A Quilt For Tasch

Written by AHQ

6 October 2021

Hey all,

I hope this video works as I think you will enjoy it. COVID and the various lockdowns around the country are making it necessary to think creatively when it comes to arranging quilt presentations. One of our lovely recipients, Tasch, received her quilt recently, presented to her virtually, by Senator Jim Molan and his wife Anne.

 Senator Jim Molan AO, DSC, is one of our more recent recipients so it was lovely that he and Anne were able to represent us when presenting to Tasch. 

If the video does not work, please let me know. Put “Tasch’s Video” in your subject line and it should get to me. I will try to email it to you direct but as it is quite large (11MB) that might not work for everyone.

Cheers for now,

Jan-Maree xx

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