Grati -Tuesday 30th November 2021

Written by AHQ

30 November 2021


                                        Happy Tuesday Friends!

I hope it has been a very happy and safe week for you all so far.

I am swimming in work, and not much play lately, but I’m soon to head to Melbourne (yes for work) but scheduled in time for much overdue catch ups and some down time as well. I cannot wait!  

Enough of my rambling, have a lovely afternoon, sit back and enjoy the read.                                                      ….

Dear Sue,

I hope you and your family are well in these troubled times. I really appreciate you taking the time to write the letter and the time taken to design and stitch the quilt.

All members deployed, including myself, really appreciate the amount of effort designing and creating such pieces of art that is also useful. It allows us to have a little home away from home, being slightly less dull. This gives us Australians deployed an excellent memory as well as appreciation for the Australians that remember our service and give their generosity of time for either Sailors, Airman or Soldiers who receive these quilts.

Currently, I am a Sailor who is deployed to AMAB in the Middle East ensuring our people who deploy into the areas have their required briefs and any other additional weapons training they require prior to going on their next location.

Again, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your kindness, and your organisation and the people that give their time to make these quilts and letters. 

Best Regards.


Good Evening Amy,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the laundry bag and quilt that you made and sent to me over here in the Middle East Region.

These kind of gestures really make us appreciate how great it is to be a member of the Australian Defence Force. I am a SGT in the RAAF and have been serving for almost 17 years with these two overseas deployments and multiple Australian Domestic Operations and Joint Exercises.

I have two young boys, 5 and 2, who both love coming fishing and camping with me, so they will love the quilt when I return home.

Kindest Regards.



Hope you are well.

Just a quick email to say thank you for my quilt that was given to me today for my 40 years service. I have been on Long Service leave since earlier this year, and was a surprise to receive it today when I attended a farewell to another Solider today at School of Infantry.

Please pass on my thank you to Leila for my quilt that I will keep close to me on the cold nights to come. 

Thank you and all for your ongoing good will to others



Hi Beverley,

I am writing to let you know that I have received this wonderful quilt and laundry bag you made for me. I absolutely love the design and I am sure my daughter will love to find the animal shapes in the clouds. 

Thank you also for sharing a little about yourself.

Once again, many thanks for your generous gift and your letter about yourself. I am very grateful to have received it.


Dear Sue,

Thank you for thinking of me. I’ve been in the ADF medical team since 2009 as a Radiographer.

In 2010, I deployed to South Asia, where we helped 11,000 patients after a huge flood in very difficult conditions. I now work as the Indigenous Liaison Officer for Army, which keeps me quite busy. I also work as a Radiographer in my local hospitals ED.

I live with my partner (a RAAF Officer), our dogs as well as a Burmese Cat in Queensland.

Thank you again for the care you took to prepare my quilt. I love how it reflects my love of nature and of the challenging time. It will brighten my regular trips I do for the Army.

Thank you


Dear Jan-Maree,

I received your wonderful laundry bag, and wanted to tell you how much I appreciated it. It’s a wonderful piece of artistry, sewing and design. I love the choice of fabrics particularly the red and blue stethoscopes that keep giving long after you realise what they are.

I would like to thank you and your organisation for the work you have done. I saw an example of your work when I was in the Middle East – our folk loved the quilts, not just because of the handiwork but because it was a sign that they were appreciated and not forgotten.

During my deployment, we lost one of our medics and two soldiers from a rocket attack. We were hit again without loss of life but with many casualties. Despite this, our situation didn’t rate a mention on the ABC.

Of course, this isn’t why the ADF do what they do, but it easy to feel disconnected.

The quilts and laundry bags provide that connection with home. So thank you.

I was saddened to hear of your diagnosis,  but very happy to hear that you have had a stem cell transplant and achieved remission. I hope you have many, many, many boring years of normality and as a mother of 29 year old twin boys, lots more time to enjoy them.

Thanks and all the very best for you, your your family and your group.


Afternoon Deidre,

I would just like to thank you for the amazing job on the Perth Wildcats Quilt you recently made for me. I absolutely love it.

Thank you again.


Good Morning Ruth,

Words can’t express the excitement and thanks I have for making me the stunning laundry bag. I don’t like it, I LOVE IT!

A little about me; I am a wife, my husband is very supportive of my service career and I will soon tick over into my 34 full time years of service. 

I am also a very proud mother of 2, a daughter who is now 17 and a son, 15. I’ve been deployed overseas and provide Dental Assistant support for numerous humanitarian missions such as Asia working on the UNNS Mercy Hospital Ship which I have found absolutely rewarding and highlights in my career.

You absolutely made my day Ruth, thank you so much for brightening my day.

Stay safe and take care.



I served in the Middle East from 2018 to 2019. Whilst deployed I received an absolutely amazing Russell Coight quilt that had been signed by Glenn Robbins. This quilt had been quilted by Pennie, and she wrote me a letter all about her family and her time making my quilt which was far beyond my expectations.

I always meant to write her a return letter but never did when I returned to Australia and lost the letter that she wrote me. It wasn’t until last week that I thought about that and I felt guilt that I hadn’t responded after she put such effort into making my quilt.

Kind Regards 


Good Afternoon Shirley,

Thank you so much for the laundry bags and note you sent, which I received this morning. All bags have already been handed out to very appreciative recipients.

The Joint Task Force of Army, Navy and Air Force have continued doing a great job throughout NSW and soon into the Northern Territory. I’ve had the privilege of handing out well over 4,000 laundry bags since this started and it’s hard to know when NSW and Victoria will be out of trouble. All the politics aside, I appreciate that our Premiers are doing their best for their respective states and we’re much closer to opening up again now than for a long time before this. NSW has hit 11 weeks of lockdown, which is very strange for everyone, not least of which is our church community who can’t wait to come back.

My wife and I are retiring in a few years and have brought our retirement home in NSW. We overlook a golf course, which is beautiful. My worst day ever is associated with a game of golf – at which my biggest handicap is myself. I can only admire those who are far better at it than I ever will be. For me, it’s like the WC Fields reportedly said, a game of golf ruins a good walk.

We are so grateful our children have all grown up and our youngest son (23) still lives at home, and is a nurse working in Intensive Care Unit. We’re blessed with 12 grandchildren and number 13 due this year.

I’m constantly astounded at the amazing quality of the young men and women in our ADF. A couple of years ago we had a service at the chapel here for Long Tan Vets and their greatest concern is what sort of an Army has followed them. After mixing with our young men and women they left much happier than when they arrived. Our boys and girls are wonderful.

The Army is under stress with the investigation into those who served in the Middle East and the collapse of the government there, but it’s great to remind them they did make a difference and trust those who’ve grown up there over the past 20 years will take the opportunities they’ve been given and make it a much better country.

I count it an amazing privilege to be able to serve in our Army and sharing with the three services for COVID is a wonderful opportunity and they’re doing such a magnificent job.

Thank you again for the laundry bags – they’re very much loved and appreciated and as I tell those who receive them, every bag is sewn together with love and appreciation for all they do.

I thank you and please know you are appreciated too – Aussie Heroes can only be heroes when they’re supported by people such as yourself.

God Bless You


Good Morning Ann,

Firstly, I would like to thank you so much for the absolutely most beautiful quilt you made me, to which I love. When I opened the package it brought me to tears (happy ones). I will always cherish and have it with me as a keepsake. Being so proud I took it into work and showed all the surgeons and nurses, what you made and they were all in awe.

Once again, a big thank you, I will always cherish and be grateful for your work and contribution to acknowledging our service. 

Take good care.


Dear Clarissa and all,

I am so excited to let you know that one of my soldiers phoned to tell me that the quilt we made for him in tartan colours is a work of art and is planning to hang it so the cats and children do not relax on it.

So happy!


Good Afternoon Jan-Maree,

Yesterday I was visited by WO2 who presented me with my Aussie Hero Quilt. Words will never express how much I appreciate what your group is doing for our veterans. The embroidery is amazing, and Jacqui even managed to track down the unit plaque. The artwork she used for this was produced by a unit member.

Yes, we were not treated well when we returned from Vietnam in the 60’s and 70’s. Some have not been able to get over this treatment, whilst some of us have moved on. I am proud of my service, and humbled by what has been presented to me.

547 Sig Tp was a very small unit, originally stationed in the 1st Task Force area. During the Australian presence there were only 214 who served in this unit, many who have since passed. We have only recently been recognised for our work in intelligence gathering, and our role is now openly discussed. Most of us were career soldiers and still stay in touch.

Thank you once again, for what you have done for all of us veterans.

Kind Regards.


Good Morning Sheena,

Thank you so much for the quilt. I must say I was surprised to receive it. I had absolutely no idea it was coming. Such a nice surprise, thank you so much.

I really appreciate all the hard work that the good people at Aussie Hero Quilts do.

I have been in the Navy for about 17 years. Served on eleven ships and deployed multiple times to all sorts of different zones. 

During my time I have been lucky to be supported by my beautiful wife, who has been a rock at home for our family. We have two children, 9 and 6, with another bun in the oven due in February. My parents live in Queensland, and my wife’s parents live near by there too. Most of our immediate family live within an hour or so of there. So we are keen to head back there in the next couple of years (20 years is the goal)! The grandparents are very keen to have the kids living close to home.

As far as lockdown goes, it has been tough on all of us. Most of all the kids, who have been missing the social interactions with their friends at school. Since this COVID thing started, I have been deployed to help out three times. Once in Victoria, last year to help out with COVID testing, then to NSW to help vaccinate residents in aged care facilities earlier this year, and more recently to vaccinate some in regional towns.

All of them have been rewarding, and I have tried to make the best of the situation wherever possible (humour is the key!).

Mostly, I am looking forward to spending some time with my family and welcoming our new child into the world. I join HMAS Canberra in the new year, for my next stint attached to a ship, which I am really looking forward to.

I love the idea of the camper travel lifestyle. It’s something that really appeals to me and something that I will definitely pursue once time permits and the kids are a lot older. The idea of taking my house with me to go and visit some of the amazing places in Australia is an absolute dream for me. I enjoy camping and 4wd’ing on weekends and love seeing places which are remote and unusual. All I have to do is convince the wife, which is the real challenge of it all.

Hopefully the lockdown has all but ended.

Thank you very much for the quilt. It really made my day.

Take care.



I would like to thank you for my quilt that was presented to me last night at the RSL of which I am president. 

Your quilt was appreciated as much as any medal and I am very thankful of your acknowledgment and recognition of my service.

This quilt will remind me to think positively about my overseas deployment and that support from people like you makes it all worthwhile.

Kind Regards


Hi Helen,

I am an Infantry Platoon Commander currently posted to the 7th Battalion in South Australia.

I was lucky enough to receive one of your quilts today while attached to Operation COVID Assist. It was mauve with butterflies, which I thought was really sweet and very different from the many green things I own. 

I’d like to pass on from my soldiers how much they appreciated their laundry bags. I have no doubt they’ll keep using them for the rest of their careers.

Kindest Regards.


Good Evening Mairi,

I just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful quilt that I received today.

My children also absolutely loved it.



Hi Nicole,

I presented a quilt a few weeks ago. He was deeply touched by the quilt, definitely feeling the love that went into it’s construction.

We had a lovely chat after I presented the quilt, which he wasn’t aware of, even having his wife call the RAN Captain who nominated him. It was very touching. His three boys were there too.

‘Shared to LinkedIn’:

As an ambassador for Aussie Hero Quilts, I had the pleasure of meeting Group Captain, his wife and their boys, to present a quilt made by our talented volunteers.

The quilt represented his long career with the Royal Australian Air Force, that has taken them across Australia and the world. Most recently GPCAPT served with distinction in Middle East, with the deployment being cut short by the recent events. Little has been easy since coming home as GPCAPT observes familiar streets in the news coverage from Middle East, and he fights for the safety of those he worked with during his time there.

Meeting GPCAPT was like connecting with a long lost family member and it was an absolute pleasure. We discussed much about his experiences recently and how the fall of the Middle East feels to veterans of the conflict. Plus the broader notion of mental health in our serving and ex-serving members.

This was a pleasure to do, thank you.


From the LinkedIn Page:

‘I’m sure one of their quilts stopped me from freezing to death in the snow on a -17c night on operations. For that reason, it lives with my first aid kit in the car. That first aid kit luckily has been on hand for some major road accidents and that quilt has provided some comfort to injured complete strangers. Thank you Aussie Hero Quilters, for volunteering so much time and giving me a gift which continues giving’.


Hello Bridget,

I would like to thank you for my Aussie Quilt and Laundry Bag. They’re lovely. I like the panel with various nursing uniforms in the quilt.

I have deployed a few times with the RAAF and was in the Middle East in 2013. Until now I had not been fortunate enough to receive one of these lovely quilts.

The Americans definitely have the support of the public when they are deployed. Having said that we now have your gorgeous quilts. Things from home are always welcome.

I have been nursing since 1976, my specialty is operating theatres, which is what I did in the Middle East. I am in the process of building myself a wellness business so that I can retire from Nursing.

I was not fortunate enough to have children myself, though I do have nieces and nephews all grown. My dependent is a cheeky little fellow that was abandoned and adopted me about 4 years ago. He’s a Maltese X Poodle. He’s a very endearing little guy and as cute as a button. We go for walks all the time, he just loves company.

Once again, thank you for my quilt and bag.

Kind Regards 


Dear Anne,

Thank you so much for my quilt! You hit the nail on the head, when it came to the Australian theme. I love it so much and can’t wait to take it with me on my future journeys.

Once again, thank you so much.


Good Morning Bridget,

I was fortunate enough to receive the beautiful quilt that you made for me while deployed with the ADF.

I just wanted to say a big thank you. It’s beautiful and I appreciate the detail with the Sydney Swans and the Rising Sun for the Army. I asked for these features. My son and I love AFL (especially Sydney Swans) and he has been very brave while I have been away.

Currently, this quilt is on my bed, and then when I return home it will be on my son’s bed. So thank you for creating something that will be a special keepsake in my family. My son is very excited to see it and use it when I get home.

Thank you for sharing about your family. It’s lovely to hear that making quilts is a special experience between you and your daughter. I have been in the Australian Army for 14 years, and am married to another Army Officer. We have one son, who is in preschool, and goes to school next year, (not sure I am ready for that yet), and two labradors who think they are human. 

I miss them while I have been away, but they have been keeping each other company with their antics. Hopefully, I’ll be back and see them soon.

Thank you again for making this quilt. I hope that you and your family are well during the COVID-19 restrictions in Australia.

Thank you and Kind Regards.


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Cheers for now!


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