Lockdown Sewing….

Written by AHQ

21 August 2021

Hey all,

Like so many of us, I am in lockdown this weekend again.  Seems to be a good excuse to do some cooking and sewing! My sewing plans were solidified earlier this week after I received a couple of messages. One was a text from Chaplain Bruce who has passed out over 4000 laundry bags to members of Operation COVID Assist during pre-deployment briefing sessions.

“Good evening ladies, we had 150 army, navy and Air Force today. I welcomed three parcels of bags, they all went like hot cakes to very grateful recipients. Thank you so much. We’re expecting another 150 tomorrow so I’m praying we get more bags tomorrow. I thank you so very much for your wonderful, continuing generosity. Australia MUST be experiencing a severe material shortage! I have a Warrant Officer who’s asked me for a ‘superhero’ bag – the perfect one came today and while he’s exhausted, he was VERY excited. Thank you so much. We have more (troops) coming through every day this week. They’re all happy to serve. I love this job! God bless you. Bruce 🙏🏽👍😷”

And the other message was on Instagram…. And it said

“I wanted to say a massive thank you from myself and from the ADF members assigned to Op COVID Assist. 

We are assisting the police and staying across various locations so to receive a dhobi bag when we arrived made us smile. Such cool and fun different patterns.  Your letter also made me so appreciative of why you do what you do.

It really makes us feel thought of, appreciated and valued.

Thank you.”

You can see a photo of the lovely young recipient from the Navy below.

Perhaps, if you are looking for something to do this weekend or even in the coming weeks of lockdown, you might like to join me and sew some laundry bags for the sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen deployed to Op COVID Assist. Use whatever fabrics you have. This is a great time to use up that “what was I thinking fabric” as the variety and uniqueness of the bags is one thing that makes them so popular. I just did an online shop and selected some fabrics that I know I will enjoy sewing but I did choose mostly masculine or gender neutral fabric so that the bags will suits both men and women which makes them more versatile for the chaplain to hand them out. The only request is that you include a plain patch so that the recipient can write them name on the bag if required.

You can email Clarissa at fr**********@gm***.com and she will let you know where to send your completed bags to.

This is a selection of the bags I have prepared to sew this weekend. 

Till next time…..happy stitching everyone, and keep spreading the word.

Love Jan-Maree xx

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