Grati-Tuesday 28th February 2023

Written by AHQ

28 February 2023

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Welcome to the last day of the month.  I hope you have an awesome week so far!
Have a few thank yous today including photos so we can see where our quilts reside!  Its always great to see them on a rack or bed and especially the smiling faces of the recipients!
Grab a nice cool beverage or cuppa, some chokiessit back, relax and savour these beautiful messages! 

Good Afternoon Heather B!
It’s a sunny Saturday here in Perth and I was having a rather slow day of duty on HMAS Farncomb when I was delighted to see that a package had arrived for me with my Quilt!
I absolutely love it and I am very pleased that I was finally able to get a quilt of my own!
A bit more about me, if you’ll indulge me. I grew up on the south coast of NSW and joined the Navy in 2016 straight out of high school as a Submariner entry. I attended the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra and studied a bachelor of business. Afterwards I served on HMAS Launceston out of Cairns and Darwin for Operation Resolute, completed my training as a warfare officer in Sydney, and moved to Perth in 2021 at the back end of COVID after only having been once before on a short trip to commence my training as a submariner. I have come to love Perth, her beaches, cafes, restaurants and parks very much, especially in summer. I have found my time on submarines to be equally challenging and rewarding, with our 7 month trip last year taking us to from Perth to Sydney, Hawaii, Guam, Japan and Indonesia. 
Swimming sounds like fantastic hobby to maintain, I really should get into it myself. I think post swim coffee would be enough of a temptation to keep me enthused. I hope now that covid has calmed down you will have a lot more time to get those trips in that you have planned! 
I have attached a picture of me with my quilt on the boat today!
Thank you very much again,
Warm Regards,


Dear Lynn F, Arthur F, Philomena H and Aussie Hero Quilts,
I was absolutely delighted to get the knock on the door this morning and see that my quilt had arrived. I was blown away by how wonderful it is, it is more than I anticipated, I love it so much 🙂 you did such a wonderful job and absolutely exceeded my expectations. It is perfect!! 
Spending time away from home in stark rooms like the picture attached that I stayed in on the weekend will be made so much more homely with my quilt that I can take with me. I have at least 12 weeks away from home next year and can’t wait to take my quilt with me to brighten up the room and let it be a reminder of the wonderful work that you do to, from the love of your hearts, you are truly special. 
I’m sure my beautiful quilt will also be a talking point amongst my peers. 
For now though it will take pride of place in my home and keep us warm over winter when I’m cuddling my 3 children on the lounge 🙂
Thank you so much again, I’m not sure I have the words to let you know how much this quilt means to me. It will be treasured.



Dear Sue N,

Thank you for my quilt and the extra surprise of a laundry bag. 
You will have an email, which might seem random but that is Willow, she tested the quilt before I could. 
I’ve just got back from 3 weeks at sea, and your parcel arrived the day after I sailed, thus the delay in me emailing you and thanking you for such an amazing gift. 
The laundry bag will be coming to the ship tomorrow and I will take the quilt on in a few months time when I sail again. 
Both the laundry bag and quilt are amazing and arrived so fast. Thank you for taking the time to design and make it for me. 
You are a very talent lady.  I googled where you live, I’ve never been that way, but that’s no surprise since I was raised in Tassie before joining the Navy.  Mid next year I will be departing Sydney and heading back to Victoria. With my husband (who is in the Navy) and to our home. He will be heading back to Victoria at the end of the year. Which means the 2 fur children will depart with him, both are spoilt but have kept me company the last 2 years that he has been away at sea, not they will do the same for him
Take care of yourself and your family. 
Thank you so much for the amazing quilt

I think this cutie has called ‘dibs’


Apparently not!  The recipient sent this a few days later with comment 

Ready for when I sail next. Thank you again for it’


Hello Noelene W (and Jim),
I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that I received my laundry bag yesterday…. thank you, it looks great… I love the ANZAC theme too!
I discharged due to injury from the Army in 2012 after a little over 21 years.  I injured myself in Timor and I’m positive I would still be in if not for that as it was all I ever wanted to do from a very young age. Since getting out I have been doing security work at a Defence site… pretty mundane stuff but it pays the bills. I’m actually waiting to hear back about a couple of jobs I applied for last year… fingers crossed!
My wife is from the this area so we moved back here when I got out of the Army… it’s a nice place to raise the kids – we have one of each, 17 and 16.
Again, thank you for taking the time to make my laundry bag… it certainly is a one of a kind and I know I will put it to good use.


Dear Wendy B,


Thank you so much for the wonderful Laundry bag (and snakes!!!!). It is brilliant


It will cop a lot of use as we gear back up for operations.

I am the Engineering Officer on Leeuwin and it is a little strange as I am an Electrical Engineering Officer (WEEO) undertaking a role that has predominantly been a Marine Engineer (MEO). My cohorts aboard Frigates and Destroyers are responsible for the Weapons, Radars, computer systems and communications with the other Engineer (MEO) looking after main engines, generators etc… I am fulfilling both roles (well we do not have missiles or large guns) so will be doing a lot of walking to cover the systems every day – in the tropical heat. I am still a Tasmanian lad so the heat and humidity have a tremendous impact. As such I can honestly say this incredible bag is most appreciated and shall be used continuously.


Kind regards


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!







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