Grati -Tuesday 8th February

Written by AHQ

8 February 2022

Grati Tuesday!!!

We all know what that means. Time to sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy……
Alex is taking some well earned rest this week, however, the gratitude letters and emails have not stopped. I love being able to read through these every week and to be in a position to share these sentiments is quite amazing!!

Hope you enjoy…..


Hello, Good Morning and Merry Christmas,

I just want to thank everyone who contributes to AHQ.

I received my first quilt in 2016 and I am still using them to this day.

A big thank you to Bev and Geoff for the quality work on the quilt. 

Once again, thanks to all who contribute to AHQ. It mean so much to the men and women who serve our fantastic country.

Kind Regards


Good Afternoon,

We have received the parcel, and love it. We will send a photo and thank you note shortly.

Please note this made our day.

Kind Regards.


Hello Jacqui and Bruce,

Thank you for the quilt and for your letter. The quilt is wonderful, my children have already tried to claim it as theirs.

Thank you, I hope 2022 is treating you well.


Good Morning Helen,

I was a happy recipient of one of your beautiful laundry bags whilst at sea on submarine HMAS Dechaineux in 2018.

I am ashamed to say that I did not respond at the time but kept the enclosed letter, which I have just found and hence the email.

Your work and sentiment was a welcomed comfort and pleasant highlight to a period of long operations underwater and such actions go a long way towards helping ADF active members feel supported and appreciated.

I apologise for the belated response but I have never forgotten the event.

Keep up the good work and stay safe throughout the current difficulties Australia wide.

Kindest Regards.


Good Evening Noelene & Robyn,

The first time I heard about Aussie Quilts was when I was sitting at the Canberra Airport after completing my Officer Training. I was in uniform waiting for a number of new recruits to arrive and a lady came over and spoke to me about the initiative. My grandmother loved sewing and arts and crafts – but I had always enjoyed helping and learning from her – I was never any good but I tried, and so I imagine all you ladies are similar – kind and generous and just love to help people.

I have spent a lot of time away from my family over the past few years due to COVID and have missed Christmas and New Years with them on many occasions.

Being deployed and away from family again this year, was a bit sad but it’s lovely to know people are always thinking about the men and women who serve in the Australian Defence Force, especially at this time of year. We are proud to wear the uniform and selflessly do our job, but it’s kind people like you who have us pause and remember those we do it for; family, friends and country.

I really love the generosity of Aussie Hero Quilts, and the women who support it like yourself. It’s an excellent initiative and I love my doggy laundry bag. The laundry bag was picked by my friends for me as they know how much I love dogs and always have.

I have a beautiful dog who knows she can get away with anything and is the most spoilt dog. She is a Doberman x Dingo and although I don’t have any children yet, I speak about her to others like she is my human child. I think some people actually think she is.

Thank you


“Another happy recipient received his
quilt this week and said he could not be happier with it”.


Hi Jenny,

I have just received your wonderful quilt today and wanted to say a big thank you. My 2 dachshunds also say thanks for being included in the design.

It’s so heart-warming to receive gifts like your, it will follow me wherever I go for a long time.

I’ve only been in the Army for a short 5 years, but already have moved to QLD, NT and ACT in that period. Next, my partner and I are back off to QLD. I’m looking forward to the warmer climate and beaches! My partner is also in the Army, so it can be a challenge managing time away from each other and our families. Thank goodness for our pups!!

Thank you again for your support and the amazing quilt, it really is a work of art and something I will treasure for years to come.

Warm Regards…



I would like to extend my sincere thank you for the beautiful quilt and laundry bag that you made for me. They look and feel amazing! Please pass on my thanks to anyone else who played a part in it, and to all the team in the “Garage Girls”!

I can’t explain to you how much these quilts mean to the crew when they receive them. Knowing that members of the community value what they are doing and the sacrifices they are making is very motivating, particularly at the moment. Thank you for every thing you do to support us.

Yours Aye


Hello Jan- Maree, Lisa and of course Ms Rachel B

I just wanted to let you know that I received the generous and amazing quilt by Rachel and I remain truly grateful and amazed by the sheer effort and quality provided. I am a proud Soldier and will truly cherish this extraordinary quilt and pillow case forever. Thank you very very much for what you have done and you have achieved, I just love being an Aussie Soldier and your generosity restores the doubts during tricky times. You are all a bunch of legends in my eyes. Sincerely thanks!!

To Sue,
Thank you so much for the beautiful blanket. It will be something I will cherish forever as it will remind me of this experience and what I have achieved. Hope you are having a wonderful day.
I am a wife and a mumma bear to two precious lil dogs. I will be returning home soon and looking forward to seeing them.
Hi Clarissa,
Just a quick note to say I’ve received the laundry bag. It’s phenomenal! 
My goodness. Im beyond words. Did you know I used to own pugs? The chaplaincy logo was a great touch. Really blown away. 

Dear Noelene,
Thank you so much for your beautiful gifts and your amazing craft. I am overwhelmed with your generosity and your ability to create such beautiful sewing. You have captured the essence of my service in a laundry bag and I am so appreciative of your time and craftsmanship.
Kind Regards
Dear Jenny,
I’d like to thank you for the beautiful quilt and laundry bag you sent my husband whilst he was deployed. The quilt is beautifully made, and of such high quality that I am so grateful to you for volunteering your time and effort. My husband is a carpenter in the Army and has been for about 13 years. We currently live in QLD with our two daughters.
 Whilst deployed, my husband was thrilled to receive his quilt, especially as it was heading into winter. He said at the time that it felt extra special to have something lovingly made for him in such a different environment.
The quilt now adorns our spare bed to ensure that it will last a lifetime (especially with toddlers!), however, I often find our children looking at the pictures and tracing the patterns on “Daddy’s quilt”.
Thank you for making a strange and difficult time a little less strange and difficult with something so homely and loved.
I am sure that every deployed member who receives your quilts are eternally grateful. 
Kind Regards….
Dear Bev,
There are no words to describe the appreciation I have for the care and consideration that you put into my quilt.
While serving, it can be easy to get lost in the employment of the job and forget the reasons behind the service. The selfless compassion that went into the detail of my quilt gave such a deep and meaningful sense of belonging to a far wider community, which made me feel at home. 
To yourself, for the detail and perfect personalisation of my quilt, thank you from the depths of my heart. It really touched me.
To Clarissa and Philomena, can you please pass on my gratitude for thier amazing skills as well.
These quilts are beautiful and extremely meaningful to myself and all servicemen and women. So Thank you for your beautiful gift that reminds us everyday that we are here together!
Thank you….
 Well, thats it for another week. 
They are all amazing sentiments, however, there is one line that stood out to me:
You have captured the essence of my service in a laundry bag”
Till next week…..




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