Quilt Presentation to Veteran Gunner Terry Acreman

Written by AHQ

28 July 2021

Quilt presentation to Gunner Terry Acreman.


Remember back to our last Aussie Hero’s thank you dinner? It seems like so long ago, but today, you

can relive a couple moments from that wonderful night..


Do you remember the names Terry & Heather Acreman? Terry is the father of late Leading Seaman

Cameron Acreman. Terry gave a moving speech at the dinner about the service of his son, and the

support he received from the Captain of HMAS Darwin at the time of his son’s passing – Captain Phil

Henry, RAN. Terry and Heather acknowledged and thanked Aussie Hero Quilts as they had received a

Fallen Warrior Quilt in memory of their son. Over the past 5 years, Terry and Phil have become close


Today’s presentation was to thank Terry Acreman, a Vietnam Veteran for his service. From the very

moment Heather B and Roz G arrived to present a quilt, requested for Terry by Phil, it was

apparent there is a great deal of admiration and mutual respect between these two gentlemen. 

Phil and Terry’s wife, Heather A, had planned a lunch for the party of three, so what better time to

present Terry with a quilt, than while they were at the lunch on the beachfront in Scarborough in the

northern suburbs of Brisbane. Phil, had after all, requested the quilt on Terry’s behalf. It seemed

quite fitting to surprise Terry while Phil was visiting.


After initial introductions had occurred, Terry realised Roz had been the other speaker at the dinner

that night and remembered the story and images about the hospital being created in Iraq on

operations. Then the presentation and unfolding of the quilt began. 

Roz G Presenting quilt to terry Acreman

Terry was very much in awe and left speechless initially.

A lot of friendly taunts between Terry and Phil then followed (imagine a couple of adolescent young

men jostling and heckling each other about payback and the comments of ‘just you wait until I come

back with something else’).


Terry, thank you for your service.

L to R. Major Roz G, Veteran Gunner Terry Acreman, Captain Phil Henry, AHQ volunteer Heather B.

👏 👏 👏

(NB: Recipients names are usually not mentioned in our blogs, however due to special circumstances permission has been granted) 

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