around and look  wherever we wanted and it is beautiful. So glad and thankful for the opportunity to meet and talk to them.
You can enjoy some of the photos of the event, the rest can be found on our website. 🙂  If you would like copies of any of them you can let me know and I will send them to you but not until after 8 November as I am flat out til then. 
Catherine D, Lyn R and Kristie H


Kathy W with her husband Brian


Cath C, Leanne Mac and Bev L


Monika, Cassandra and her partner, Christopher, with Kirsten and her son, Hugh


Chris G, Cath M, Hilary P, Clarissa, Cynthia and Wayne T
Wayne is one of our admi volunteers. 















Singing “You are my sunshine”



Ellen N and her husband Gerry with Deni and Bart H

Janelle and Cath Hpr

Hugh and Kirsten

Colleen S 

Raeleen W 

Pello, our fearless MC 


Cynthia and Wayne with His Excellency and Chris G

Jan-Maree and Melissa

Melissa is one of the amazing volunteers who helped to bring the weekend together


Bev C meeting her recipient LEUT Mi 







Liz J, Anne h, Sue G, Clarissa and Kristie H

Mel, checking out the GG’s study 

Raeleen, Jo H, his Excellency and Kim H


Rhonda R and Lyn R 



Jo and Kim H 



Cath C, Philomena and Jan-Maree 


Bev L, Leanne Mac and His Excellency


Examining the AHQ Coin he was given



A sneaky group shot right at the end of the day. 


Thanks very much Sue,

Till next time… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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