A special Quilt offer to acknowledge your service!
One of the particularly lovely aspects of the special quilt offers is hearing from our amazing AHQ volunteers who often mention how privileged they are to have the opportunity to create these special quilts. The design preferences submitted often reflect the history of service or simply interests which have inspired and sustained someone through their service. We are indeed honoured to create a work of the heart to say “Thank you”. Don’t be shy – if you’ve not had the opportunity to deploy or receive a quilt prior please consider submitting a request. We are delighted to sew for you.
Capped at 50 requests we will be very pleased to hear from you if you are or have been a serving member who has completed 20+ years of service. Here is the deal. You have until 6pm Friday 19th February to request a personalised Aussie Hero quilt for yourself or for someone you know. The recipient must have served a duration of 20+ years and does not need to be currently deployed, or still serving at the time of the request. Past quilt recipients NOT eligible.
We are hopeful that this will give us the chance to recognise some of those who have not had the chance to deploy or because they have not served on a deployment which meets the criteria to receive an Aussie Heroes quilt. Nonetheless, they need to know their service counts as well.
You need to EMAIL (no messages or texts please) on fr**********@gm***.com with Essential details include Name, Rank, number of years served, PM keys (or service number) Postal address and your preferences. Please bear in mind that your quilt will be designed and made by a volunteer and they are limited to what they have access to, especially given the restrictions imposed on us by COVID-19. Service crests and corps badges are mostly no problem.
Lastly, whoever is requesting a quilt will have to cover the cost of postage ($25) as we cannot ask the volunteer to cover those costs as well as their time and materials. The funds will need to be deposited into the Aussie Hero Bank Account and a receipt forwarded to Aussie Heroes by email before a quilt is created. Bank details etc will be forwarded via email once the request has been received and accepted.
This offer ends at 6pm Friday 19th February 2021. The Recipient must have served 20+ years and does not need to be currently deployed. $25 postage must be paid prior to quilt being made. Don’t delay – this offer is capped at 50 Requests.
Remember, you need to EMAIL me (no messages or texts please) on fr**********@gm***.com
Subject must include Attn: Clarissa – 20+ years Aussie Hero Quilt offer
We are looking forward to hearing from YOU! #thankyouforyourservice