Weekly Dispatches 18 September

Written by AHQ

18 September 2015

Hi all.

A couple of extra bits and pieces to share with you before the week’s quilt and laundry bags.

Firstly, this is Diane and Jim. They visited the Centenary Quilt at the Australian War Memorial the weekend after me. I missed them by one day!  
Jim is a Vietnam Veteran too, thank you for your service Jim.  

More people have been spreading the word…. From Leanne….

“Doing a talk about Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags at the Far North Coast Gathering today. Seemed to be a lot of interest, and a lot of questions to answer. Hope we get a few ladies interested up my way.”

Leanne showing the boring issued laundry bags….

versus our much nicer laundry bags…..

And one of her latest quilts.

And now for the show and tell for this week….

1171 quilts and 1589 laundry bags for 2015. 

4753 quilts and  7036 laundry bags in total.

Carmel W
Carol L 
Donna P (front) 

(And back)
A donated quilt tops quilted by Hilary.
Jacqui D
Jacqui P 
Jean B
Jan-Maree (front)
(And back)
Judy S
 Kate K 
Kay C 
Kim F
Louise T and the Dolphin Quilters 
Lynn (front)

(and back)
Lynn and quiltled by Lisa N 
Lynn and quilted by Debbie

Lynn S
Maree J 
Natalie G
North Of The Yarra Quilt Group and quilted by Hilary
Robyn B
Robyn H 
Robyn W 
Ruth B
Sandy A
Joint effort by Jan-Maree Gail and Sue M and quilted by Hilary
 Sue N 
Val M 

A great array of quilts and laundry bags. 

Till next time……..keep spreading the word and happy stitcing!
Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Sandra Askill

    Some great inspiration in there – thank you
    Sandy A

  2. Jacqui D

    As usual a wonderful variety of quilts and laundry bags. Great effort!


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