Grati -Tuesday 4th January 2022

Written by AHQ

4 January 2022

Welcome to first Grati-Tuesday 2022, but that also means I am back at work. No rest for the wicked right!?!

Not entirely true, I am looking forward to a few days off when school resumes, and hopefully I can escape to the beach for a few days without it being overcrowded.

I hope wherever you spent Christmas and the holidays has been safe and happy.

Happy New Year friends!


Thanks from those aboard HMAS Sirius


Good Afternoon Lyn,

Apologies for the late reply, life and work got in the way of this much desired reply. Rest assured I received the exquisitely made quilt in early September where it was a fixture on my living room couch until I left for sea where it is now permanently set on my rack (bed) on board HMAS Waller.

My family (wife, son (12) and daughter (8)), and I play darts almost every night, having two boards set up and a portable one for travelling, we are never far from throwing some arrows.

I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and great New Year. Keep up the great work with AHQ, your efforts are appreciated by all and your workmanship is displayed on most of the rack on board.

Kind Regards


Afternoon Jenny,

I would first like to say a massive thank you for the quilt you have made for me. It arrived today and it is amazing.

I have read your letter and found it very interesting. I’m glad your family is doing so well to keep in touch.

I have not been in the Defence that long, and my biological family doesn’t really have to tie to Defence. I found my way into Defence by just trying to give myself the best possible early start to my life I could.

See the world a little bit and give me an idea of what I want to achieve in my lifetime. I am a massive nerd and have been pulling things apart long before I could spell my own name. I have always been like this, and my role in the Navy allows me to continue that aspiration.

I am originally from NSW. I have travelled a fair bit for my age, but enjoy Australia. I currently live in WA, which I have accustomed to calling home. I think I will remain here for some time.

I hope you and your family remain well, and get plenty of time to catch up over this coming Christmas.

I wish you all the best.


Good Morning Thelma,

I just wanted to say a heart felt thank you for making my quilt from Aussie Heroes 🙂

It’s exactly what I wanted with the bright colours, poppies on it and the weight lifting pictures. A great addition for my home, and you are doing great work for all the veterans out there.

Best wishes to you for the holiday season.

Much love and kindness.


Dear Clarissa,

Thanks for your email.

Thank you and the team who have been putting so much effort and love to us. I really appreciate it.

They are the best Christmas gifts ever to me. I couldn’t ask for more.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.



Dear Clarissa,

Hope this email finds you well.

I came back from the COVID Assist Operation in NSW last month and surprisingly received my laundry bag after hotel quarantine.

It’s so beautiful and well made.

I couldn’t ask for more.

Thank you so much for organising it for me.

I really appreciate it, thank you for looking after us in this very special way.



Dear Jan-Maree,

I was very surprised, but greatly blessed to receive a personalised Aussie Hero Quilt a few weeks ago. I know of many others who have received these over the years, and they have all appreciated them greatly as well.

It is very special to have something that has so much meaning. The cross and the poppies captured this nicely. Rather than taking it home, I thought I’d keep it hanging on my wall in the office at School of Infantry for the time being, as this is a place where plenty of people will see it.

I am coming up to 14 years of service as a Chaplain and 16 years overall. While I have not been deployed overseas, it has been an honour to contribute to the lives of people as they go through their training here in Australia. On the many occasions of speaking with a trainee who is distressed, or inputting a group through a Character Development session, I have certainly felt like I’m on the frontline of service.

The surgery that I received recently was highly successful. It has good to have recovered from the operation and to have been quickly feeling a lot more energetic and capable physically. With God as my strength, I hope to serve for a while longer.

Keep up the great work, and thanks again for thinking of me and blessing me this way.


Good Afternoon Joan,

I apologise that I can’t write a proper letter to thank you for your support of our troops here, but outbound mail has been particularly disrupted from Asia over the last 18 months.

Please accept this email instead; Thank you so much, for your wonderful work providing our personnel with laundry bags. It means a lot to them to know that someone back home is thinking of them while they’re away.

I pray that God will bless your Christmas, and may you enjoy family, friends, and good food for the holidays.



Good Afternoon Bronwyn,

Thank you very much for your letter and handmade quilt that you sent me! It made me so happy to receive it and use it whilst at sea!

I finish up on HMAS Sirius next week before posting to HMAS Sydney and I can’t wait for my quilt to see a lot more of sea time with me!

I just realised I haven’t told you how much how I love the design! Thank you so much for the lovely quilt and the beautiful design! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into making my quilt and I can’t wait to take it with me to every ship I post on.

Thank you


Good Morning Lynn,

I recently received a quilt that you handcrafted for me. It was ‘Great Southern Land’ and ‘Australiana’ theme with Uluru and an the Honey Ants on it. I love it so much and appreciate you putting in the effort to create something to match my request.

Thanks for the effort you are putting in, it means a lot to those of us able to receive these quilts.



Good Evening Lisa,

Just wanted to send a quick email to let you know that I received my quilt safe and sound and it’s beautiful.

Thanks so much.

Kind Regards


The following was a comment on Facebook that was too good not to share here:

I would like to thank all of the volunteers for the amazing work you do. My son is in the RAN and he treasures the laundry bag and quilt he received this year. He’s been at sea for most of the year and will arrive back in WA soon, but can’t come home to NSW for Christmas due to the border closures.

The time and effort put in by each and every volunteer is very much appreciated and if you are the volunteer who made my sons quilt many thank and much love from this RAN mum.


Good Afternoon Diane,

I apologise that I can’t write a proper letter to thank you for your support of our troops here, especially in response to your own. Unfortunately, outbound mail has been particularly disrupted from Asia over the last 18 months; evening incoming mail has taken extra time to arrive, perhaps understandably!

Please accept this email instead; Thank you so much for your wonderful work providing our personnel with laundry bags. It means a lot to them to know that someone back home is thinking of them while they are away.

Much is sacrificed for us in the pursuit of security and freedom, and Vietnam was no different. Your own service as an artist with these laundry bags is also vital service; Thank you!

I pray that God will bless your Christmas and may you enjoy family, friends and good food for the holidays.



Have a fabulous and fun week friends. Don’t forget to continue to like, comment and share.

Till next week.

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