Weekly Dispatches 14 April 17

Written by AHQ

14 April 2017

Hi All, 
I’m absolutely amazed with the work that has been done by everyone this week. Jan Maree has entrusted my (with lots of assistance) to upload the blog today. We wish you all a wonderful Easter with your families and ask you to spare a thought for the troops deployed and away from their families.  I’m especially lucky to be looking forward to my son, coming back from deployment shortly.  Shelley

So far for 2017 we have sent off 1030 laundry bags 

which brings us to a total of 14087 since we started…


We have also sent 564 quilts 

bringing our total since we started to over 7214 quilts  

Abby N Jack

 Angie H

Ann W

Anne D

Bec S

Bev C

Bev F

BOMs Robyn B and Jane F

Cathy W

Cheryl DP


Colleen S


Deb and Grace

Diann N

Dianne McC



Jacqui D

Jan Maree and quilted by Bridget

Jan Maree, Gracie and Bridget

Jan Maree


Janet L


Jean B

Jean C

Jenny W

Jess T

BOMs pieced into a quilt by Di G 


Joan McD

Katrina R

Kris M

Leanne Mac

Lesley M

Lisa N


Maree J

Maree W

Marielle H

Melissa L

Mystery Quilt top pieced by Lynn and Quilted by Covers of Love


Pam Mt

Pauline Th 


Robyn B and Quilted by Bridget

Robyn W


Sandra D

Sharon E

Sharon H

Sherrie Jane F

Su J

Sue G

Sue N

Susan P

Suzanne C

Tamsin and Group

Great work everyone and great work Shelley!

Have a great Easter!  Stay safe wherever you are, especially if you are driving!

Till next time……. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xxx

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  1. Jacqui D

    Awesome work everyone, are we getting better or what?

  2. Abby N Jack Quilts

    Another Mighty Week ! I actually slipped in a pillowcase too this time to match the quilt.
    Great work Girls/Guys !

  3. Nanna Ray

    Fantastic job everyone. Happy and safe Easter to all at AHQ and to all our serving members at home and abroad. Stay safe


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