Weekly Dispatches 24 October

Written by AHQ

24 October 2014

G’day all. 

Before we look at the wonderful Quilts and Laundry Bags that have headed off to our very own Aussie Heroes this week I want to stop for a minute to send our condolences to the families of the Canadian servicemen who were needlessly killed whilst on duty.  
May they rest in Peace.

Just a small note of business – actually a plea.  I can get up to 150 -200 emails a day and sometimes there is not a lot of time to action them all so I need to work as efficiently as I can.    You can help me.  I have been telling a lot of people this lately so thought it was time to put it on the blog.

Please, when you have posted off a quilt or a laundry bag, can you send me a email.  In the email can you please include a photo and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the full name of the recipient.  That makes it soooo much easier for me to find them on the list.  

Also, if you hear back from your recipient, can you please let me know. If possible please share their message with me so that I can share it ANONYMOUSLY on the blog AFTER I have removed all the private, identifying or sensitive information included.  

If I don’t know you have sent the quilt or laundry bag, or if I don’t know they have been received, I spend a lot of time chasing up which might not be necessary. 

Thank you!  

Lots of wonderful quilts and laundry bags have headed off this week.
Enjoy the show!
962 quilts and 1195 laundry bags for 2014. 

3330 quilts and  5097 laundry bags in total.

This first quilt is a little special but I am not telling you anything about it just yet.  Once it has been received I will tell you the whole story…….you will have to be patient! 



Tamsin from Berrima Patchwork


Carol W

Cher – created these three laundry bags – you can see the front and back of each.

Christine C 


Wendy L

Now I hate it when I send off a quilt and have not been able to trace who made it.   I just LOVE this quilt but it came to me as a quilt top and I am not prepared to guess who made it. If it was you please let me know so I can edit this and give you credit.


Evelyn created this gorgeous quilt from BOMs.  Love these quilts. BOM quilts are always some of my favourites.

Jan-Maree and the Penrith group stitched the next couple of laundry bags at our last sewing day.  

I created this quilt top and it was quilted by Leanne F 



 Made by the Penrith ladies for a soldier seriously injured during training 

Julie Ann



Linda H

 The next two quilts were made by Lynn and quilted by Dot



Rita M

Robyn and Wendy B

Stephanie D

Fran T

Till next time………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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