Grati -Tuesday 15th June 2021

Written by AHQ

15 June 2021

                                                                       Hey friends!

Another busy week for me, but it’s always great to stop and be able to enjoy the gorgeous notes and pics that come our way… How is your week treating you?

Enjoy Alex x


Dear Jenny,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for the awesome quilt. Absolutely fantastic.

A bit about myself; I live in Queensland, and I am married to an incredible, and tolerant lady. We have 5 adult children and 4 grandkids. We don’t see too much of the grandkids as they live in the United Kingdom. COVID meant that their annual visits came to an abrupt end. Let’s hope that international travel kicks back in next year.

My wife and I came to Australia in 2008 after spending 24 years traveling the world with the British Army. We had some great postings that included 2 years in Asia. In 2006, I decided to try my luck and apply to lateral transfer to the Australian Army. Thankfully, it was a successful application and here we are. We have never looked back, or returned to the UK, and have made a great life here in Queensland.

I have been posted to Western Australia, New South Wales and all over Queensland. QLD is home to us now.

I am on my 4th trip to the Middle East with the Australian Army, to couple with the 4 I did with the Brits.

I think that is it is important that the Service men and women, that are serving our great nation, know how grateful the population is. Another huge thanks for doing all this work in your spare time.

All the best.


Hi Clarissa,

I just wanted to let you know, my husband received his laundry bag this week.

I just have to say a massive thank you to all the ladies who sew these bags, who would have thought a laundry bag, would make such an impact.

He said it made his day, and when he sent me a photo of him holding it up, I was so emotional.

I can’t wait until he receives his quilt. We can’t thank you all enough or even express what it means to the Soldiers and their families.

Thank you


Hello wonderful volunteers,

I was chatting with JM the other day about an upcoming project and the topics of feedback to the volunteers came up. She mentioned that the team hears back from a small percentage of people who receive their bags. I am sorry to say that I potentially fall into this category.

I work as a psychological examiner and prior to that I was a dental assistant. I have served for nearly 15 years in the ARA. I was fortunate to receive a quilt and laundry bag a few years ago on my first deployment to the Middle East. Whilst I immediately wrote a letter to the artists who made my prized possessions, my call with JM made me realise I didn’t actually get back in touch with the organisation.

From the bottom of my heart, and with complete sincerity, I would like to say thank you to each and everyone involved with the work that you do. I can’t really quantify or even explain how excited I was to receive my parcel with my gorgeous quilt and laundry bag, but the mail that week was among my favourite of all my deployments (and there have been a few).

I now also take my quilt and laundry bag on all courses, exercises, tasks and ADF sports trips and it gives me great pride to hear all the beautiful feedback and to pass on the message of your excellent work.

Please know, that while it has taken me several years to write this to the people who actually deserve to hear it, I have done nothing short of sung your praises and gushed about how much I love both my items. 

With many thanks and warmest regards.


Dear Bridget and the ‘Garage Girls’,

Thank you so much for putting time and effort into making my quilt. The design and pattern on it is amazing, and definitely brought a smile to my face, and I couldn’t think of a better one. I received your quilt as we pulled alongside in the United States and it couldn’t of been better timing as it gets pretty cold at night. The quilt will definitely keep me warm.

Thank you for the hand written card and kind words on it, it means a lot.

Kind Regards.


G’day Janis,

First up I want to say a huge thanks for my Aussie Hero Quilt designed and made by you. Wow! Is the only word I have to describe it.

When I put a few words on paper regarding what I would like, I never thought you would be able to produce something so wonderful. It was like you were in my head and knew exactly what I wanted. I guess that’s what an artist is.

I also appreciate the time you took to write me a letter. Being away from my family is always hard but we are in touch with them a lot. Being here with so many is also good but it is very quickly becomes same same. The one thing we aren’t able to do is interact with new people so getting a letter from a total stranger is refreshing.

I am writing this to you as Victoria has just entered lock down again. I can only wish that it is over quickly. I have a 20 year old son in Victoria, who also went through lock down last year and I very much worry about him coping without family support.

I am from a small town in Western Australia. I still have family over there so I get across whenever I can. I have been in the Air Force for 34 years so am on my last deployment which is why I wanted a quilt this time. I have been based in ACT since 2020 with my partner but am edging closer to retirement. Our plan is to do the nomad thing in a caravan, picking up odd jobs for petrol but will eventually settle in Victoria. 

Again Janis, thank you so much for volunteering your time and skills to do the quilts and laundry bags. Everyone here is in awe of the work done by all the quilters and the products are very much appreciated. It is the one thing nearly everyone does as soon as they arrive, order a quilt. I reckon I got lucky, getting you to make mine, I will treasure it and it will be in the caravan with me.

Take care, enjoy your family and stay safe.


Hello Ellen,

I received one of your laundry bags! Thank you so much for taking the time to make it and sending it out. Yours and a whole bunch of other peoples made it to the Soldiers on Operation COVID.

I am a member of the Army but there were Navy and Air Force personnel there as well.

I really appreciate your effort, it goes a long way.

Thank you for continuing to support us.



Good Evening Ellen,

Thank you for the lovely letter and the care and time you put into making a laundry bag for me.

I’ve just come off shift from Operation COVID Assist where we are helping the government’s quarantine measures.

I’ve been seeing Aussie Hero Quilts (AHQ) for years and am honoured to have now received one of my own.

I am in the Navy and we use laundry bags constantly on ship.

I’ll take a photo when I am next in Uniform and put it on Instagram and Tag AHQ.

I’ve been in the Navy 19 years and am an Electronic Technician, meaning I fix equipment. Although these days I mostly manage staff.

Thank you again. Everyone I know who has received something from AHQ really appreciates the time invested, and we use the quilts and bags constantly.



To Dear Hilary,

Thank you so much for taking the time to create such a beautiful art piece for myself, and my fellow serving members. I truly appreciate the effort and care that was put into making my stunning laundry bag.

Thank you for also sharing your story with me. 

For now, I am off on an adventure, of my own. My 5th deployment in just under 4 years of service. I have been a busy girl! My first time receiving such a gift though.

It has brought the biggest smile to my face. I now have something to remind me of home, to brighten my room, and something to carry my clothes to the laundry and back without having to roll them in a towel. 

Enjoy your next creations and know they are truly appreciated.

From a desert far far away.


Dear Sue-Ellen,

I hope you are well. I am writing to express my sincere thanks for the quilt that you made for me. I apologise for how long it has taken me to get back to you. The quilt is everything that I was hoping for and encapsulates not only my deployments but my military career so far.

Although I was rather specific I was very surprised with how well it was done, so well done.

I have missed my wife and three kids while being deployed.. It is always difficult being separated especially for things like Christmas. Facetime etc. are very useful in keeping in touch with loved ones.

I am currently posted in ACT although originally from Queensland. It is a shame this ANZAC Day will not be celebrated like we have previously, but tit is important to try and keep COVID-19 at bay in Australia and the rest of the world.

Sue- Ellen, once again, thank you for making the quilt for me. I am very happy.


Till next time… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Enjoy Alex x

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