Grati-Tuesday – 10th October 2023

Written by AHQ

10 October 2023

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope you all have a very Happy Tuesday. 

Here is the Grati post to make it just that little bit better!!!!

Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!


Good Afternoon Kirsten O!
Thank you so much for my beautifully made quilt and letter. I love it and will cherish it forever! It would have taken so much work which I really appreciate.  
Thank you for telling your amazing story and your service. Your letter is very inspiring and I am excited for many more years with Defence. I have been in the RAAF for two and a half years. I’ve posted to Canberra and Amberley so far. Next year I will be heading to Glenbrook which I am really excited about. 
Thanks again and I hope you enjoy Canberra as much as I did. 
All the best!
Kind regards, 


Belinda P!


My quilt and dhoby bag arrived today. And I absolutely love them!!! Put a massive smile on my face and I am so appreciative of the work you put into it, you have done an incredible job. I don’t blame your husband for wanting to keep that quilt for himself lol.


Thank you 


Kind regards,


Good Afternoon,

I would like to thank you and your team for providing me my lovely Stars Wars quilt. I have been in the Navy for 36 years and this is the first time I have every received anything like this. It will be put to great use.


Thank you,


Hello Chris E,


I would like to thank you for sending the Laundry bag and I can assure you it will be used for this upcoming Operation Kudu in England where I am sure all of my cams will be constantly wet and dirty. About myself, born and raised in Western Australia with my older brother and loving parents and great friends, I joined the military at 19 hoping to have the opportunity to go overseas on operations such as this upcoming one. I am now 21 and live with my two housemates in Darwin city.


Thank you for your letter and taking the time to make the Laundry bag I hope this email finds you well.


Kind regards


Good Afternoon Gail M,

I am currently serving on board HMAS Brisbane. I recently received a laundry bag with your letter inside.

I just wanted to offer a massive THANKYOU for your amazing laundry bag. I most definitely appreciate it and am stoked to have it hanging up to be used for our current deployment on board Brisbane.I have been in the RAN since 2009 and have been deployed numerous times. Most notably my 2 Middle East deployments in 2014 and 2016 on board HMAS Darwin, where I was lucky enough to have had an Aussie Hero Quilt made for me whilst deployed (which my 3 year old daughter loves using now when I’m deployed to feel close to Daddy). I remain a massive admirer of what you, Jan-Maree and the team do for us serving members and it definitely does not go un-noticed by us, and the wider defence community!

I read your letter and I enjoyed the read! I noticed that you and your husband were sailors. I’ve always found yachts fascinating and each year love watching the Sydney to Hobart and the Sail GP! The opportunities you’ve had through Aussie Heroes with the visit to 2CDO and the sail on HMAS Canberra sound incredible! Especially the sail on Canberra, as I was posted on her in 2019-20 and know they would’ve put on a good show for you all!!!

I grew up in Sydney and, as mentioned, joined the RAN in 2009. I have been posted to ships HMAS Tobruk, Darwin, Canberra and now Brisbane, as well as shore bases at HMAS Cerberus and Holsworthy Army Barracks. I grew up water skiing and have always had a love for the water, which ultimately lead to me joining the Navy. I have enjoyed every moment of my career with some fun port visits in places like The Maldives, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Tanzania.

My partner holds down the fort at home while I’m away, isn’t in defence, and we have a daughter who is 3, with a new born due in January. I am excited to get home from our deployment in time for its birth (we haven’t found out the gender).

Once again a HUGE THANKYOU for the laundry bag and all the best!

Kind Regards,


Here are some photo’s of some very happy recipients receiving their well deserved quilts!!!


Dear Kristie H,


Thank you so much for the laundry bag I love the Koalas, it adds some colour and character to our otherwise dull living areas.


A bit about myself, I am 27 years old and on board HMAS Brisbane. I grew up in NSW and have been in service for 6 years.

In that time I have been posted to HMAS Parramatta in Sydney, HMAS Maryborough in Darwin and currently HMAS Brisbane in Sydney.


I would like to thank you for what you do, small tokens such as the laundry bag is what makes this career a bit easier and is greatly appreciated.


Kind regards,


Good morning (from German time) Ruth S! 
I was lucky enough to have my laundry bag made by you. So – firstly, I’d love thank you again for that beautiful laundry bag and letter I received at the training camp for Team Australia.
Secondly, as you may be aware – we all attended the closing ceremony for the Invictus Games last night! It was both exciting and a sad occasion that this incredible journey to the Invictus Games 2023 has come to an end.
Thank you again for the laundry bag and support, it means so much to myself and all the other competitors.
Kindest Regards,



Good Afternoon Christine C,


I just wanted to reach out and say a massive thank you for the amazing quilt that you made for me.


I greatly appreciate the time and effort you have put into it along with the effort of all other volunteers that help out with this amazing program.


It was great to read your letter and get to know more about you! Firstly, I apologise in asking for a Collingwood themed blanket that a North Melbourne supporter had to make ha-ha.



The quilt itself is amazing, I cannot wait to use it for my trips away from home and also use it when I am home.


A bit about myself, I am from Victoria, within the south eastern suburbs and currently reside in Perth with my fiancée and our 8 month old son.



I moved over to Perth in 2012 and have lived here ever since. We love Perth, we love the amazing weather and the opportunities to travel around WA.


I have been in the Navy for 13 years, multiple trips away from home, long and short deployments and have seen many things that only the Navy can provide.


We have really set our ground roots here in Perth, established a strong support network with my fiancées family being here and our friends both military and non-military being extremely supportive.


Our future still remains to be in the Navy but remain in WA and continue to build our family and see where that takes us. Navy is an extremely rewarding career, but so is being a dad.


I really enjoyed your letter and love the quilt you have done for me. I really appreciate it and I can wait to use it.


Kind Regards,


Shirley D!
Oh my goodness. I’ve been away for work and my partner is also away. I just got the Laundry bag I requested for her and it is so incredible!
I cannot wait to surprise her with it.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I love it and she will too.
Forever Grateful,


Dearest Janine R,


Many thanks for your lovely care package, it certainly brightens the days when we receive them.

The quilt is lovely and warm and reminds me of home, I grew up near the water, so yes snorkeling is my favorite thing to do. I especially love the kitty cat 😊

I am 7.5 months in to the 12-month deployment over here.


I too did not realise the military heritage in my family until after I joined and my family started sharing the information, your right, must be a generational thing.

Thank you again for your kindness and not only taking the time, heart, and effort of the blanket but also the goodies.


Take care.


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!





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