Weekly Dispatches – 24th Sept 2021

Written by AHQ

24 September 2021

   Happy Friday!!!

We are well and truly into Spring now aren’t we. Hope you have all been able to get out and enjoy the glorious weather we have been having!!

Here is this weeks fabulous collection of dispatches. As always, full of colour, joy and LOVE!!

Please enjoy!!!


This year so far we have sent off 979 quilts 

and that has brought our total since we started to 13784

We have also sent off 2441 laundry bags, bringing our total since we started to over 32135 laundry bags.


Marianne R

Bridget R

Bridget R

Bridget S quilted by Philomena 

Deirdre BL

Deirdre BL

Deirdre BL

Heather B – Roz G and Mel L

Janet C

Judy N – 6 Laundry Bags

Kath McG

Marianne R

Sue N

Rose B – 6 Laundry Bags

Shirley D – Front and Back

Rachel Buck Emb Clarissa
Jenny N Front and Back

Laura C
Anne H

Bev F – Quilted by Philomena

Bev F – Quilted by Philomena

Bev F – Quilted by Philomena 

Bev F

Bridget R – Quilted by Philomena

Bridget R – Quilted by Philomena

Bridget R – Quilted by Philomena

Deni G

Joy H

Laura C Front and Back

Lyn R

Lyn R

Mairi M

Mairi M

Margaret B – 6 Laundry Bags

Margaret B – 6 Laundry Bags

Toni F
Sandra R
Dierdre BL

Heather B – 6 Laundry Bags

Jenni S

Jenni S

Jenny R – 5 Laundry Bags

Jenny R – 5 Laundry Bags

Lyn R

Pennie T

Sheena B

Sue N

Sue N

Sue N

Susan P

Susan P

Toni F

🌠 🌠 🌠

Well, thats it for another week. 
Stay safe, till next week,
Happy Sewing Everyone!!!

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